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Luke Inman-Semerau edited this page Apr 20, 2015 · 2 revisions


This page details how to build and test the Ruby code in Selenium.


The CrazyFunBuild runs on a bundled JRuby jar and is based on Rake. Use the 'go' Rake wrapper to run the targets. Unfortunately, rvm sets GEM_HOME and causes trouble for our jruby-complete.jar. If you use rvm, you should disable it (rvm use system) before using the go script.

Since this is just a wrapper for Rake, familiar commands (like go -T to list targets) all work.

Setting up

Tests will be run with your local Ruby installation, which should be a version >= 1.9.2. Make sure you have bundler and our dependencies installed by running

  1. gem install bundler
  2. ./go //rb:bundle


After making changes, you need to build the code (this is needed since we depend on other parts of the project):

  • ./go //rb:firefox
  • ./go //rb:chrome
  • etc.

Build results go in the build/rb directory. You can play with your changes in a REPL from there:

cd build/rb && bundle console

Using/requiring the ruby code from rb/lib directly is not recommended.


./go //rb:unit-test Run unit tests for WebDriver.
./go //rb:firefox-test Run integration tests for Firefox - replace "firefox" with any driver.
./go //rb:rc-client-unit-test Run unit tests for selenium-client (Se 1.x/RC)
./go //rb:rc-client-integration-test Run integration tests for selenium-client (Se 1.x/RC)

Try ./go -T | grep //rb to see all the Ruby targets.


You can build the gem with ./go //rb:gem:build, which will place the gem in build/. See ReleasingSelenium for how to make a gem release.


  1. Make your feature addition or bug fix.
  2. Add tests for it. This is important so we don't break it in a future version unintentionally.
  3. Create a patch: git diff > my-feature.patch
  4. Create a new issue, attach the patch and add the Lang-Ruby label.
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