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Implementation of NAACL2021 accepted paper: "Multi-source Neural Topic Modeling in Multi-view Embedding Spaces"

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This repository consists of the implementations for the models proposed in the paper titled "Multi-source Multi-view Transfer Learning in Neural Topic Modeling with Pretrained Topic and Word Embeddings" accepted at NAACL2021.

title={Multi-source Neural Topic Modeling in Multi-view Embedding Spaces},
author={Gupta, Pankaj and Chaudhary, Yatin and Sch{\"u}tze, Hinrich},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2104.08551},

NOTE: This code has been built upon the DocNADEe code.


Requires Python 3 (tested with 3.6.5). The remaining dependencies can then be installed via:

$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ python -c "import nltk;'all')"

NOTE: installation of correct dependencies and version ensure the correct working of code.

Data format

"datasets" directory contains different sub-directories for different datasets. Each sub-directory contains CSV format files for training, validation and test sets. The CSV files in the directory must be named accordingly: "training_docnade.csv", "validation_docnade.csv", "test_docnade.csv". For this task, each CSV file (prior to preprocessing) consists of 2 string fields with a comma delimiter - the first is the label and the second is the document body (in bag-of-words representation). Each sub-directory also contains vocabulary file named "vocab_docnade.vocab", with 1 vocabulary token per line.

How to use

The script will train the DocNADE-MVT model and save it in a repository based on perplexity per word (PPL) or information retrieval (IR). It will also log all the training information in the same model folder. Here's how to use the script:

$ python --dataset --docnadeVocab --model --num-cores --use-glove-prior --use-fasttext-prior --lambda-glove --activation --use-embeddings-prior --lambda-embeddings --lambda-embeddings-list --learning-rate --batch-size --num-steps --log-every --validation-bs --test-bs --validation-ppl-freq --validation-ir-freq --test-ir-freq --test-ppl-freq --num-classes --multi-label --patience --hidden-size --vocab-size --reload --reload-model-dir --W-old-path-list --W-old-vocab-path-list --gvt-loss --gvt-lambda --gvt-lambda-init --projection --concat-projection --concat-projection-lambda

  • Option dataset is the path to the input dataset.
  • Option docnadeVocab is the path to vocabulary file used by DocNADE.
  • Option model is the path to model output directory.
  • Option use-glove-prior is whether to include glove embedding prior or not.
  • Option use-fasttext-prior is whether to include fasttext embedding prior or not.
  • Option lambda-glove lambda value for glove embeddings.
  • Option learning-rate is learning rate.
  • Option batch-size is batch size for training data.
  • Option num-steps is the number of steps to train for.
  • Option log-every is to print training loss after this many steps.
  • Option validation-bs is the batch size for validation evaluation.
  • Option test-bs is the batch size for test evaluation.
  • Option validation-ppl-freq is to evaluate validation PPL and NLL after this many steps.
  • Option validation-ir-freq is to evaluate validation IR after this many steps.
  • Option test-ir-freq is to evaluate test IR after this many steps.
  • Option test-ppl-freq is to evaluate test PPL and NLL after this many steps.
  • Option num-classes is number of classes.
  • Option patience is patience for early stopping criterion.
  • Option hidden-size is size of the hidden layer.
  • Option activation is which activation to use: sigmoid|tanh|relu.
  • Option vocab-size is the vocabulary size.
  • Option projection is whether to use projection matrix A or not.
  • Option reload is whether to reload model or not.
  • Option reload-model-dir is path of directory for which model to be reloaded.
  • Option use-embeddings-prior is whether to use embeddings prior E from source dataset or not.
  • Option lambda-embeddings is whether lambda for LVT is static or trainable: manual|automatic.
  • Option lambda-embeddings-list is a list of lambda parameter for E.
  • Option W-old-path-list is list of paths of source topic matrices Z.
  • Option W-old-vocab-path-list is path of source dataset vocabulary.
  • Option gvt-loss is whether to include topic matrix Z or not.
  • Option gvt-lambda is whether gamma for Z is static or trainable: manual|automatic.
  • Option gvt-lambda-init is value of gamma parameter for topic transfer using Z matrices.
  • Option concat-projection is whether to concatenate prior embeddings or not.
  • Option concat-projection-lambda is the value of lambda (weight) before adding projected prior embeddings into DocNADE.
  • Option use-bert-prior is whether to use BERT contextualized embedings as prior or not.
  • Option bert-reps-path is the path for BERT contextualized embedings.

Local View Transfer (LVT):

set parameter ``use-embeddings-prior`` to True
set parameter ``lambda-embeddings-list`` for lambda parameter of LVT accordingly

Global View Transfer (GVT):

set parameter ``gvt_loss`` to True
set parameter ``gvt_lambda_init`` for gamma parameter of GVT accordingly

Multi View Transfer (MVT):

set parameters for LVT and GVT as mentioned above

NOTE: Remove a parameter from the list in configuration file if it is not required when running an experiment. NOTE: Sample scripts for three different cases (with best parameters setting) have been provided with the code.

Dataset and Saved models directories

datasets directory     ->  ./datasets/
saved model directory  ->  ./model/

Model Files  ->  Main training file          ->  Model file

Script Files -> Script file to run MST + MVT for 20NSshort dataset (IR)

Directory structure containing results of training

Example model_dir: "20NSshort_ALL_BERT_emb_glove_1.0_emb_lambda_manual_1.0_0.5_0.1_1.0_ftt__bert__act_tanh_hid_200_vocab_1448_lr_0.0001_gvt_loss_True_manual0.1_0.01_0.001_0.1_projection_cp_1.0__2_6_2020"

**Results directory**           ->  ./<model_dir>/

**Saved PPL model directory**   ->  ./model/<model_dir>/model_ppl/

**Saved IR model directory**    ->  ./model/<model_dir>/model_ir/

**Saved logs model directory**  ->  ./model/<model_dir>/logs/

**Training information**        ->  ./model/<model_dir>/logs/training_info.txt

**Reload IR results**           ->  ./model/<model_dir>/logs/reload_info_ir.txt

**Reload PPL results**          ->  ./model/<model_dir>/logs/reload_info_ppl.txt

In case of reload use following command line arguments

--reload              True
--reload-model-dir:   <model_dir>/


Implementation of NAACL2021 accepted paper: "Multi-source Neural Topic Modeling in Multi-view Embedding Spaces"






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