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This API provides simple restful API access to the AWS DataSync service.


GET /v1/test/ping
GET /v1/test/version
GET /v1/test/metrics

GET    /v1/datasync/{account}/movers
POST   /v1/datasync/{account}/movers/{group}
GET    /v1/datasync/{account}/movers/{group}
PUT    /v1/datasync/{account}/movers/{group}/{name}
DELETE /v1/datasync/{account}/movers/{group}/{id}
GET    /v1/datasync/{account}/movers/{group}/{name}/runs
GET    /v1/datasync/{account}/movers/{group}/{name}/runs/{id}


Authentication is accomplished via an encrypted pre-shared key in the X-Auth-Token header.


Create Data Mover

Create requests are asynchronous and return a task ID in the header X-Flywheel-Task. This header can be used to get the task information and logs from the flywheel HTTP endpoint. When creating a mover you need to specify the source and destination locations - currently S3 and EFS are supported.

POST /v1/datasync/{account}/movers/{group}

Response Code Definition
202 Acepted creating a data mover
400 Bad Request badly formed request
404 Not Found account not found
500 Internal Server Error a server error occurred

Example create request body (S3 to S3)

    "Name": "best-effort-datasync-01",
    "Source": {
        "Type": "S3",
        "S3": {
            "S3BucketArn": "",
            "Subdirectory": "/"
	"Destination": {
        "Type": "S3",
        "S3": {
            "S3BucketArn": "",
            "S3StorageClass": "STANDARD",
            "Subdirectory": "/"
	"Tags": [
            "Key": "env",
            "Value": "sbx"

Example create request body (S3 to EFS)

    "Name": "best-effort-datasync-02",
    "Source": {
        "Type": "S3",
        "S3": {
            "S3BucketArn": "",
            "Subdirectory": "/"
	"Destination": {
        "Type": "EFS",
        "EFS": {
            "EfsFilesystemArn": "arn:aws:elasticfilesystem:us-east-1:1234567890:file-system/fs-01234567890123456",
            "SecurityGroupArns": ["arn:aws:ec2:us-east-1:1234567890:security-group/sg-01234567890123456"],
            "SubnetArn": "arn:aws:ec2:us-east-1:1234567890:subnet/subnet-01234567890123456",
            "Subdirectory": "/"

Example create response headers

    "X-Flywheel-Task": "3b9ee9e9-9ffa-4b07-93c7-59e7e6f1fa7f"

List all Data Movers

GET /v1/datasync/{account}/movers

Response Code Definition
200 OK return the list of data movers
400 Bad Request badly formed request
404 Not Found account not found
500 Internal Server Error a server error occurred

Example list response


List Data Movers by group id

GET /v1/datasync/{account}/movers/{group}

Response Code Definition
200 OK return the list of data movers
400 Bad Request badly formed request
404 Not Found account not found
500 Internal Server Error a server error occurred

Example list by group response


Get details about a Data Mover, including its task, source and destination locations

GET /v1/datasync/{account}/movers/{group}/{name}

Response Code Definition
200 OK return details of a data mover
400 Bad Request badly formed request
404 Not Found account or mover not found
500 Internal Server Error a server error occurred

Example show response

    "Task": {
        "CloudWatchLogGroupArn": "arn:aws:logs:us-east-1:1234567890:log-group:/aws/datasync",
        "CreationTime": "2021-12-01T21:18:40.546Z",
        "CurrentTaskExecutionArn": null,
        "DestinationLocationArn": "arn:aws:datasync:us-east-1:1234567890:location/loc-0379907909ce0b7d9",
        "DestinationNetworkInterfaceArns": [
        "ErrorCode": null,
        "ErrorDetail": null,
        "Excludes": [],
        "Includes": [],
        "Name": "best-effort-datasync-01",
        "Options": {
            "Atime": "BEST_EFFORT",
            "BytesPerSecond": -1,
            "Gid": "NONE",
            "LogLevel": "OFF",
            "Mtime": "PRESERVE",
            "OverwriteMode": "ALWAYS",
            "PosixPermissions": "NONE",
            "PreserveDeletedFiles": "PRESERVE",
            "PreserveDevices": "NONE",
            "SecurityDescriptorCopyFlags": "NONE",
            "TaskQueueing": "ENABLED",
            "TransferMode": "CHANGED",
            "Uid": "NONE",
            "VerifyMode": "ONLY_FILES_TRANSFERRED"
        "Schedule": null,
        "SourceLocationArn": "arn:aws:datasync:us-east-1:1234567890:location/loc-0126cee0d76502bb1",
        "SourceNetworkInterfaceArns": [],
        "Status": "AVAILABLE",
        "TaskArn": "arn:aws:datasync:us-east-1:1234567890:task/task-0ee229c003ef4f0b8"
    "Source": {
        "SMB": {
            "AgentArns": [
            "CreationTime": "2021-11-01T20:35:44.471Z",
            "LocationArn": "arn:aws:datasync:us-east-1:1234567890:location/loc-0126cee0d76502bb1",
            "LocationUri": "smb://",
            "MountOptions": {
                "Version": "AUTOMATIC"
            "User": "tester"
    "Destination": {
        "S3": {
            "AgentArns": null,
            "CreationTime": "2021-11-01T20:35:44.362Z",
            "LocationArn": "arn:aws:datasync:us-east-1:1234567890:location/loc-0379907909ce0b7d9",
            "LocationUri": "s3://",
            "S3Config": {
                "BucketAccessRoleArn": "arn:aws:iam::1234567890:role/service-role/"
            "S3StorageClass": "STANDARD"
    "Tags": [
            "Key": "spinup:flavor",
            "Value": "datamover"
            "Key": "spinup:org",
            "Value": "spindev"
            "Key": "spinup:spaceid",
            "Value": "abc-123"
            "Key": "spinup:type",
            "Value": "storage"

Start/Stop a Data Mover Task

PUT /v1/datasync/{account}/movers/{group}/{name}

Response Code Definition
200 OK starting data mover task
204 No Content stopping data mover task
400 Bad Request badly formed request
404 Not Found account not found
409 Conflict task already started or stopped
500 Internal Server Error a server error occurred

Example start request

    "State": "start"

Example start response


Delete Data Mover

DELETE /v1/datasync/{account}/movers/{group}/{name}

Response Code Definition
204 No Content deleted the data mover
400 Bad Request badly formed request
404 Not Found account not found
500 Internal Server Error a server error occurred

List All Data Mover Runs

GET /v1/datasync/{account}/movers/{group}/{name}/runs

Response Code Definition
200 OK list data mover runs
400 Bad Request badly formed request
404 Not Found account not found
500 Internal Server Error a server error occurred

Example list response


Get Information about a Data Mover Run

GET /v1/datasync/{account}/movers/{group}/{name}/runs/{id}

Response Code Definition
200 OK get data mover run information
400 Bad Request badly formed request
404 Not Found account not found
500 Internal Server Error a server error occurred

Example list response

    "BytesTransferred": 0,
    "BytesWritten": 0,
    "EstimatedBytesToTransfer": 0,
    "EstimatedFilesToTransfer": 0,
    "FilesTransferred": 0,
    "StartTime": "2022-03-01T14:04:17.986Z",
    "Status": "SUCCESS",
    "Result": {
        "ErrorCode": null,
        "ErrorDetail": null,
        "PrepareDuration": 1669,
        "PrepareStatus": "SUCCESS",
        "TotalDuration": 7662,
        "TransferDuration": 5870,
        "TransferStatus": "SUCCESS",
        "VerifyDuration": 155,
        "VerifyStatus": "SUCCESS"


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