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This repository has been archived by the owner on Jan 1, 2023. It is now read-only.
Michael Lu edited this page Jul 26, 2018 · 8 revisions

You can find useful information here about this app

Known Issues

Sometimes MetroGit Indicates Whole File In Unstaged Changes As Added Even Though I Just Modified The File

Try staging the whole file and unstage it then it should be back to normal


How can I get update?

MetroGit checks for update automatically when it starts. To install, click the alert titled "Update Available" when it pops up and the download/installation will begin automatically. Also, you can go to Settings -> Update page to manually check for and download update

Where is this app install to?

In case you need to find it, it's under C:\Users\{Your User Name}\AppData\Local\Programs\metrogit on Windows machines.

Where are the settings stored?

The application settings are stored in C:\Users\{Your User Name}\MetroGit (for Windows) and {Your Home Directory}/MetroGit (for Mac) except for your passwords, see the Security section for details.

Using The App

Can I use it with Github?

Yes! Although it's not a Github App (yet), you can use MetroGit with Github (or other online git service) by using an Github API token when prompted for password. The API token will need to have Repo permission. And we are working on getting the app to work with Github OAuth.

I am getting "Timeout" error

Please reload the app by pressing F5 and try again. If this keeps happening, check out the Issues section to see if it's reported as a bug.

It prompts me for credential randomly even after I entered it already

Sometimes the app might have the old credential after you switch repository. If it keeps happening, try restarting the app or press F5 to reload the page


It asks me for my password, is it safe?

MetroGit stores your password and API keys with your PC's built in password manager (in windows, it's Credential Manager. in Mac, it's Keychain Access) so they are never stored in plain text. It only uses these information for authentication purposes. For better security, consider generating unique API keys for MetroGit. Your username is stored in plain text in the application's settings folder.

Where can I see the stored credentials?

To see what's stored:

  • (on Windows) Go to Control Panel -> User Accounts -> Credential Manager and all stored information will have account name starting with MetroGit.
  • (on Mac) Go to Launcher -> Keychain Access -> select "login" under Keychains -> all stored information will have name MetroGit

Can I delete stored passwords?

Yes, you can clear all stored passwords and API keys through MetroGit's Settings (the cog icon) -> General or delete them directly from your PC's password manager.

I've found a security issue!

Please post it in Issues section and they will be addressed.