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Francisco Dias edited this page Feb 9, 2024 · 11 revisions


This section is for those users that have been given access to the Steam API for publishing your game to that platform and that want to use the possibilities that the Steam Workshop and Community gives you for adding and generating user content in your projects. The simplest form of user-generated content is the ability for the user to take and share screenshots, which is facilitated using the following two functions:

Before using any of the built-in functions for the Steam UGC (User Generated Content) API you need to have set up your game correctly from the Steam dashboard and you should have read through the required documentation found here:


You need to have your game accepted for the Steam online store and have access to the developer areas of the Steam API documentation.

All subscribed UGC items will be downloaded by the Steam client automatically, and you should have code in the Steam Async Event to catch this and store the ID of the UGC that has been downloaded for use in the other UGC functions.


Steam UGC IDs can be huge numbers. This means that sometimes you may need to store these as a string rather than try and store them as a real value, especially if working with buffers or trying to write the value to a text file (since this will convert it to a simplified standard format like "6.6624e+003" which will cause issues being read back).

The normal workflow for getting UGC into your game would be as follows:

  1. The user would subscribe to an item (either from your game using steam_ugc_subscribe_item or from the client/browser). If done from the game you are able to "listen" to the callback from the Steam Async Event.
  2. When you get a successful subscription callback this means that your game is now downloading the UGC. You would then check if the item is installed (i.e.: download completed) with steam_ugc_get_item_install_info.
  3. If the item is not completely installed, you can use steam_ugc_get_item_update_info to track the download progress.

The following sections explain all the functions required to get UGC functioning in GameMaker:

Creating And Editing Content

The following functions are essentially "wrapper" functions for those supplied in the Steam API for creating and uploading content to their servers. As such, we recommend that you read over the linked Steam documentation before using them to gain a greater understanding of how they work: Creating And Uploading Content.

Consuming Content

Once your user content has been created and the workshop has it available for download, people can subscribe to it through the Steam App or through the Web portal. However GameMaker also includes the following functions to use the Steam API for creating and canceling subscriptions as well as for getting information about what the user is subscribed to currently:

Querying Content

There are also a large number of functions available to query the Steam API about the UGC items available:


This section also provides a set of constants to be used along side the functions provided above:

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This function will poll the Steam API to see if the key for taking a screenshot of the game has been pressed. The function will only return true for one step (game tick) when the key is pressed, and will return false at all other times. Please note that if the screenshot key is pressed, this function will only return true once for each step that it is pressed, and return false for any subsequent calls within the same step . For example, if a screenshot is requested in the current frame and you call this function in the Step event to find that out, you will get true; however, if you call it again in Draw GUI to check whether a screenshot was requested, you will get false as the function had already been "used up" in the Step Event. To use the function's return value multiple times within the same frame, it is recommended to store it in a variable and read that instead of calling the function again.


This function does not take a screenshot for you. This only signals that the key has been pressed and you must use the GameMaker functions screen_save or screen_save_part to save a local copy of the file to be uploaded.






if steam_is_screenshot_requested()
    var _file = "Catch_The_Haggis_" + string(global.scrn_num) + ".png");
    steam_send_screenshot(_file, window_get_width(), window_get_height());
    global.scrn_num += 1;

The above code will poll the Steam API for a screenshot request. If there is one, a unique name for the image file will be generated, a screenshot will be taken, and the file will be sent to the Steam Community page for the user.

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With this function you can upload a screenshot to the Steam Community profile page of the currently logged in user. The filename you supply is the name of the local file that was created when you took the screenshot using the GameMaker functions screen_save or screen_save_part. The width and height define the image size, and the function will return a value of 0 if it fails for whatever reason and a value greater than 0 if it succeeds.


steam_send_screenshot(filename, width, height)
Argument Type Description
filename String The name of the image file to upload.
width Real The width of the image.
height Real The height of the image.




if steam_is_screenshot_requested()
    var _file = "Catch_The_Haggis_" + string(global.scrn_num) + ".png");
    steam_send_screenshot(_file, window_get_width(), window_get_height());
    global.scrn_num += 1;

The above code will poll the Steam API for a screenshot request. If there is one, a unique name for the image file will be generated, a screenshot will be taken, and the file will be sent to the Steam Community page for the user.

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This function is used to prepare the Workshop API and generate a published file ID for the item to be added. The function must be called before doing anything else with the item to be uploaded, as you will be required to use the unique published ID value that it returns in the Steam Async Event for updating. This is an asynchronous function that will return an asynchronous id and trigger the Steam Async Event when the task is finished.

This function operates asynchronously, which means that it does not immediately return the requested result. Instead, upon completion of the task, it will trigger the Steam Async Event.


steam_ugc_create_item(consumer_app_id, file_type)
Argument Type Description
consumer_app_id Real The unique App ID for your game on Steam.
file_type UGCFileType One of the available file type constants (see UGCFileType constants).




Steam Async Event

Key Type Description
id Real The asynchronous request ID
event_type String The string value "ugc_create_item"
result Real This will either be the GML constant ugc_result_success or some other real number (see the Steam docs, for more details)
legal_agreement_required Boolean Will be true or false (see the Steam docs for more details)
published_file_id Int64 This key holds the unique published ID for the item (you may need to cast it using the Int64 function).


In this example we first call the function and store the async ID value in a variable:

var _app_id = steam_get_app_id();
new_item = steam_ugc_create_item(_app_id, ugc_filetype_community);

This would then send off a request to the Steam API to create the new Workshop item, generating an async event which we would deal with as follows:

var _event_id = async_load[? "id"];
if _event_id == new_item
    var _type = async_load[? "event_type"];
    if _type == "ugc_create_item"
        global.Publish_ID = async_load[? "published_file_id"];

The above code checks the event type and if it is "ugc_create_item" then it retrieves the published file ID and stores it in a global variable for future reference.

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This function attempts to delete a previously published UGC item. This is an asynchronous function that will return an asynchronous ID and trigger the Steam Async Event when the task is finished.

This function operates asynchronously, which means that it does not immediately return the requested result. Instead, upon completion of the task, it will trigger the Steam Async Event.


Argument Type Description
ugc_query_handle Real The query handle to use.




Steam Async Event

Key Type Description
id Real The asynchronous request ID
event_type String The string value "ugc_item_delete"
result Real This will either be the GML constant ugc_result_success or some other real number (see the Steam docs, for more details)



The above code creates a deletion request for ugc_query_handle.

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This function must be called before adding or updating information on a UGC item. You need to supply the unique App ID for your game on Steam, along with the unique published file ID that was returned for the item when you created it using the function steam_ugc_create_item. The function will return a unique update handle for the item, which you can then use in the UGC item functions to update (or add) information for uploading.


steam_ugc_start_item_update(consumer_app_id, published_file_id)
Argument Type Description
consumer_app_id Real The unique App ID for your game on Steam.
published_file_id Int64 The unique published file ID value for the item.




var _app_id = steam_get_app_id();
var _updateHandle = steam_ugc_start_item_update(_app_id, global.Publish_ID);
steam_ugc_set_item_title(_updateHandle, "My workshop item(3)!");
steam_ugc_set_item_description(_updateHandle, "testing workshop...");
steam_ugc_set_item_visibility(_updateHandle, ugc_visibility_public);
var _tagArray;
_tagArray[0] = "Test";
_tagArray[1] = "New";
steam_ugc_set_item_tags(_updateHandle, _tagArray);
steam_ugc_set_item_preview(_updateHandle, "promo.jpg");
steam_ugc_set_item_content(_updateHandle, "WorkshopContent1");
requestId = steam_ugc_submit_item_update(_updateHandle, "Version 1.2");

The above code gets the game ID, then uses that along with a previously stored published file ID to generate an update handle for the item. This handle is then used to update various pieces of information before the update is pushed to the Workshop servers.

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This function will set the title to be used for the given item. The function will return true if the API was successfully accessed and false if there was an issue.


steam_ugc_set_item_title(ugc_update_handle, title)
Argument Type Description
ugc_update_handle Real The unique handle for the UGC to be updated (returned from steam_ugc_start_item_update)
title String The title (max 128 characters) to be used for the item.



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This function will set the description to be used for the given item. The function will return true if the API was successfully accessed and false if there was an issue.


steam_ugc_set_item_description(ugc_update_handle, description)
Argument Type Description
ugc_update_handle Real The unique handle for the UGC to be updated (returned from steam_ugc_start_item_update)
description String The description (max 8000 characters) to be used for the item.



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This function will set the visibility of the given item, using one of the UGCFileVisibility constants. The function will return true if the API was successfully accessed and false if there was an issue.


steam_ugc_set_item_visibility(ugc_update_handle, visibility)
Argument Type Description
ugc_update_handle Real The unique handle for the UGC to be updated (returned from steam_ugc_start_item_update)
visibility UGCFileVisibility The visibility to be used for the item (see UGCFileVisibility constant)



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This function will set the tags to be used for the given item. The tags should be added to a 1D array as string elements and the array passed to the function. The function will return true if the API was successfully accessed and false if there was an issue.


steam_ugc_set_item_tags(ugc_update_handle, tags)
Argument Type Description
ugc_update_handle Real The unique handle for the UGC to be updated (returned from steam_ugc_start_item_update)
tags String The tags (as an string JSON array) to be used for the item.



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This function will set the content path to be used for the given item, and it should be a relative path to the folder which contains the content files to upload - which in turn should be in the save area or the game bundle (i.e.: an included file). The function will return true if the API was successfully accessed and false if there was an issue.


steam_ugc_set_item_content(ugc_update_handle, content)
Argument Type Description
ugc_update_handle Real The unique handle for the UGC to be updated (returned from steam_ugc_start_item_update)
content String The content path to be used for the item




var _app_id = steam_get_app_id();
var _updateHandle = steam_ugc_start_item_update(_app_id, global.Publish_ID);
steam_ugc_set_item_title(_updateHandle, "My workshop item(3)!");
steam_ugc_set_item_description(_updateHandle, "testing workshop...");
steam_ugc_set_item_visibility(_updateHandle, ugc_visibility_public);
var _tagArray;
_tagArray[0] = "Test";
_tagArray[1] = "New";
steam_ugc_set_item_tags(_updateHandle, _tagArray);
steam_ugc_set_item_preview(_updateHandle, "promo.jpg");
steam_ugc_set_item_content(_updateHandle, "WorkshopContent1");
requestId = steam_ugc_submit_item_update(_updateHandle, "Version 1.2");

The above code gets the game ID, then uses that along with a previously stored published file ID to generate an update handle for the item. This handle is then used to update various pieces of information before the update is pushed to the Workshop servers.

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This function will set the preview image to be used for the given item. The image should be supplied as either a PNG, JPG or GIF format file with a maximum size of 1MB. The path to the image should be a relative path in the save area or the game bundle (i.e.: an included file). The function will return true if the API was successfully accessed and false if there was an issue.


steam_ugc_set_item_preview(ugc_update_handle, preview)
Argument Type Description
ugc_update_handle Real The unique handle for the UGC to be updated (returned from steam_ugc_start_item_update)
preview String The preview image (JPG, GIF or PNG - max size 1MB) to be used for the item.




var _app_id = steam_get_app_id();
var _updateHandle = steam_ugc_start_item_update(_app_id, global.Publish_ID);
steam_ugc_set_item_title(_updateHandle, "My workshop item(3)!");
steam_ugc_set_item_description(_updateHandle, "testing workshop...");
steam_ugc_set_item_visibility(_updateHandle, ugc_visibility_public);
var _tagArray;
_tagArray[0] = "Test";
_tagArray[1] = "New";
steam_ugc_set_item_tags(_updateHandle, _tagArray);
steam_ugc_set_item_preview(_updateHandle, "promo.jpg");
steam_ugc_set_item_content(_updateHandle, "WorkshopContent1");
requestId = steam_ugc_submit_item_update(_updateHandle, "Version 1.2");

The above code gets the game ID, then uses that along with a previously stored published file ID to generate an update handle for the item. This handle is then used to update various pieces of information before the update is pushed to the Workshop servers.

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This function will submit the UGC item indexed by the given handle to the Steam Workshop servers, adding the change notes to be used for the given item. This is an asynchronous function that will return an asynchronous ID and trigger the Steam Async Event when the task is finished.

This function operates asynchronously, which means that it does not immediately return the requested result. Instead, upon completion of the task, it will trigger the Steam Async Event.


steam_ugc_submit_item_update(ugc_update_handle, change_note)
Argument Type Description
ugc_update_handle Real The unique handle for the UGC to be updated (returned from steam_ugc_start_item_update)
change_note String The change notes to be used for the item.




Steam Async Event

Key Type Description
id Real The asynchronous request ID
event_type String The string value "ugc_update_item"
result Real This will either be the GML constant ugc_result_success or some other real number (see the Steam docs, for more details)
legal_agreement_required Boolean Will be true or false (see the Steam docs for more details)


var _app_id = steam_get_app_id();
var _updateHandle = steam_ugc_start_item_update(_app_id, global.Publish_ID);
steam_ugc_set_item_title(_updateHandle, "My workshop item(3)!");
steam_ugc_set_item_description(_updateHandle, "testing workshop...");
steam_ugc_set_item_visibility(_updateHandle, ugc_visibility_public);
var _tagArray;
_tagArray[0] = "Test";
_tagArray[1] = "New";
steam_ugc_set_item_tags(_updateHandle, _tagArray);
steam_ugc_set_item_preview(_updateHandle, "promo.jpg");
steam_ugc_set_item_content(_updateHandle, "WorkshopContent1");
requestId = steam_ugc_submit_item_update(_updateHandle, "Version 1.2");

The above code gets the game ID, then uses that along with a previously stored published file ID to generate an update handle for the item. This handle is then used to update various pieces of information before the update is pushed to the Workshop servers.

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This function can be used to track the update status for an item. You give the item handle (as returned by the function steam_ugc_start_item_update) and an empty DSMap which will then be populated with the update information (see table below). If there is an error the function will return false and the map will be empty, otherwise the function returns true.

Key Type Description
status_code Real The Steam status code
status_string String A string for the current status
bytes_processed Real The bytes processed so far
bytes_total Real The total number of bytes in the update


steam_ugc_get_item_update_progress(ugc_update_handle, info_map)
Argument Type Description
ugc_update_handle Real The unique handle for the UGC to be updated.
info_map DSMap A (previously created) DS map




var _uploadMap = ds_map_create();
steam_ugc_get_item_update_progress(global.itemHandle, _uploadMap);
var _statusCode = _uploadMap[? "status_code"];
var _status = _uploadMap[? "status_string"];
var _processed = _uploadMap[? "bytes_processed"];
var _total = _uploadMap[? "bytes_total"];
draw_text(32, 0, "Upload info for item:" + string(global.itemHandle));
draw_text(32, 15, "status code:" + string(_statusCode));
draw_text(32, 30, "status:" + string(_status));
draw_text(32, 45, "bytes processed:" +string(_processed));
draw_text(32, 60, "bytes total:" + string(_total));

The above code will query the upload status of the item indexed in the global variable "itemHandle", using a DSMap to store the information. This is then parsed and the resulting values drawn to the screen.

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This function can be used to subscribe to a UGC item. This is an asynchronous function that will return an asynchronous ID and trigger the Steam Async Event when the task is finished.

This function operates asynchronously, which means that it does not immediately return the requested result. Instead, upon completion of the task, it will trigger the Steam Async Event.


Argument Type Description
published_file_id Int64 The unique file ID for the UGC to subscribe to.




Steam Async Event

Key Type Description
id Real The asynchronous request ID
event_type String The string value "ugc_subscribe_item"
result Real This will either be the GML constant ugc_result_success or some other real number (see the Steam docs, for more details)
published_file_id Int64 This key holds the unique published ID for the item (you may need to cast it using the int64 function, before passing it to subsequent functions


steam_sub = steam_ugc_subscribe_item(global.pubFileID);

The above code will subscribe (and download) the item with the file ID stored in the global variable "pubFileID".

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This function can be used to unsubscribe from a UGC item. This is an asynchronous function that will return an asynchronous ID and trigger the Steam Async Event when the task is finished.

This function operates asynchronously, which means that it does not immediately return the requested result. Instead, upon completion of the task, it will trigger the Steam Async Event.


Argument Type Description
published_file_id Int64 The unique file ID for the UGC to unsubscribe from.




Steam Async Event

Key Type Description
id Real The asynchronous request ID
event_type String The string value "ugc_unsubscribe_item"
result Real This will either be the GML constant ugc_result_success or some other real number (see the Steam docs, for more details)
published_file_id Any This key holds the unique published ID for the item (you may need to cast it using the int64 function)


steam_sub = steam_ugc_unsubscribe_item(global.pubFileID);

The above code will unsubscribe (and remove) the item with the file ID stored in the global variable "pubFileID".

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This function can be used to get the number of items that the current user has subscribed to.






numSub = steam_ugc_num_subscribed_items();

The above code will store the number of subscribed items in a variable.

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This function will populate a DS list with all the published file IDs for the items that the user is currently subscribed to. You must first create the list and store the index in a variable, then pass this to the function. The function will return true if everything is correct and the Steam API is initialized, or false if there is an error.


Argument Type Description
item_list DSList A (previously created) DS list index.




steam_list = ds_list_create();

The above code will create an empty DS list and then populate it with the file IDs for all subscribed items for the user.

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This function can be used to retrieve information about any given published file item that has been subscribed to and downloaded to the Steam local storage area for your game. You give the item ID and supply the index to an empty DSMap which will then be populated with the install information (see table below). If the item exists (i.e.: as been subscribed and download was complete) then the function will return true and populate the map, otherwise it will return false and the map will remain empty.

Key Type Description
size_on_disk Real The file size on disk (in bytes)
legacy_item Boolean Will be true or false depending on whether it is a legacy file or not
folder String This is the full path to the installed content (please refer to "Item Installation" in Steam SDK docs, as "legacy" items uploaded with the old method, are treated differently)


steam_ugc_get_item_install_info(published_file_id, info_map)
Argument Type Description
published_file_id Int64 The unique handle for the UGC to be updated.
info_map DSMap A (previously created) DS map index.




var _item_map = ds_map_create();
steam_ugc_get_item_install_info(global.fileID, _item_map);

The above code will query the install status of the item indexed in the global variable "fileID", using a DS Map to store the information.

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This function can be used to retrieve information about the current download state for the given file ID. You give the item ID and supply the index to an empty DSMap which will then be populated with the update information (see table below). If the item exists then the function will return true and populate the map, otherwise it will return false and the map will remain empty.

Key Type Description
needs_update Boolean Whether the item needs an update or not
is_downloading Boolean Whether the item is currently downloading or not
bytes_downloaded Real The number of bytes that has been downloaded
bytes_total Real The total size (number of bytes) required for the item on disk


steam_ugc_get_item_update_info(published_file_id, info_map)
Argument Type Description
published_file_id Int64 The unique file ID for the UGC to be checked.
info_map DSMap A (previously created) DS map index.




var _info_map = ds_map_create();
var _info = steam_ugc_get_item_update_info(global.fileID, _info_map);

if _info
    draw_text(32, 15, "needs_update: " + string(_info_map[? "needs_update"]));
    draw_text(32, 30, "is_downloading: " + string(_info_map[? "is_downloading"]));
    draw_text(32, 45, "bytes_downloaded: " + string(_info_map[? "bytes_downloaded"]));
    draw_text(32, 60, "bytes_total: " + string(_info_map[? "bytes_total"]));

The above code will query the download status of the item indexed in the global variable "fileID", using a DSMap to store the information.

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This function can be used to retrieve information about a given file ID. You give the file ID and supply a maximum age for checking (see the Steam docs for more information). This is an asynchronous function that will return an asynchronous ID and trigger the Steam Async Event when the task is finished.

This function operates asynchronously, which means that it does not immediately return the requested result. Instead, upon completion of the task, it will trigger the Steam Async Event.


steam_ugc_request_item_details(published_file_id, max_age_seconds)
Argument Type Description
published_file_id Real The unique file ID for the UGC to be checked.
max_age_seconds Real The age of the data to check (recommended 30 - 60 seconds).




Steam Async Event

Key Type Description
id Real The asynchronous request ID
event_type String The string value "ugc_item_details"
result Real This will either be the GML constant ugc_result_success or some other real number (see the Steam docs, for more details)
cached_data Boolean Will be true if the returned details are from the local cache or false if they are taken from the server
published_file_id Int64 This key holds the unique published ID for the item (you may need to cast it using the int64 function)
file_type String The type of file used
creator_app_id Real The Steam ID of the item creator
consumer_app_id Real The Steam ID of the item consumer
title String The title of the item
description String The description of the item
steam_id_owner Real The Steam ID of the item owner
time_created Real The time the item was first created
time_uploaded Real The last time the item was updated
time_added_to_user_list Real The time that the item was subscribed to
visibility UGCFileVisibility The visibility of the item (see UGCFileVisibility constant)
banned Boolean Whether the item has been banned or not
accepted_for_use Boolean Whether the item has been accepted for use or not
tags_truncated Array Short version of the tags as an array
tags Array of String An array of the tags for the item
handle_file Int64 The unique file handle for the item
handle_preview_file Int64 The unique handle for the image preview for the item (can be used with steam_ugc_download to download a preview image)
filename String The name of the item file
file_size Real The size of the item file
preview_file_size Real The size of the preview image
url String The full URL for the item
up_votes Real The number of up-votes received
down_votes Real The number of down-votes received
score Real The overall score of the item
account_id_owner Real The account ID from the Steam ID owner (this can be used in function steam_ugc_create_query_user_ex)


In this example we send off a details request for an item and then parse the resulting async_load DS map to set some variables. First we send off the request:

steam_details = steam_ugc_request_item_details(global.fileID, 60);

The above code will request details on the item with the file ID stored in the global variable and will trigger a Steam Async Event with the returned information. In this event we can then parse the map and store some of the values in variables which can then be used to display the information to the user:

var _map_id = async_load[? "id"];
var _result = async_load[? "result"];
if (_map_id == steam_details) && (_result == ugc_result_success)
    mTitle = async_load[? "title"];
    mDesc = async_load[? "description"];
    mTags = async_load[? "tags"];
    m_hPreviewFile = async_load[? "handle_preview_file"];
    m_hOwnerSteamId = async_load[? "steam_id_owner"];
    mOwnerAccountId = async_load[? "account_id_owner"];
    mPubFileId = async_load[? "published_file_id"];
    mScore = async_load[? "score"];

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This function can be used to query the UGC database. The function automatically uses the default ID for the app, user and assumes that the query is being done by the consumer (rather than the creator). The function requires you to use the following constants for the type of data to query (UGCListType), the type of item to match (UGCMatchType) and the order in which the returned items will be sorted (UGCListSortOrder), as well as a page number - note that a query will return a maximum number of 50 items. The function returns a unique query handle value which should be stored in a variable for use in the other query functions. Note that this function only prepares the query but does not actually send it - for that you must call the function steam_ugc_send_query - and you can use further steam_ugc_query_*() functions to refine the search request before it is actually sent.


steam_ugc_create_query_user(list_type, match_type, sort_order, page)
Argument Type Description
list_type UGCListType The type of data list to create
match_type UGCMatchType The type of UGC items to query
sort_order UGCListSortOrder The way that data should be ordered
page Real The page number to query.




query_handle = steam_ugc_create_query_user(ugc_list_Published, ugc_match_Items, ugc_sortorder_TitleAsc, 1);

The above code creates a query request and stores its handle in a variable for future use.

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This function can be used to query the UGC database. The function requires the ID value for the user and the ID of the game that is going to consume the item and/or the ID of the game that created the item. You also need to use the following constants for the type of data to query (UGCListType), the type of item to query (UGCMatchType) and the order in which the returned items will be sorted (UGCListSortOrder), as well as a page number - note that a query will return a maximum number of 50 items. The function returns a unique query handle value which should be stored in a variable for use in the other query functions. Note that this function only prepares the query but does not actually send it - for that you must call the function steam_ugc_send_query - and you can use further steam_ugc_query_*() functions to refine the search request before it is actually sent.


steam_ugc_create_query_user_ex(list_type, match_type, sort_order, page, account_id, creator_app_id, consumer_app_id)
Argument Type Description
list_type UGCListType The type of data list to create
match_type UGCMatchType The type of UGC items to query
sort_order UGCListSortOrder The way that data should be ordered
page Real The page number to query
account_id Real The Steam account ID
creator_app_id Real The item creator app ID
consumer_app_id Real The consumer app ID




query_handle = steam_ugc_create_query_user_ex(ugc_list_Published, ugc_match_Items, ugc_sortorder_TitleAsc, page, global.AccountID, 0, global.GameID);

The above code creates a query request and stores its handle in a variable for future use.

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This function can be used to query the UGC database using some predefined query types. The function requires the following constants for the type of query to create (UGCQueryType), the type of item to match (UGCMatchType) and the page number to query - note that a query will return a maximum number of 50 items. The function returns a unique query handle value which should be stored in a variable for use in the other query functions. Note that this function only prepares the query but does not actually send it - for that you must call the function steam_ugc_send_query - and you can use further steam_ugc_query_*() functions to refine the search request before it is actually sent.


steam_ugc_create_query_all(query_type, match_type, page)
Argument Type Description
query_type UGCQueryType The type of query to create
match_type UGCMatchType The type of UGC items to query
page Real The page number to query




query_handle = steam_ugc_create_query_all(ugc_query_RankedByVote, ugc_match_Items, 1);

The above code creates a general query request and stores its handle in a variable for future use.

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This function can be used to query the UGC database. The function requires the ID of the game that is going to consume the item and/or the ID of the game that created the item, and you need to use the following constants for the type of query to create (UGCQueryType), the type of item to match (UGCMatchType) and the page number to query. Note that a query will return a maximum number of 50 items. The function returns a unique query handle value which should be stored in a variable for use in the other query functions. Note that this function only prepares the query but does not actually send it - for that you must call the function steam_ugc_send_query - and you can use further steam_ugc_query_*() functions to refine the search request before it is actually sent.


steam_ugc_create_query_all_ex(query_type, match_type, page, creator_app_id, consumer_app_id)
Argument Type Description
query_type UGCQueryType The type of query to create
match_type UGCMatchType The type of UGC items to query
page Real The page number to query
creator_app_id Real The item creator's app ID
consumer_app_id Real The consumer's app ID




query_handle = steam_ugc_create_query_all_ex(ugc_query_RankedByVote, page, global.AccountID, 0, global.GameID);

The above code creates a query request and stores its handle in a variable for future use.

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This function can be used to further filter any given UGC query, specifically to check and see if a Workshop item file name must match or not. The query handle is the value returned when you created the query (using, for example, steam_ugc_create_query_user) and the second argument is either true or false, depending on whether you require the file names to match. The function will return true if the query filter was correctly set, or false otherwise.


steam_ugc_query_set_cloud_filename_filter(ugc_query_handle, match_cloud_filename)
Argument Type Description
ugc_query_handle Real The query handle to use.
match_cloud_filename Boolean Sets whether the UGC item file name should match or not.




var _query_handle = steam_ugc_create_query_all(ugc_query_RankedByVote, ugc_match_Items, 1);
steam_ugc_query_set_cloud_filename_filter(_query_handle, true);
steam_ugc_query_add_excluded_tag(_query_handle, "nasty chips");
steam_ugc_query_set_return_long_description(_query_handle, true);
steam_ugc_query_set_allow_cached_response(_query_handle, true);
query_ID = steam_ugc_send_query(_query_handle);

The above code creates a query request and stores its handle in a local variable for future use in the rest of the functions which further define the query request before sending the query.

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This function can be used to further filter any given UGC query, specifically to switch on or off tag matching. The query handle is the value returned when you created the query (using, for example, steam_ugc_create_query_user) and the second argument is either true or false, depending on whether you require a check for matching tags. The function will return true if the query filter was correctly set, or false otherwise.


steam_ugc_query_set_match_any_tag(ugc_query_handle, match_any_tag)
Argument Type Description
ugc_query_handle Real The query handle to use.
match_any_tag Boolean Sets whether the UGC item tags should match anything or not.




var _query_handle = steam_ugc_create_query_all(ugc_query_RankedByVote, ugc_match_Items, 1);
steam_ugc_query_set_match_any_tag(_query_handle, false);
steam_ugc_query_add_excluded_tag(_query_handle, "walking simulator");
steam_ugc_query_set_return_long_description(_query_handle, true);
steam_ugc_query_set_allow_cached_response(_query_handle, true);
query_ID = steam_ugc_send_query(_query_handle);

The above code creates a query request and stores its handle in a local variable for future use in the rest of the functions which further define the query request before sending the query.

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This function can be used to further filter any given UGC query, specifically to search for the given string in the title and description of the UGC items. The query handle is the value returned when you created the query (using, for example, steam_ugc_create_query_user) and the second argument is a string you want to use as the search term. The function will return true if the query filter was correctly set, or false otherwise.


steam_ugc_query_set_search_text(ugc_query_handle, search_text)
Argument Type Description
ugc_query_handle Real The query handle to use.
search_text String The search text to use for the query.




var _query_handle = steam_ugc_create_query_all(ugc_query_RankedByVote, ugc_match_Items, 1);
steam_ugc_query_set_search_text(_query_handle, "texture");
steam_ugc_query_set_return_long_description(_query_handle, true);
steam_ugc_query_set_allow_cached_response(_query_handle, true);
query_ID = steam_ugc_send_query(_query_handle);

The above code creates a query request and stores its handle in a local variable for future use in the rest of the functions which further define the query request before sending the query.

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This function can be used to further filter any UGC query made using the ugc_query_RankedByTrend constant (UGCQueryType), specifically to search over a number of days. The query handle is the value returned when you created the query (using, for example, steam_ugc_create_query_user) and the second argument is the number of days over which you want the query to run. The function will return true if the query filter was correctly set, or false otherwise.


steam_ugc_query_set_ranked_by_trend_days(ugc_query_handle, days)
Argument Type Description
ugc_query_handle Real The query handle to use.
days Real The number of days to query.




var _query_handle = steam_ugc_create_query_all(ugc_query_RankedByTrend, ugc_match_Items, 1);
steam_ugc_query_set_ranked_by_trend_days(_query_handle, 5);
steam_ugc_query_set_return_long_description(_query_handle, true);
steam_ugc_query_set_allow_cached_response(_query_handle, true);
query_ID = steam_ugc_send_query(_query_handle);

The above code creates a query request and stores its handle in a local variable for future use in the rest of the functions which further define the query request before sending the query.

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This function can be used to further filter any given UGC query, specifically to search only those UGC items with the given tag. The query handle is the value returned when you created the query (using, for example, steam_ugc_create_query_user) and the second argument is a string you want to use as the tag to include. The function will return true if the query filter was correctly set, or false otherwise.


steam_ugc_query_add_required_tag(ugc_query_handle, tag_name)
Argument Type Description
ugc_query_handle Real The query handle to use.
tag_name String The tag name to include.




var _query_handle = steam_ugc_create_query_all(ugc_query_RankedByTrend, ugc_match_Items, 1);
steam_ugc_query_add_required_tag(_query_handle, "RPG");
steam_ugc_query_set_return_long_description(_query_handle, true);
steam_ugc_query_set_allow_cached_response(_query_handle, true);
query_ID = steam_ugc_send_query(_query_handle);

The above code creates a query request and stores its handle in a local variable for future use in the rest of the functions which further define the query request before sending the query.

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This function can be used to further filter any given UGC query, specifically to exclude a given UGC from the query request. The query handle is the value returned when you created the query (using, for example, steam_ugc_create_query_user) and the second argument is a string you want to use as the tag to exclude. The function will return true if the query filter was correctly set, or false otherwise.


steam_ugc_query_add_excluded_tag(ugc_query_handle, tag_name)
Argument Type Description
ugc_query_handle Real The query handle to use.
tag_name String The tag name to exclude.




var _query_handle = steam_ugc_create_query_all(ugc_query_RankedByVote, ugc_match_Items, 1);
steam_ugc_query_add_excluded_tag(_query_handle, "walking simulator");
steam_ugc_query_set_return_long_description(_query_handle, true);
steam_ugc_query_set_allow_cached_response(_query_handle, true);
query_ID = steam_ugc_send_query(_query_handle);

The above code creates a query request and stores its handle in a local variable for future use in the rest of the functions which further define the query request before sending the query.

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This function can be used to further filter any given UGC query, specifically to retrieve the long description text in the call back event triggered when the query was sent. The query handle is the value returned when you created the query (using, for example, steam_ugc_create_query_user) and the second argument is either true or false. The function will return true if the query filter was correctly set, or false otherwise.


steam_ugc_query_set_return_long_description(ugc_query_handle, long_description)
Argument Type Description
ugc_query_handle Real The query handle to use.
long_description Boolean Whether to have the query return the long description text.




var _query_handle = steam_ugc_create_query_all(ugc_query_RankedByVote, ugc_match_Items, 1);
steam_ugc_query_set_return_long_description(_query_handle, true);
steam_ugc_query_set_allow_cached_response(_query_handle, true);
query_ID = steam_ugc_send_query(_query_handle);

The above code creates a query request and stores its handle in a local variable for future use in the rest of the functions which further define the query request before sending the query.

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This function can be used to further filter any given UGC query, specifically to request only the number of results without any other information (meaning that the DS map generated by the send function will contain the key "num_results" without any further map data). The query handle is the value returned when you created the query (using, for example, steam_ugc_create_query_user) and the second argument is either true or false. The function will return true if the query filter was correctly set, or false otherwise.


steam_ugc_query_set_return_total_only(ugc_query_handle, total_only)
Argument Type Description
ugc_query_handle Real The query handle to use.
total_only Boolean Whether to have the query return only the total number of hits or not.




var _query_handle = steam_ugc_create_query_all(ugc_query_RankedByVote, ugc_match_Items, 1);
steam_ugc_query_set_return_total_only(_query_handle, true);
steam_ugc_query_set_allow_cached_response(_query_handle, true);
query_ID = steam_ugc_send_query(_query_handle);

The above code creates a query request and stores its handle in a local variable for future use in the rest of the functions which further define the query request before sending the query.

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This function can be used to further filter any given UGC query, specifically to request that the query check the local cache rather than online. The query handle is the value returned when you created the query (using, for example, steam_ugc_create_query_user) and the second argument is either true or false. The function will return true if the query filter was correctly set, or false otherwise.


steam_ugc_query_set_allow_cached_response(ugc_query_handle, cache)
Argument Type Description
ugc_query_handle Real The query handle to use.
cache Boolean Whether to have the query check the local cache or not.




var _query_handle = steam_ugc_create_query_all(ugc_query_RankedByTrend, ugc_match_Items, 1);
steam_ugc_query_add_required_tag(_query_handle, "RPG");
steam_ugc_query_set_return_long_description(_query_handle, true);
steam_ugc_query_set_allow_cached_response(_query_handle, true);
query_ID = steam_ugc_send_query(_query_handle);

The above code creates a query request and stores its handle in a local variable for future use in the rest of the functions which further define the query request before sending the query.

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This function can be used to send a query request. You first define the query using one of the following functions:

which will return a query handle. This handle is then used to set filters, etc. before being used in this function to send off the query request. This is an asynchronous function that will return an asynchronous ID and trigger the Steam Async Event when the task is finished.

This function operates asynchronously, which means that it does not immediately return the requested result. Instead, upon completion of the task, it will trigger the Steam Async Event.


Argument Type Description
ugc_query_handle Real The query handle to send.




Steam Async Event

Key Type Description
id Real The asynchronous request ID
event_type String The string value "ugc_query"
result Real This will either be the GML constant ugc_result_success or some other real number (see the Steam docs, for more details)
cached_data Boolean Will be true if the returned details are from the local cache or false if they are taken from the server
total_matching Real The total number of matching results
num_results Real The number of results returned (max 50)
results_list DSList A DS List index, where each list entry is a DS Map index containing details of the particular item (see table below)
published_file_id Int64 This key holds the unique published ID for the item (you may need to cast it using the int64 function)
file_type String The type of file used
creator_app_id Real The Steam ID of the item creator
consumer_app_id Real The Steam ID of the item consumer
title String The title of the item
description String The description of the item
steam_id_owner Real The Steam ID of the item owner
time_created Real The time the item was first created
time_uploaded Real The last time the item was updated
time_added_to_user_list Real The time that the item was subscribed to
visibility UGCFileVisibility The visibility of the item
banned Boolean Whether the item has been banned or not
accepted_for_use Boolean Whether the item has been accepted for use or not
tags_truncated Array Short version of the tags as an array
tags Array of String An array of the tags for the item
handle_file Int64 The unique file handle for the item
handle_preview_file Int64 The unique handle for the image preview for the item (can be used with steam_ugc_download to download a preview image)
filename String The name of the item file
file_size Real The size of the item file
preview_file_size Real The size of the preview image
url String The full URL for the item
up_votes Real The number of upvotes received
down_votes Real The number of downvotes received
score Real The overall score of the item
account_id_owner Real The account ID from the Steam ID owner (can be used in the function steam_ugc_create_query_user)


var _query_handle = steam_ugc_create_query_all(ugc_query_RankedByTrend, ugc_match_Items, 1);
steam_ugc_query_add_required_tag(_query_handle, "RPG");
steam_ugc_query_set_return_long_description(_query_handle, true);
steam_ugc_query_set_allow_cached_response(_query_handle, true);
query_ID = steam_ugc_send_query(_query_handle);

The above code creates a query request and stores its handle in a local variable for future use in the rest of the functions which further define the query request before sending the query.

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With this function you can download a preview image for any given UGC item. The ugc_handle is the unique identifying value for the image (which you can get using the function steam_ugc_send_query), and the destination filename is the name (and local path within the Steam sandbox) that you wish to give the image file when the download is complete. This is an asynchronous function that will return an asynchronous ID and trigger the Steam Async Event when the task is finished.

This function operates asynchronously, which means that it does not immediately return the requested result. Instead, upon completion of the task, it will trigger the Steam Async Event.


steam_ugc_download(ugc_handle, dest_filename)
Argument Type Description
ugc_handle Int64 The unique handle for the preview to be downloaded.
dest_filename String The filename to save the preview with.




Steam Async Event

Key Type Description
id Real The asynchronous request ID
event_type String The string value "ugc_create_item"
result Real This will either be the GML constant ugc_result_success or some other real number (see the Steam docs under EResult for more details)
original_filename String This key holds the original name of the image file on the server (a string)
dest_filename String This key holds the image file name you passed in (a string)
ugc_handle Real The unique identifying value for the image


In this example we first call the function and store the async ID value in a variable:

steam_get = steam_ugc_download(steam_handle, "\UGC\Preview_file.png");

This would then send off a file request to the Steam API, generating an async event which we would deal with as follows:

var _event_id = async_load[? "id"];
if _event_id == steam_get
    var _type = async_load[? "event_type"];
    if _type == "ugc_download"
        preview_sprite = sprite_add(async_load[? "dest_filename"], 0, false, false, 0, 0);

The above code checks the event type and then creates a sprite from the downloaded image.

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These constants specify the way that a shared file will be shared with the community and should be used while creating a new item with steam_ugc_create_item.


See Steam Docs for more details.

These constants are referenced by the following functions:

Member Description
ugc_filetype_community This is used to create files that will be uploaded and made available to anyone in the community
ugc_filetype_microtrans This is used to describe files that are uploaded but intended only for the game to consider adding as official content

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These constants specify possible visibility states that a Workshop item can be in. They are used with the function steam_ugc_set_item_visibility and are an async callback parameter for the functions steam_ugc_request_item_details and steam_ugc_send_query.


See Steam Docs for more details.

These constants are referenced by the following functions:

Member Description
ugc_visibility_public Set the item to be publicly visible
ugc_visibility_friends_only Set the item to be visible to only people on the users friends list
ugc_visibility_private Set the item to be private

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These constants specify the sorting order of user published UGC lists.


See Steam UGC Docs for more details.

These constants are referenced by the following functions:

Member Description
ugc_sortorder_CreationOrderDesc Returns items by creation date. Descending - the newest items are first
ugc_sortorder_CreationOrderAsc Returns items by creation date. Ascending - the oldest items are first
ugc_sortorder_TitleAsc Returns items by name
ugc_sortorder_LastUpdatedDesc Returns the most recently updated items first
ugc_sortorder_SubscriptionDateDesc Returns the most recently subscribed items first
ugc_sortorder_VoteScoreDesc Returns the items with the more recent score updates first
ugc_sortorder_ForModeration Returns the items that have been reported for moderation

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These constants specify the type of published UGC list to obtain.


See Steam UGC Docs for more details.

These constants are referenced by the following functions:

Member Description
ugc_list_Published List of files the user has published
ugc_list_VotedOn List of files the user has voted on. Includes both VotedUp and VotedDown
ugc_list_VotedUp List of files the user has voted up (restricted to the current user only)
ugc_list_VotedDown List of files the user has voted down (restricted to the current user only)
ugc_list_WillVoteLater ⚠️ DEPRECATED
ugc_list_Favorited List of files the user has favorited
ugc_list_Subscribed List of files the user has subscribed to (restricted to the current user only)
ugc_list_UsedOrPlayed List of files the user has spent time in game with
ugc_list_Followed List of files the user is following updates for

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These constants specify the types of UGC to obtain.


See Steam UGC Docs for more details.

These constants are referenced by the following functions:

Member Description
ugc_match_Items Both microtransaction items and ready-to-use items
ugc_match_Items_Mtx Microtransaction items
ugc_match_Items_ReadyToUse Regular in game items that players have uploaded
ugc_match_Collections Shared collections of UGC
ugc_match_Artwork Artwork which has been shared
ugc_match_Videos Videos which have been shared
ugc_match_Screenshots Screenshots which have been shared
ugc_match_AllGuides Both web guides and integrated guides
ugc_match_WebGuides Guides that are only available on the Steam Community
ugc_match_IntegratedGuides Guides that you can use within your game (like Dota 2's in-game character guides)
ugc_match_UsableInGame Ready-to-use items and integrated guides
ugc_match_ControllerBindings Controller bindings which have been shared

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These constants specify the sorting and filtering for queries across all available UGC.


See Steam UGC Docs for more details.

These constants are referenced by the following functions:

Member Description
ugc_query_RankedByVote Sort by vote popularity all-time
ugc_query_RankedByPublicationDate Sort by publication date descending
ugc_query_AcceptedForGameRankedByAcceptanceDate Sort by date accepted (for mtx items)
ugc_query_RankedByTrend Sort by vote popularity within the given "trend" period (set in steam_ugc_query_set_ranked_by_trend_days)
ugc_query_FavoritedByFriendsRankedByPublicationDate Filter to items the user's friends have favourited, sorted descending by publication date
ugc_query_CreatedByFriendsRankedByPublicationDate Filter to items created by friends, sorted by publication date descending
ugc_query_RankedByNumTimesReported Sort by report weight descending
ugc_query_CreatedByFollowedUsersRankedByPublicationDate Filter to items created by users that the current user has followed, sorted descending by publication date
ugc_query_NotYetRated Filtered to the user's voting queue
ugc_query_RankedByTotalVotesAsc Sort by total number of votes ascending (used internally for building the user's voting queue)
ugc_query_RankedByVotesUp Sort by number of votes up descending. Will use the "trend" period if specified (set in steam_ugc_query_set_ranked_by_trend_days)
ugc_query_RankedByTextSearch Sort by keyword text search relevancy