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ES6 abstract ToString with Symbol conversion support.

See: 7.1.12 ToString ( argument )
Version: 1.0.2
Author: Xotic750
License: MIT
Copyright: Xotic750


The abstract operation ToString converts argument to a value of type String, however the specification states that if the argument is a Symbol then a 'TypeError' is thrown. This version also allows Symbols be converted to a string. Other uncoercible exotics will still throw though.

Kind: Exported function
Returns: string - The converted value.

Param Type Description
value * The value to convert to a string.


import toStringSymbolsSupported from 'to-string-symbols-supported-x';

console.log(toStringSymbolsSupported()); // 'undefined'
console.log(toStringSymbolsSupported(null)); // 'null'
console.log(toStringSymbolsSupported('abc')); // 'abc'
console.log(toStringSymbolsSupported(true)); // 'true'
console.log(toStringSymbolsSupported(Symbol('foo'))); // 'Symbol('foo')'
console.log(toStringSymbolsSupported(Object(Symbol('foo')))); // 'Symbol('foo')'
console.log(toStringSymbolsSupported(Object.create(null))); // TypeError