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Releases: Xhyzi/gba2pmd

Gba to Pret Music Data v0.8.1

06 Feb 00:25
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What is gba2pmd?

  • Gba2pmd is a tool that can extract music data from gba roms using the "m4a" sound system, converting the data into a format compatible with 3rd gen Pokémon pret projects (pokeemerald, pokefirered and pokeruby). This should make it easier to export the data from older hackrom projects, or other gba roms.

  • Gba2pmd has built-in support for several roms, as well as an option to extract the data from any ROM, as long as the user indicates the song table offset (the rom should be using the aforementioned "m4a" sound system).

A couple of things missing

  • In this release, the ".mid" files from each song are not automatically generated, and should be obtained from either Sappy or gba2mid/agb2mid. Songs are named automatically as "MUS_XXX", being XXX the song id in "/include/constants/songs.h"

  • Also, the generated "pret compatible" files have to be manually inserted into your pret project.

v0.8.1 fix

Fixed an error that caused a crash while trying to load unkown roms.