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RingBuffer SyslogQueue

Moved from My Java notes repo

##Intention This repo is the experiment notes for one of my current oncall ticket issue. The root cause is that for case logging is set to be pushed to a syslog server, when the syslog server is dead, all logging thread is blocked and parked. After clock is ticking for a while, all thread are set to be restart, and the server goes down.

Here are the problems for the current design

  • This is a typical producer and consumer problem, the old implementation is using BlockingQueue
  • Queue size 10 years ago cannot handle current microservices cluster logging power
  • Although the fix can be done very easily by implementing a fall back method to store log locally when syslog server is dead. the key to this problem is unblocked the thread.


Blocking: BlockingQueue

The blocking queue implementation is a simple simulation of current logging system structure. In the original project, the ArrayBlcokingQueue is used to handle the producer and consumer problem, which is very very very horriable. The initial fix change the structure to LinkedBlockingDqueue to separate the put lock and take lock.

Since the business logic for this case is pretty simple, I did not directly used the Disruptor framework, instead, I used the core ringbuffer to handle most of the work. The key difference is that the Disruptor handle the producer work with a sequence model and hand over to multiple consumer. The consumer is implement as a EventHandler. A wait strategy can be choose to define the thread waiting pattern

                                                    Eventhandler1 \
producer --- log ----> ringbuffer --worker pool---> Eventhandler2  ------> Syslog Server
                                                    Eventhandler3 /

For more complicate business logic, more levels of event handler can be implemented to decouple the thread usage, which is the same idea of actors in Akka framework.

                                       Eventhandler1 \                         EventFinalStageHandler1
producer --- work ----> Disruptor ---> Eventhandler2 - Eventlevel2handle ----> EventFinalStageHandler2
                                       Eventhandler3 /                         EventFinalStageHandler3                                        

Wait Strategy

Option Compare
BlockingWaitStategy defalt. Similar to blockingqueue, very conservative CPU use
SleepingWaitStrategy busy wait loop. Use LockSupport.parkNanos(1), not great for high reactive system
YieldingWaitStrategy Use Thread.yield(), allow other thread in line get to work, opt for # of eventhandle < cpu core
BusySpinWaitStrategy Most high performance option, opt for total operation thread < CPU core


Implementation of log & push to syslog server process








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