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What is the difference between Default and Named exports in JavaScript?

An introduction to JavaScript modules
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JavaScript, being one of the most popular programming languages among developers, offers multiple ways to organize and share code between different files.

When working with modules, you might come across two common ways of exporting functionality: Default exports and Named exports. Understanding the difference between these two methods is essential for effectively managing your codebase and making it more maintainable.

In this article, we will explore the differences between Default and Named exports in JavaScript, highlighting their use cases and best practices to help you choose the right approach for your projects.

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Getting Started

To get started with the project in your local development environment, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the project by running the following command on the terminal 🔽
  2. Go into the project directory 🔽

    cd fcc-javascript-modules
  3. Install all the dependencies ✅

    npm install
  4. Checkout to the starter branch 🌴

    git checkout starter
  5. Start the application development server 🚀

    npm run dev

You are now ready to go!

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