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整理了最近几年关于Sentences Match 以及 Relevance Match 相关的顶会论文,对于公开代码,给出了git 链接

Model Paper OpenSource Link Year
DSSM Learning Deep Structured Semantic Models for Web Search using Clickthrough Data; CIKM 2013 Y 2013
CDSSM A latent semantic model with convolutional-pooling structure for information retrieval; CIKM 2014 Y 2014
ARC-I/ARC-II Convolutional Neural Network Architectures for Matching Natural Language Sentences; NIPS 2014 N 2014
CNTN Convolutional Neural Tensor Network Architecture for Community-Based Question Answering; IJCAI 2015 N 2015
MultiGranCNN MultiGranCNN: An Architecture for General Matching of Text Chunks on Multiple Levels of Granularity; ACL 2015 N 2015
LSTM-RNN Deep Sentence Embedding Using the Long Short Term Memory Network: Analysis and Application to Information Retrieval; TASLP 2016 N 2016
MatchPyramid Text Matching as Image Recognition; AAAI 2016 Y 2016
MV-LSTM A Deep Architecture for Semantic Matching with Multiple Positional Sentence Representations; AAAI 2016 N 2016
Match-SRNN Match-SRNN: Modeling the Recursive Matching Structure with Spatial RNN; IJCAI 2016 N 2016
Decomposable Attention Model A Decomposable Attention Model for Natural Language Inference; EMNLP 2016 Y 2016
DRMM A Deep Relevance Matching Model for Ad-hoc Retrieval; CIKM 2016 Y 2016
hybrid of ConvNet and BiLSTM Pairwise Word Interaction Modeling with Deep Neural Networks for Semantic Similarity Measurement; NAACL-HLT 2016 N 2016
ABCNN ABCNN: Attention-Based Convolutional Neural Network for Modeling Sentence Pairs; TACL 2016 Y 2016
SeqMatchSeq A compare-aggregate model for matching text sequences Y 2016
K-NRM End-to-End Neural Ad-hoc Ranking with Kernel Pooling; SIGIR 2017 Y 2017
DeepRank DeepRank: a New Deep Architecture for Relevance Ranking in Information Retrieval; CIKM 2017 N 2017
BiMPM Bilateral Multi-Perspective Matching for Natural Language Sentences; IJCAI 2017 Y 2017
ESIM Enhancing and Combining Sequential and Tree LSTM for Natural Language Inference; ACL 2017 Y 2017
PACRR PACRR: A Position-Aware Deep Model for Relevance Matching in Information Retrieval; EMNLP 2017 Y 2017
LMLDR Learning to Match Using Local and Distributed Representations of Text for Web Search; WWW 2017 N 2017
weak-supervision Neural ranking models with weak supervision ; SIGIR 2017 Y 2017
K-NRM End-to-end neural ad-hoc ranking with kernel pooling; SIGIR 2017 Y 2017
Conv-KNRM Convolutional Neural Networks for Soft-Matching N-Grams in Ad-hoc Search; WSDM 2018 Y 2018
MIX Multi-Channel Information Crossing for Text Matching; KDD 2018 N 2018
DIIN Natural Language Inference over interaction space; ICLR 2018 Y 2018
AdaQA Learning Context-Sensitive Convolutional Filters for Text Processing; EMNLP 2018 N 2018
ComProp Compare, Compress and Propagate: Enhancing Neural Architectureswith Alignment Factorization for Natural Language Inference; EMNLP 2018 N 2018
DSA Dynamic Self-Attention : Computing Attention over Words Dynamically for Sentence Embedding N 2018
ElBis Element-wise Bilinear Interaction for Sentence Matching; JCLCS 2018 N 2018
HSF Matching Natural Language Sentences with Hierarchical Sentence Factorization; WWW 2018 Y 2018
MwAN Mutliway Attention Networks for Modeling Sentences Pairs; IJCAI 2018 N 2018
pair2vec pair2vec: Compositional Word-Pair Embeddings for Cross-Sentence Inference N 2018
DCNN Deconvolutional Paragraph Representation Learning; NIPS2018 Y 2018
HiNT Modeling Diverse Relevance Patterns in Ad-hoc Retrieval; SIGIR 2018 N 2018
MCAN Multi-Cast Attention Networks for Retrieval-based Question Answering and Response Prediction; KDD2018 N 2018
DLCM Learning a Deep Listwise Context Model for Ranking Refinement; SIGIR 2018 Y 2018
Co-PACRR A Context-Aware Neural IR Model for Ad-hoc Retrieval; WSDM 2018 Y 2018
DRCN Semantic Sentence Matching with Densely-connected Recurrent and Co-attentive Information; AAAI 2019 N 2019


sentences pair match, relevance match






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