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Adding a New XItem to the Repository

Rahul Kunwar edited this page Sep 6, 2020 · 6 revisions

Important information about Git branch in this document

Although most of the contributions typically target the master branch, the actual branch accepting contributions depends on the Vivado release and needs to be checked on this page.

In this document, the Git branch can be refereed as master or <branch> but the exact Git branch name should be used for all the Git commands of this document.

1. Create and develop your example design

The expectation is that you have already developed the example and are ready to contribute to xilinx ced store.

Note: Additional information about Creating new example design can be found inside the Vivado Design Suite User Guide(UG986)

2. Copy new developed example design inside cloned repo

Note: If you have not already cloned the repository, then clone the latest repository and appropriate branch. Setup up the Local Repository

#Change current working directory to github repository directory
cd XilinxCEDStore
#Create a sub-directory for your company
mkdir -p ced/<MY_COMPANY>
#Create a sub-directory for your newly developed example design
#Copy your example inside

3. Create the Xitem json metadata File for new example

The xitem json is used by the CED Store engine. It includes the list of brief details about example design along with revision history, author and so forth. The xitem JSON is saved under the example directory and is named xitem.json

To generate a new xitem.json file, use the following python script:


Typical Command Usage :

#Change current working directory to github repository directory
cd XilinxCEDStore

#Type 'python ./utility/ --help' for more details.

python ./utility/ --design_file ./ced/<MY_COMPANY>/<MY_NEW_EXAMPLE_SHORT_NAME>/design.xml --output_file ./ced/<MY_COMPANY>/<MY_NEW_EXAMPLE_SHORT_NAME>/xitem.json --company_display_name <OWNER_COMPANY_DISPLAY_NAME> --company_url <OWNER_COMPANY_DISPLAY_NAME> --author <OWNER_NAME_FOR_THIS_EXAMPLE>

ls ./ced/<MY_COMPANY>/<MY_NEW_EXAMPLE_SHORT_NAME>/xitem.json

4. Submit and Generate a pull request for the changes

cd XilinxCEDStore
git checkout <branch>
git add .
git status
git commit -m "message for the change"
git push

Once your changes are submitted to your cloned repository. Generate the pull request from your cloned repo. XilinxCEDStore gatekeepers automatically gets a notification and they will review and submit your changes. Check 'how to generate pull request' for more details.