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Y STEM and Chess

Welcome to the Y STEM and Chess project! This document will guide you through setting up your development environment.

Development Environment Setup



This project uses NodeJS version 14

For Linux: sudo apt install nodejs

For Windows:


Nodemon is a utility that will monitor for any changes in your source and automatically restart your server.

For Linux: sudo npm install -g nodemon

For Windows:npm install -g nodemon


Apache is a widely used web server software

For Linux: sudo apt update && sudo apt install apache2

For Windows:

Environment Variables

You should have been given access to a script named

  1. Paste this file into the root of the react repository
  2. Run it in the terminal by running sh
  3. If you are on Windows, you will have to run the script in Git Bash

Setting Up Individual Services

This project consists of several services. Here's how to set each one up:

React Frontend (react-ystemandchess)

  1. Navigate to the react-ystemandchess directory inside the react folder.
  2. Run npm install to install the necessary dependencies.
  3. run npm start to start the React development environment.

Middleware Node (middlewareNode)

  1. Navigate to the middlewareNode directory inside the react folder.
  2. Run npm install to install the necessary dependencies.
  3. Run nodemon index.js to start the server.

Stockfish Server (stockfishServer)

  1. Navigate to the stockfishServer directory inside the react folder.
  2. Run npm install and npm i dotenv to install the necessary dependencies.
  3. Run nodemon index.js to start the server.

Chess Server (chessServer)

  1. Navigate to the chessServer directory inside the react folder.
  2. Run npm install and npm i dotenv to install the necessary dependencies.
  3. Run nodemon index.js to start the server.

Chess Client (chessClient)

  1. Navigate to the chessClient directory inside the react folder.
  2. Run npm i dotenv to install the necessary dependencies.
  3. Start the chess client:
  • On Linux: Run cp -r * /var/www/html/. You'll need to do this every time you make a change to the chessClient directory.
  • On Windows: Copy all the files from chessClient into the htdocs folder of your Apache installation. Then, run httpd -k install and httpd -k start in your terminal. After this, you should be able to go to "http://localhost" and see the chessboard.

That's it! You've set up your development environment for the Y STEM and Chess project. Happy coding!