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Patrick Busch edited this page Nov 24, 2019 · 9 revisions

Welcome to the Bisectplus wiki!

I found that the bisect tool had a lot of potential and after reading a good few questions in, i decided to try and get some features asked or mentioned included.

One topic was to separate an object while being able to get both sides of the cut easy for further work. So to make it easy i ended up using a simple plane object, calculate all needed info for bisect from it to be used on the active object. With the object to bisect active, the tool can be started, which will then ask for a plane object to be chosen in a pop-up box. After the plane is selected and the "Ok" given, there will be 3 vertex groups generated for the object. The "bisectionloop" represents the cutline around the object, thus loop. The "sideA" and "sideB" each hold the vertices for the 2 sides of the bisection and both include the center. That way it is easy to select either and generate a new object if needed.

While the idea is to cut the object with bisect through a given plane, the cut is also depending on the selection of the object, means that if only a part is selected before the function is executed, it will result in a partially generated cut and bisectionloop. The generation of the vertex groups will still be done and with no selection, it can be used as a split based on the plane without a smooth cutline.

The new version offers a few more options:

  • Display of the selected to be bisected object-name
  • Eyedropper for the plane object to allow easier selection
  • option to remember the manual selection of the selected vertices on the target-mesh, which will be restored after the operation is done
  • override option for the selection, to make it easy to ensure, that all vertices will be considered for the bisection
  • fill, clear inner and clear outer options as well as the axis threshold from the original bisection function were taken over and allow now destructive bisections as well
  • the entire User Interface will only allow interaction if the selected object is a mesh, preventing attempts to bisect lights and cameras

Here the usage of the add-on in a short explanatory videos. A






I hope the add-on will be of help for some, i learned a lot writing it.

While the add-on is free, i'd appreciate every so little donation/motivation to

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