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Physican To Voter Linkage Repository:

Welcome to our repository for the physician-to-voter linkage and subsequent analyses.


This repository is organized as follows:

├── code
│   ├── 00_unzip_l2.R
│   ├── 01_extract_l2.R
│   ├── 03_clean_physician_data.R
│   ├── 04_locality_sensitive_hash.R
│   ├── 05_match_model.R
│   └── match_diagnostics.R
├── figures
│   ├── age_dist_hist.png
│   ├── at_a_glance.png
│   ├── matches_by_state.png
│   ├── processing.png
│   └── screenshot.png
├── linkage_slides.Rmd
├── pres.bib
└── _targets.R
  • The code/ directory houses the functions used to complete the linkage and subsequent diagnostics.

  • The _targets.R file contains the master script to run the entire analysis pipeline using the targets R package, which rebuilds downstream pieces of code if and only if uspstream code has changed. This saves time and means we can ensure reproducibility without re-running the pipeline after each change. The pipeline can be run by calling targets::tar_make() in R.

  • The figures/ directory holds the outputs produced by the pipeline. A seperate tables/ folder will likely be created further along in the project.

  • linkage_slides.Rmd and pres.bib are both used to generate the slides shared with the team.

Dependency Graph:

Here is a path of the code dependencies in the repository. It is not live-updating, and so will not respond to changes in the architecture / pipeline, but it is useful to see a roughly-current summary of the analysis code now.

Code Dependency Graph

Other Useful Links:

Package site for zoomerjoin, our in-house package to perform fast fuzzy-linking on name.