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File metadata and controls

323 lines (223 loc) · 8.23 KB


The PhoneOperator is an object used for call management, which contains the attributes and methods related to calls. Each call is cached through the sessions attribute, which is a Map<string, Session>, and represents a call instance.


Attributes Type Description
currentSessionID string ID of the current session.
reRegistryPhoneTimes number The number of attempts to reconnect to the SIP service.
deviceIds { cameraId?: string; microphoneId?: string;} IDs of the audio and video input devices.
sessions Map<string, Session> Caching Map object for call sessions, with the callId as the key.
currentSession Session Current call session.
isRegistered boolean Whether the registration was successful.
recordPermissions number Permission for call recording:
0: No permission, 1: Pause/Resume recording, 2: Start/Pause/Resume recording.
incomingList session[] The list of the incoming calls.
isMaxCall boolean Whether it reaches the maximum number of concurrent calls (2 concurrent calls).


on(eventName:string,listener: (...args: any[]) => void) Listen for specific events.

Request parameters: eventName (The event name), listener (Callback function).

Response parameters: Null.


Start registering SIP UA. After the registration succeeds, UA can make and receive calls.

Note: Listen for desired events before registering SIP UA, otherwise, some events may be missed.

Request parameters: Null.

Response parameters: Null.

reRegister(authorizationUser: string, ha1: string)

Re-register SIP UA.

Note: Use this method within the 'phone' instance only to avoid unexpected situations.

Request parameters: authorizationUser (User name), ha1 (Login password).

Response parameters: this.

call(number: string, option?: CallOptions, transferId?: string)

Make an outgoing call.

When there is a transferId provided, then PBX performs an attented transfer.

Note: This method is an asynchronous function.

Request parameters: number (Phone number or extension number), option (userMedia constraints), transferId (ID of the attended transfer call).

Response parameters: Promise<Result>.

reject(callId: string)

Reject the call.

Request parameters: callID (The unique ID of each call).

Response parameter type: boolean.

answer(callId: string, option?: CallOptions)

Answer the call.

Request parameters: callID (The unique ID of each call), option (userMedia constraints).

Response parameters: Promise<Result>.

hangup(callId: string)

Hang up the call.

Request parameters: callId (The unique ID of each call).

Response parameter type: boolean.

blindTransfer(callId: string, number: string)

Perform a blind transfer.

Request parameters: callId (The unique ID of each call), number (The phone/extension number of the transfer target).

Response parameter type: boolean.

attendedTransfer(callId: string, number: string)

Perform an attended transfer.

Request parameters: callId (The unique ID of each call), number (The phone/extension number of the transfer target).

Response parameter type: boolean.

hold(callId: string)

Hold the call.

Request parameters: callId (The unique ID of each call).

Response parameter type: boolean.

unhold(callId: string)

Unhold the call.

Request parameters: callId (The unique ID of each call).

Response parameter type: boolean.

dtmf(callId: string, dtmf: string)

Send DTMF.

Request parameters: callId (The unique ID of each call), DTMF string (0123456789*#).

Response parameter type: boolean.

mute(callId: string)

Mute the call.

Request parameters: callId (The unique ID of each call).

Response parameter type: boolean.

unmute(callId: string)

Unmute the call.

Request parameters: callId (The unique ID of each call).

Response parameter type: boolean.

startRecord(callId: string)

Start recording.

Request parameters: callId (The unique ID of each call).

Response parameter type: boolean.

pauseRecord(callId: string)

Pause the recording.

Request parameters: callId (The unique ID of each call).

Response parameter type: boolean.

terminate(callId: string, type: 'hangup' | 'reject' | 'terminate' = 'terminate')

Terminate the call.

Request parameters: callId (The unique ID of each call), type (Types of call termination).

Response parameter type: boolean.


Disconnect the SIP UA.

Request parameters: Null.

Response parameter type: boolean.


Retrieve the sessions and return them as an array.

Request parameters: Null.

Response parameter type: boolean.

setCurrentSession(callId: string)

Set the currentSession.

Request parameters: callId (The unique ID of each call).

Response parameter type: boolean.


Retrieve the current session.

Request parameters: Null.

Response parameters: Session.

setSessionStaticStatus(callId: string, staticStatus: Partial<StaticCallStatus>, startManualModel?: boolean)

Update the static data for call status, which includes 'name', 'avatar', and 'company'. For more information, see the interface StaticCallStatus in Types.

Request parameters: callId (The unique ID of each call), staticStatus (Static attributes), and startManualModel (Enable manual mode. When this value is set as true, static attributes will not be automatically updated ).

Response parameter type: boolean.


Destroy the phone object, cancel all the event subscriptions, stop the SIP UA instance, and delete all the sessions.

Request parameters: Null.

Response parameters: Null.



Connected to the SIP service.

Report parameters: Null.


Disconnected the SIP service.

Report parameters: Null.


SIP UA registration succeeded.

Report parameters: Null.


SIP UA registration failed.

Report parameters: Error messages.


A new session instance is created.

Report parameters: {callId: string, session: Session}.


There is an incoming call.

Report parameters: {callId: string, session: Session}.


A session is added to the 'sessions' property of PhoneOperator.

Report parameters: {callId: string, session: Session}.


The recording permission is changed.

Report parameters: Recording permission value.

deleteSession A session is deleted.

Report parameters: {callId: string; cause: string }.


The SIP UA registration status is changed.

Report parameters: boolean (Registration status).

For more information about the Session object, see Session.