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test vue e2e with karma

note: you can also test your project with Vue CLI 3

some deps for test

  • webpack4
  • vue2
  • babel7
  • mocha6
  • karma4

some config


01.tell karma which file to test (karma.config.js)

02.tell karma to process test files with karma-webpack and karma-sourcemap-loader (karma.config.js)

03.tell karma to use mocha framework with karma-mocha (karma.config.js)

04.tell karma to use spec reporter likes mocha spec reporter with karma-spec-reporter (karma.config.js)

05.tell karma to use Istanbul with karma-coverage (karma.config.js)

06.tell karma to test in browser chrome with karma-chrome-launcher (karma.config.js)

07.tell karma to use chai with karma-chai (karma.config.js)

note: if use mocha , remember to install mocha lib . if you use chai,remember to install chai lib .

some command

# install dependencies
npm install
#install tes deps (esstional)
#npm run install:tes
#npm run install:tes:e2e
#install dev deps (optional)
#npm run install:dev
#install pro deps (optional)
#npm run install:pro

# run build for dev
npm run dev

# run build for pro
#npm run build
npm run build:pro

#run test
npm run test
#run test for e2e
npm run test:e2e
npm run test:tes:with-ci

get more

For detailed explanation on how he work, consult the docs vuejs.vue-template-compiler.github

For detailed explanation on how he work, consult the docs vuejs.vue-style-loader.github

For detailed explanation on how he work, consult the docs webpack-contrib.css-loader.github

For detailed explanation on how he work, consult the docs zinserjan.mocha-webpack.github


For detailed explanation on how he work, consult the docs karma-runner.karma-mocha.github

For detailed explanation on how he work, consult the docs xdissent.karma-chai.github


For detailed explanation on how he work, consult the docs karma-runner.karma-coverage.github

For detailed explanation on how he work, consult the docs karma-runner.karma-chrome-launcher.github

For detailed explanation on how he work, consult the docs vuejs.vue-test-utils.github

For detailed explanation on how he work, consult the docs vuejs.eslint-plugin-vue.github




Evan You
