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Improve Template System

Closed Mar 13, 2023 100% complete

General improvements to the template system are underway. This includes redesigning template-related backend pages as well as improvements to the template class and other framework subclasses. For more information, please refer to the corresponding project.

One of the main challenges in maintaining templates is keeping up with the various settings. Every …

General improvements to the template system are underway. This includes redesigning template-related backend pages as well as improvements to the template class and other framework subclasses. For more information, please refer to the corresponding project.

One of the main challenges in maintaining templates is keeping up with the various settings. Every time a new version of Bootstrap is released, hundreds of settings need to be checked and updated, which is a very time-consuming task. To address this issue, a separate repository has been created:

The goal of this project is to process any .css file, parse it, and build backend pages, fields, and boxes based on the content of the template's .css file.

Once this task is complete, changeCSS will be integrated into YaWK, resulting in a significant improvement to the template system.

This milestone is closed.

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