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This repository has been archived by the owner on Jul 16, 2021. It is now read-only.
Mats edited this page Jul 16, 2021 · 1 revision



This project contains a dinner-event app. The app is developed to bring users that want to cook dinner together a platform. The main features of this app involve the users creating dinner events for others to attend. Important functionality includes users being able to sign up for dinner events, editing events the user has created, and admin user features.

This app is developed as a part of course TDT4140 at Norwegian University of Science and Technology, spring 2021.


The app has gradle build, with android application frontend and firebase backend. IntelliJ IDEA is the IDE used by the development team, and testcoverage is provided by JaCoCo.

Developer necessities

The development environment is complete when every developer has all the right tools. This is needed:

  1. Java version: openjdk 14.0.2 2020-07-14
  2. IntelliJ IDEA

Developer installation

  1. git clone
  2. Open folder as Gradle project in an IDE
  3. Build project from 'Build' menu
  4. Run project by running MainActivity in app/src/main
  5. Run tests and check code coverage using 'gradlew clean test' ('./gradlew clean test' on Mac)

Known bugs

  • If a Mac-user gets the error 'permission denied' when trying to run a ./gradlew command, the user should write 'chmod +x gradlew' in terminal, and the error should be resolved.
  • By using the another java version than specified earlier will lead to no test coverage report. The bug is common as only the latest version of JaCoCo (February 2021) supports Java 15, not the earlier version implemented in this project.

Admin login in-app

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