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A project in unimelb COMP90049 (Introduction to Machine Learning)

In this project, you will develop and critically analyse models for predicting the the salary of jobs. That is, given a job description, gender class it falls under: balanced male-female (0) or maledominated (1) or female-dominated (2), and the predicted value: salary (mean_salary or salary_bin).

Reading data

There are two versions of datasets.

"raw-data": the raw requirements and role in each job id. "tfidf_data": (1) removed all stopwords and (2) only retained the 500 words in the full raw job description data set with highest TFIDF values. As a result, each job ad is now represented as a 500 dimensional feature vector, each dimension corresponding to one of the 500 words.

Data overview

Checked the basic information of features as well as balanced labels in train and test sets.

Feature selection

  • Used mutual information to select important features by calculating entropy between each feature and label.
  • Ranked these features and Ploted a historgram to examine the distributions

Supervised machine learning

  • Using Logistic regression and Gaussian Naive Bayes to train labeled data

  • Results: Both of two models gived similar results, with accuracies of 0.21 for GNB and 0.22 for LR.

Semi-supervised learning

  • Definition: Giving unlabeled data a predicted label using trained ML algorithms under supervised learning.

  • Purpose: Gaining more labeled data to improve the accuracy of ML algorithms

  • Results: After using semi-supervised learning, both LR got slightly improvements from 0.22 to 0.23, while GNB remained the same.


A project in COMP90049






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