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Codebase for Image-Based Query Search Engine

We have designed and implemented an image-based query search engine that strikes a good balance between efficiency and accuracy. Users can submit any image they want to search for, and the engine will return similar images in a custom database. The main components of the system are shown in the following diagram: pipeline

This work is a combination of three master's thesis projects. Welcome to check out our theses via the following links:

Note: It is true that there are many code files, but most of them are written for the convenience of testing modules. Only a small number of files are needed to use our model and reproduce our results, refer to the detailed descriptions below.

To simply use the pretrained models directly:

  1. Create and activate a virtual python environment
  2. Install packages using requirements.txt
    pip install -r requirements.txt
    Faiss needs to be installed manually: pip install faiss-gpu
    The torch version and cuda version should be compatible
  3. Download the pretrained network from and save it under data/networks
  4. Change the paths in function extr_selfmade_dataset (src/networks/ to the paths of your datasets (which are just folders contain jpg images)
  5. Create symbolic link to map your datasets under static/test/
  6. Run to extract and save the features of images
    python3 -m src.offline --datasets 'YOUR_DATASET_1, YOUR_DATASET_2, …, YOUR_DATASET_N' --gpu '0' --network 'resnet101-solar-best.pth' --K-nearest-neighbour 100
    • The datasets will be merged to be your database. Given a query image, the engine will find the most similar images in the database.
    • If no GPU is available, replace --gpu '0' by --NoGPU.
    • If the database is large-scale (>100k), then you may need to use approximate nearest neighbour search methods, e.g., ANNOY. Select it by adding --matching_method 'ANNOY' --ifgenerate after the original command. It is normal that runs for a long time (even for days if the database is million-scale and HNSW or PQ_HNSW is chosen).
    • Still, pay attention to the paths of the outputs. You can find and modify the settings in functions save_path_feature and load_path_feature (src/utils/
  7. Run
    python3 -m --datasets 'YOUR_DATASET_1, YOUR_DATASET_2, …, YOUR_DATASET_N' --gpu '0' --network 'resnet101-solar-best.pth' --K-nearest-neighbour 100
    • The datasets and network should be exactly the same as the ones you choose when running
    • If no GPU is available, replace --gpu '0' by --NoGPU.
    • Use neighbour search methods if necessary. But do not include --ifgenerate since the required data/structures have been generated.
    • After running a link will appear, click and operate on the GUI interface. Upload the query image and wait for the results.

If you want to tweak the model or reproduce our results:

To retrain the model

If you want to retrain the model yourself, the example training script is located in src/ To train the model, you should firstly make sure you have downloaded the training datasets Sfm120k or GoogleLandmarksv2 in data/train/, then you can start training by running

   python3 -m src.main_train [-h] [--training-dataset DATASET] [--no-val]
                [--test-datasets DATASETS] [--test-whiten DATASET]
                [--test-freq N] [--arch ARCH] [--pool POOL]
                [--local-whitening] [--regional] [--whitening]
                [--not-pretrained] [--loss LOSS] [--loss-margin LM]
                [--image-size N] [--neg-num N] [--query-size N]
                [--pool-size N] [--gpu-id N] [--workers N] [--epochs N]
                [--batch-size N] [--optimizer OPTIMIZER] [--lr LR] [--ld LD]
                [--soa] [--weight-decay W] [--soa-layers N] [--sos] [--lambda N] 
                [--print-freq N] [--flatten-desc]

To reproduce the results

   python3 -m src.test_rOP1m
  • Add --include1m if you want to include 1 million distractors. Before that download the pre-extracted feature vectors of the 1 million distractors via (Save it wherever you want, but do not forget to change the path in
  • Add --ifextracted if the features of images in revisited Oxford and Paris have already been extracted.
  • Choose test mode by specifying --mode. Use --mode 'mAP' (default) to reproduce the results of mean average precision, and use --mode 'num_images_to_be_retrieved' to reproduce the results of retrieval time. E.g., with --mode '100' you can get the retrieval time of top-100 results. It is recommended to first use --mode 'mAP' and then --mode 'num_images_to_be_retrieved' --ifextracted to mimic the offline-online procedure.

List of nearest neighbour search methods you can choose from

Nearest neighbour search methods are necessary for large-scale datasets (>100k). Implementations of all nearest neighbour search methods can be found in src/utils/ (Not all of them are integrated into the final system.)

  • Product Quantization (--matching_method 'PQ')
    matching_Nano_PQ(K, embedded_features_train, embedded_features_test, dataset, N_books=16, n_bits_perbook=8, ifgenerate=True)
  • ANNOY (--matching_method 'ANNOY')
    matching_ANNOY(K, embedded_features_train, embedded_features_test, metric, dataset, n_trees=100, ifgenerate=True)
  • Hierarchical Navigable Small World (--matching_method 'HNSW')
    matching_HNSW(K, embedded_features_train, embedded_features_test, dataset, m=4, ef=8, ifgenerate=True)
  • Product Quantization + Hierarchical Navigable Small World (--matching_method 'PQ_HNSW')
    matching_HNSW_NanoPQ(K, embedded_features, embedded_features_test, dataset, N_books=16, N_words=256, m=4, ef=8, ifgenerate=True)

See the code comments for the meaning of the variables.
Recommondation: ANNOY (efficient), HNSW (accurate), PQ+HNSW (only when memory is an issue)

List of re-ranking methods you can choose from

You can choose from three re-ranking methods (QGE, SAHA, and LoFTR), the implementations of which can be found in src/utils/ The default one is QGE.

  • QGE QGE(ranks, qvecs, vecs, dataset, gnd, cache_dir, gnd_path2, AQE)
  • SAHA sift_online(query_num, qimages, sift_q_main_path, images, sift_g_main_path, ranks, dataset, gnd)
  • LoFTR loftr(loftr_weight_path, query_num, qimages, ranks, images, dataset, gnd)

If you want to use QGE, you need to create a path (the name of the dataset) under 'src/diffusion/tmp'.

If you change the database, please delete the cache of the previous Random Walk.

If you want to use LoFTR, you need to download the pretrained LoFTR weight from:
You can put the LoFTR weight under this path: src/utils/weights/

Useful information can be found in the code comments in src/utils/ and src/


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