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File metadata and controls

264 lines (181 loc) · 6.61 KB


Session is a call instance, which contains the call status, methods to manage the call instance, and the related events.


Parameter Type Description
RTCSession RTCSession Call instance
callReport Report Call quality report objects.
status CallStatus Call status, including name, number, image file, mute status, and other attributes.
incomingList Session[] Incoming call array.
timer TimerType Call timer.
localStream MediaStream Local stream with video track only, no audio.
remoteStream MediaStream Remote stream with both audio and video tracks.


stopTimer() Stop the call timer.

Params: Null.

Returns: this.

on(eventName:string,listener: (...args: any[]) => void) Listen for specific events.

Params: eventName (The event name), listener (Callback function).

Returns: Null.


Reject the call, which is equivalent to the reject method of the phone object.

Params: Null.

Response parameter type: boolean.

answer(option?: CallOptions)

Answer the call, which is equivalent to the answer method of the phone object.

Params: option (userMedia constraints).

Returns: Promise<Result>.


Hang up the call, which is equivalent to the hangup method of the phone object.

Params: callId (The unique ID of each call).

Response parameter type: boolean.

blindTransfer(number: string)

Perform a blind transfer, which is equivalent to the blindtransfer method of the phone object.

Params: number (The phone/extension number of the transfer target).

Response parameter type: boolean

attendedTransfer(number: string)

Perform an attended transfer, which is equivalent to the attendedTransfer method of the phone object.

Params: number (The phone/extension number of the transfer target).

Response parameter type: boolean.


Hold the call, which is equivalent to the hold method of the phone object.

Params: Null.

Response parameter type: boolean.


Unhold the call, which is equivalent to the unhold method of the phone object.

Params: Null.

Response parameter type: boolean.

dtmf(dtmf: string)

Send DTMF.

Params: callId (The unique ID of each call), DTMF string (0123456789*#) (Equivalent to the dtmf method of the phone object).

Response parameter type: boolean.


Mute the call, which is equivalent to the mute method of the phone object.

Params: Null.

Response parameter type: boolean.


Unmute the call, which is equivalent to the unmute method of the phone object.

Params: Null.

Response parameter type: boolean.


Start recording, which is equivalent to the startRecord method of the phone object.

Params: Null.

Response parameter type: boolean.


Pause the recording, which is equivalent to the pauseRecord method of the phone object.

Params: Null.

Response parameter type: boolean.

terminate(type: 'hangup' | 'reject' | 'terminate' = 'terminate')

Terminate the call, which is equivalent to the terminate method of the phone object.

Params: type (Types of call termination).

Response parameter type: boolean.

setStatus(status: Partial<CallStatus>)

Update the call status.

Params: status (The call status).

Returns: this.

setStaticStatus(staticStatus: Partial<StaticCallStatus>, startManualModel?: boolean)

Update the static data for call status.

Params: staticStatus (Static attributes), startManualModel (Enable manual mode. When this value is set as true, static attributes will not be automatically updated ).

Returns: this.


Destroy the session, cancel all the event subscriptions, and stop the RTCSession.

Params: Null.

Returns: Null.



The call quality report is updated, with a frequency of once every 3 seconds.

Report parameters: { callId: string; callReport: Report }


A media stream is added to the call.

Report parameters: { callId: string; communicationType: "outbound" | "inbound", stream: MediaStream }.


The call is ended.

Report parameters: {callId: string, cause: string}.


Failed to initiate a call.

Report parameters: {callId: string, cause: string, code: number}.


Errors occurred on the client, resulting in the failure to initiate a call.

Report parameters: {callId: string, cause: string}.


One party performed an attended transfer call.

Report parameters: {callId: string, session: Session}.


Received the success status response code 200 OK.

Report parameters: {callId: string, session: Session}.


Received the response of ACK packet, indicating the session is confirmed.

Report parameters: {callId: string, session: Session}.

statusChange status

The call status is changed.

Report parameters: newStatus, oldStatus.

staticStatusChange staticStatus

The static data for call status is changed.

Report parameters: newStatus, oldStatus.