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Transformers for medical image segemntation with at least code or peer-reviewed publication.

Updated 2021.12.01

Medical Image Segmentation

Date First Author Affiliation Title Dim. Obj. Pub.
202111 Himashi Peiris Monash University A Volumetric Transformer for Accurate 3D Tumor Segmentation [paper] [code] 3D Brain tumor, pancreas, and liver Arxiv
202111 Hongyi Wang ZJU Mixed Transformer U-Net For Medical Image Segmentation [paper] [code] 2D Multiple organs and cardiac structures Arxiv
202111 Dong Yang NVIDIA T-AutoML: Automated Machine Learning for Lesion Segmentation using Transformers in 3D Medical Imaging [paper] 3D Liver tumor and lung lesion ICCV 2021
202109 Yunxiang Li HDU GT U-Net: A U-Net Like Group Transformer Network for Tooth Root Segmentation [paper] [code] 2D Tooth root MLMI 2021
202109 Hong-Yu Zhou HKU nnFormer: Interleaved Transformer for Volumetric Segmentation [paper] [code] 3D Multiple organs and cardiac structures Arxiv
202107 Madeleine K. Wyburd University of Oxford TEDS-Net: Enforcing Diffeomorphisms in Spatial Transformers to Guarantee Topology Preservation in Segmentations [paper] [code] 2D Cardiac structures MICCAI 2021
202107 Yunhe Gao Rutgers University UTNet: A Hybrid Transformer Architecture for Medical Image Segmentation [paper] [code] 2D Cardiac structures MICCAI 2021
202106 Yuanfeng Ji HKU Multi-Compound Transformer for Accurate Biomedical Image Segmentation [paper] [code] 2D Cell, Polyp, and skin lesion MICCAI 2021
202106 Shaohua Li IHPC Medical Image Segmentation Using Squeeze-and-Expansion Transformers [paper] [code] 2D & 3D Optic Disc/Cup, Polyp, and brain tumor IJCAI 2021
202105 Hu Cao Technische Universitat Munchen Swin-Unet: Unet-like Pure Transformer for Medical Image Segmentation [paper] [code] 3D Multiple organs and cardiac structures Arxiv
202103 Ali Hatamizadeh NVIDIA UNETR: Transformers for 3D Medical Image Segmentation [paper] [code] 3D Multiple organs, spleen, and brain tumor Arxiv
202103 Wenxuan Wang USTB TransBTS: Multimodal Brain Tumor Segmentation Using Transformer [paper] [code] 3D Brain tumor MICCAI 2021
202103 Boxiang Yun ECNU SpecTr: Spectral Transformer for Hyperspectral Pathology Image Segmentation [paper] [code] 3D Cholangiocarcinoma Arxiv
202103 Yutong Xie NWPU CoTr: Efficiently Bridging CNN and Transformer for 3D Medical Image Segmentation [paper] [code] 3D Multiple organs MICCAI 2021
202102 Jeya Maria Jose Valanarasu JHU Medical Transformer: Gated Axial-Attention for Medical Image Segmentation [paper] [code] 2D Brain, gland, and nucleus MICCAI 2021
202102 Yundong Zhang Rayicer TransFuse: Fusing Transformers and CNNs for Medical Image Segmentation [paper] [code] 2D Polyp, skin lesion, hip, and prostate Arxiv
202102 Jieneng Chen JHU TransUNet: Transformers Make Strong Encoders for Medical Image Segmentation [paper] [code] 2D Multiple organs Arxiv

Related Information

Surveys of Transformers

Date First Author Affiliation Title Publication
202111 Yang Liu ICTCAS A Survey of Visual Transformers [paper] Arxiv
202106 Tianyang Lin Fudan University A Survey of Transformers [paper] Arxiv
202101 Salman Khan MBZUAI Transformers in Vision: A Survey [paper] Arxiv
202012 Kai Han Noah's Ark Lab A Survey on Vision Transformer [paper] Arxiv
202009 Yi Tay Google Research Efficient Transformers: A Survey [paper] Arxiv


Date First Author Affiliation Title Publication
202005 Nicolas Carion Facebook End-to-end Object Detection with Transformers [paper] [code] ECCV 2020
202103 Ze Liu MSRA Swin Transformer: Hierarchical Vision Transformer using Shifted Windows [paper] [code] ICCV 2021
202010 Alexey Dosovitskiy Google Research An Image is Worth 16x16 Words: Transformers for Image Recognition at Scale [paper] [JAX code] [PyTorch code] ICLR 2020
201712 Ashish Vaswani Google Brain & Google Research Attention Is All You Need [paper] [code] NeurIPS 2017

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