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Notiforward Setup (Getting Started)

Jason Yeomans edited this page Dec 1, 2015 · 4 revisions

How to set up Notiforward

Step 1: Create a Firebase Database

  1. Create a Firebase account (Sign up with Google Login)

    Firebase homepage

  2. Create a new Firebase database in your account. You can name the database whatever you want and give it a simple URL that you will remember.

    Create a database

  3. Click 'Manage App' to go to view the database's settings and stored info.

    Manage app

    You should see an empty database with a label of the URL you gave it.

    Database info and settings

  4. Click on 'Security & Rules' in the side navigation and paste in the rules json provided below, replacing all current rules.

      "rules": {
        "$uid": {
          ".read": "auth != null && auth.uid == $uid",
          ".write": "auth != null && auth.uid == $uid",
          "notifications": {
            "$notif": {
              ".validate": "!root.child($uid+'/ignored_apps').hasChild(newData.child('package').val())"

    Your Security & Rules should now look like the image below:

    Security and rules screenshot

  5. Move to 'Login & Auth' in the side navigation. Enable 'Email & Password' authentication then add a user at the bottom of the page. You will use this email and password, along with the database URL, to log into your database on each device.

    Login and auth screenshot Add a user User now shows up

Step 2: Login to your database on your devices

  • Android App Login
  • Ensure that you enable 'Notification Access' for the Notiforward app in your devices settings, if you don't do this, then the app will not be able to listen for your notifications.

Android app login

  • Chrome Extension Login

Chrome login