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Introduction in one line

This repository is a PyTorch implementation of AlexNet.


  • based on PyTorch 1.5 and Python 3.7.
  • using TensorBoardX to record loss and accuracy.
  • pretrained on imagenette (a subset of 10 classes from imagenet).
  • supports both Batch Normalization and Local Response Normalization.
  • using groups of convolution layers to simulate multi-gpu training, thus the network structure is more familiar to the original one in the paper rather than the official implementation of pytorch.





CUDA support is recommended but not essential.

Prepare dataset

Please refer to this page to download the imagenette dataset.

Extract the imagenette2 folder to PyTorch-AlexNet/datasets/.

Start training

Run the following command under PyTorch-AlexNet/.

python --name myalexnet

Arguments table

  • --normalization choose which normalization method to use, either bn or lrn.
  • --activation choose which activation method to use, either relu or tanh.
  • --pooling choose which pooling method to use, either max or avg.
  • --epochs how many epochs to train, a possitive integer.
  • --batch_size how many images a batch contains, a possitive integer.
  • --num_classes how many classes to classify in this dataset, it can be automatically set if using imagenet or imagenette dataset.
  • --dataset the name of dataset, either imagenet or imagenette.
  • --starting_epoch the starting epoch, default 0, if set to a possitive integer, the starting_epoch-1 checkpoint will be loaded before training.

Learning rate

I found that 5e-3 is a nice learning rate for both batch normalization and local response normalization network. The learning rate will automatically decrease during training. Actually, it will be multiplied by 0.1 every 30 epochs.


the tensorboard logdir is log/name, run the following command to start tensorboard server.

tensorboard --logdir log/myalexnet

Remember that tensorboard and tensorflow should be installed before this.

Why this repo exists

It's the team project for 算法设计与分析.


Krizhevsky, Alex & Sutskever, Ilya & Hinton, Geoffrey. (2012). ImageNet Classification with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks. Neural Information Processing Systems. 25. 10.1145/3065386.