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Phylogenetic signal from rearrangements in 18 Anopheles species by joint scaffolding extant and ancestral genomes


This repository contains all data and results produced for the paper "Phylogenetic signal from rearrangements in 18 Anopheles species by joint scaffolding extant and ancestral genomes" (accepted to APBC2018 and to appear in BMC Genomics). This paper presents a new method, called ADseq, that allows to improve scaffolding of extant genomes and jointly reconstructs gene order in ancestral genomes. It is mainly focused on the improvement of scaffolding of 18 Anopheles extant genomes. For a good understanding of this GitHub repository it is necessary to have read the article to which it refers in order to understand the different concepts/methods/results presented in it.

First download or clone the GitHub repository with the green button "Clone or download" or with the command line:

git clone

Repository structure and content

├── bin/  
├── data/  
├── doc/  
├── figures/  
└── results/  

All experiments presented in our paper can be reproduced from this repository (except some intermediate steps for which data are not available due to the large size of the files: GitHub limiting size to 100Mb).

To reproduce the experiments in the paper, two preliminaries steps have to be done:

  1. Clean and format raw input data files of the 18 Anopheles dataset produced by Neafsey et al., 2015, located in directory data/INPUT_DATA.
  2. Execute the pipeline to produce input data for the DeCoSTAR software (corresponding to the pipeline illustrated in the Figure 6 of the article)

These two preliminaries steps are common to the following experiments presented in the paper:

  • Execution of DeCoSTAR with ADseq algorithms on input data produced (adjacencies file (with or without scaffolding adjacencies) and gene trees (original or inferred with profileNJ)) for 2 species tree topologies:

    • X species tree topology with profileNJ gene trees and with scaffolding adjacencies
    • X species tree topology with profileNJ gene trees and without scaffolding adjacencies
    • X species tree topology with original gene trees and with scaffolding adjacencies
    • WG species tree topology with profileNJ gene trees and with scaffolding adjacencies
  • Experiments to validate the ability of ADseq to scaffold extant genomes. For this validation, we simulate fragmentation of the genomes of 3 species, with different characteristics in the species tree:

    • Anopheles albimanus: outgroup position
    • Anopheles arabiensis: deep in the species tree with several close related species
    • Anopheles dirus: deep in the species tree with few close related species

by producing a more conservative genome assembly with the assembly tool minia with two different reads sampling (50% and 100%). This validation step is presented int the section "Validation of the ADseq algorithm for extant scaffolding" of our paper and the validation pipeline is illustrated in the Figure 12.

The doc directory contains only one file: 18Anopheles_sequencing_data.ods. This document gives informations about sequencing data availbale for the 18 Anopheles species of the dataset.

In the following, we describe the different directories present in this GitHub repository.

"bin/" directory

├── scripts  
│   ├── before_decostar  
│   │   ├── code/  
│   │   ├──  
│   │   └──  
│   ├── clean_RAW_DATA  
│   │   ├──  
│   │   └── code/  
│   ├── post_decostar  
│   │   ├── code/  
│   │   ├── compute_stats_graph/  
│   │   │   ├── code/  
│   │   │   ├──  
│   │   │   ├──  
│   │   │   ├──  
│   │   │   └──  
│   │   ├──  
│   │   └──  
│   ├──  
│   └── validation_ADseq/  
│       ├──  
│       ├──  
│       ├──  
│       ├──  
│       ├── BLASTn/  
│       ├── decostar/  
│       ├── minia/  
│       └── stats/  
└── software_libraries/  

The directory bin contains the softwares and scripts that have been used and developed to process raw input data of the 18 Anopheles dataset (mainly produced by Neafsey et al., 2015, located in directory data/INPUT_DATA and described in section "data/" directory directory to produce results present in the paper.

  • The directory bin/software_libraries contains the libraries and the executive files of softwares (such as DeCoSTAR, BESST, minia, SAMtools, ...) that have been used in the experiments of our paper. To reproduce the results present it is important to uncompressed zipped directories present in directory "bin/software_libraries".

  • The directory bin/scripts contains all scripts use to produce results of our paper. The different scripts have to be executed in a certain order to reproduce the results form input raw data files present in directory data/INPUT_DATA (cf section "data/" directory):

    1. Execute the script that uses two scripts present in directory bin/scripts/clean_RAW_DATA/code to clean raw input data and format them in standard format use by the pipeline that will produce input data for the DeCoSTAR software.

    2. Use the pipeline to produce input data for DeCoSTAR (scripts preprocessing.snakefile and input_decostar.snakefile available in the GitHub repository DeCoSTAR_pipeline (commit 572d5a5) ) that will generate, from the files present in the data/INPUT_DATA directory, the input data for the DeCoSTAR software that will be stored in the directory data/. This pipeline contains all the steps illustrate in Figure 6 of our paper. However some data (like data sequencing files (FASTQ format)) are not available due to excessive size of the files. For now the pipeline doesn't allow to execute the pipeline to infer gene trees with RAxML and profileNJ and the pipeline to produce scaffolding adjacencies with BESST (They have to be implemented in snakemake to be executable on a cluster with SGE architecture). Shortly, the DeCoSTAR_pipeline GitHub repository will get further developments to allow a full run of DeCoSTAR (input data production for DeCoSTAR, DeCoSTAR execution, linearization of adjacencies predictions and computation of graph/figures statistics).

    3. The directory bin/scripts/validation_ADseq contains scripts developed to validate scaffolding ability of the algorithm ADseq (cf subsection "Validation of the ADseq algorithm for extant scaffolding" of the paper). The validation is composed of 6 experiments corresponding to the 3 species (for which genome fragmentation has been simulated) and the two reads sampling use for the 3 species. This validation process is divided in 4 parts:

      1. produce new genome assembly with minia for the 6 experiments and scaffold minia (with script using scripts present in directory bin/scripts/validation_ADseq/minia). This script corresponds to the steps 1/, 2/ and 3/ of Figure S7 of our paper. These steps are not reproducible from this repository due to missing data (corresponding to the sequencing data in the FASTQ format that are too heavy to be stored on a GitHub repository).
      2. map minia contigs on reference genome with BLASTn for the 6 experiments to transfer gene annotation from the reference genome to the minia contigs and produce input data files for DeCoSTAR (with script using scripts present in directory bin/scripts/validation_ADseq/BLASTn). This script corresponds to the steps 4/ and 5/ of Figure S7. However, the script doesn't contain the step to execute BESST on BLASTn scaffolds to compute scaffolding adjacencies on fragmentated genomes (step 5/ of Figure S7). The scaffolding with BESST has to be done after the script and before the script bin/scripts/validation_ADseq/BLASTn/ We stored the scaffolding files produced by BESST for this step in directory data/DATA_SEQ/SCAFFOLDING/BESST-2.2.6/Bowtie2_k50
      3. execute DeCoSTAR and linearize adjacencies predictions (with script using scripts present in directory bin/scripts/validation_ADseq/decostar)
      4. compare adjacencies predictions of ADseq, ADseq-sequencing data (phylogenetic signal only) and BESST to the reference genome (precision and recall statistics) and compare adjacencies predictions accuracy between the 3 methods: Venn diagrams (with script bin/scripts/validation_ADseq/ using scripts present in directory bin/scripts/validation_ADseq/stats)
    4. The directory bin/scripts/post_decostar contains the script that linearizes adjacencies predicted by DeCoSTAR and compute statistics on genome rearrangements and scaffolding inferred by DeCoSTAR with scripts present in directory bin/scripts/post_decostar/code. It contains also the directory compute_stats_graph that allows to compute all graphs and figures on the statistics of the results of DeCoSTAR present in the paper.

"data/" directory

├── data_DeCoSTAR  
├── DATA_SEQ  
├── FASTA  
├── GFF_to_GENE_files  
└── validation_ADseq  

The data directory contains all files used to produce input data to apply the DeCoSTAR software on the 18 Anopheles dataset.

"data/INPUT_DATA/" directory

├── 18Anopheles_species  
├── Anopheles_species_tree_WG_topology.nwk  
├── Anopheles_species_tree_X_topology.nwk  
├── FASTA/  
├── GFF/  
├── name_geneID_18Anopheles  
├── OG_CDS_newtrees.tar.gz  
└── unrooted_raw_trees.nwk  

The data/INPUT_DATA directory contains all input data available for the 18 Anopheles dataset mainly produced by Neafsey et al., 2015. Among the 18 Anopheles genomes, 4 have no paired sequencing data available (species name in bold) to produce scaffolding adjacencies with BESST for the ADseq algorithm. For more details on sequencing data available see document 18Anopheles_sequencing_data.ods:

  • Anopheles_albimanus
  • Anopheles_arabiensis
  • Anopheles_atroparvus
  • Anopheles_christyi
  • Anopheles_culicifacies
  • Anopheles_darlingi
  • Anopheles_dirus
  • Anopheles_epiroticus
  • Anopheles_farauti
  • Anopheles_funestus
  • Anopheles_gambiae
  • Anopheles_maculatus
  • Anopheles_melas
  • Anopheles_merus
  • Anopheles_minimus
  • Anopheles_quadriannulatus
  • Anopheles_sinensis
  • Anopheles_stephensi

The gene annotation files in non-standard GFF format (directory data/INPUT_DATA/ORIGINAL_GFF), the unrooted gene trees in newick format (directory data/INPUT_DATA/OG_CDS_newtrees) and the CDS (directory data/INPUT_DATA/FASTA/CDS) for the 18 Anopheles species have been obtained from Robert M. Waterhouse. The 18 Anopheles reference genome assemblies have been obtained from VectorBase (directory data/INPUT_DATA/FASTA/SCAFF). Original GFF files have been processed with script to format them to the standard GFF fie format and have been stored in the directory data/INPUT_DATA/GFF.
There are also 4 files in data/INPUT_DATA:

  • 18Anopheles_species: handmade file associating species name with number of chromosome expected
  • Anopheles_species_tree_X_topology.nwk: 18 Anopheles species tree with the X chromosome topology (X)
  • Anopheles_species_tree_WG_topology.nwk: 18 Anopheles species tree with the Whole Genome topology (WG)
  • name_geneID_18Anopheles: handmade file associating species name with species ID
  • unrooted_raw_trees.nwk; contains the gene trees after cleaning of gene trees available in the directory data/INPUT_DATA/OG_CDS_newtrees with the script

"data/GFF_to_GENE_files/" directory

├── GENE  
├── sorted_GENE  
├── sorted_GFF  
└── with_filter  

The data/GFF_to_GENE_files directory contains intermediate file to transform GFF files in GENE file. Initial GFF files located in directory data/INPUT_DATA/GFF are sorted by gene and exon positions in directory data/GFF_to_GENE_files/sorted_GFF. Then, sorted GFF files are transformed in GENE files in directory data/GFF_to_GENE_files/GENE_file. They are then sorted in directory data/GFF_to_GENE_files/sorted_GENE, sorted GENE files are restricted to genes present in gene trees considered and stored in directory data/GFF_to_GENE_files/filtered_GENE. Genes positions are analyzed to produce 3 files are stored in the directory data/GFF_to_GENE_files/with_filter:

  • ALL_species_Inclusion_file: file containing included genes
  • ALL_species_Overlap_file: file containing overlapping genes
  • ALL_species_GENE_file: file containing non included genes of the 18 Anopheles species

Finally, a last file is produce to add gene family ID to GENE file (ALL_species_GENE_file_with_GF)

"data/FASTA" directory

├── MSA/CDS  
│    ├── Gblocks  
│    └── MUSCLE  
└──  GF_FASTA  

The data/FASTA directory contains data to infer gene trees with the gene tree pipeline inference described in our paper with the refinement gene tree tool profileNJ.

The directory data/FASTA/GT_FASTA contains 1 FASTA files / gene family/tree containing the CDS of the genes belonging to the gene family/tree. The data/FASTA/MSA/CDS contains two directories:

  • MUSCLE which contains Multiple Sequence Alignment (MSA) files for each gene family produced with the MSA tool Muscle.
  • Gblocks which contains selected blocks of multiple sequence alignment produced with the tool Gblocks.

"data/GENE_TREES" directory

├── CDS  
│   └── bootstrap_support  
│       ├── profileNJ  
│       │   ├── UNROOTED_GENE_TREES.tar.gz  
│       │   ├── WG_topo.tar.gz  
│       │   └── X_topo.tar.gz  
│       └── RAxML  
├── trees_DeCoSTAR_WGtopo.nwk  
├── trees_DeCoSTAR_Xtopo.nwk  
└── unrooted_trees_filtered.nwk  

The data/GENE_TREES directory contains the gene trees files produced for the 18 Anopheles dataset. The directory contains 3 files:

  • trees_DeCoSTAR_WGtopo.nwk: gene trees used as input of DeCoSTAR with the species tree topology WG
  • trees_DeCoSTAR_Xtopo.nwk: gene trees used as input of DeCoSTAR with the species tree topology X
  • unrooted_trees_filtered.nwk: initial gene trees obtained from raw gene trees (unrooted_raw_trees.nwk) after discarding gene trees containing included genes

It contains also 2 directories:

  • CDS/bootstrap_support/RAxML contains gene trees that have been produced with the maximum likelihood inference gene tree tool RAxML.
  • CDS/bootstrap_support/profileNJ contains gene trees that have been produced with the refinement gene tree tool profileNJ.

"data/DATA_SEQ" directory

├── orientation_libraries  
    ├── Bowtie2_ALL/TRIMMOMATIC3/ALL/  
    └── Bowtie2_k50/TRIMMOMATIC3/blastn  
        ├── 50pourc  
        └── ALL  

The data/DATA_SEQ directory contains scaffolding results obtained with the scaffolding tool BESST. The directory contains one file orientation_libraries with the information on the orientation of paired reads for the different SRX (cf file 18Anopheles_sequencing_data.ods) that are necessary to execute BESST. The FASTQ and BAM files are not present in this repository cause they take too much place (several To of space memory). The directory data/DATA_SEQ/SCAFFOLDING/BESST-2.2.6 contains two directories:

  • Bowtie2_ALL/TRIMMOMATIC3/ALL/ contains scaffolding results of BESST on the 14 Anopheles reference genomes for which sequencing data are available.
  • Bowtie_k50/TRIMMOMATIC3/blastn contains scaffolding results of BESST on the de novo genome assemblies produced with minia to validate the ability of ADseq to scaffold genomes with 50% of the reads (directory 50pourc) and with all reads (directory ALL).

"data/data_DeCoSTAR" directory

├── CTG_file
├── decostar
│   ├── adjacencies-scaff.txt
│   ├── adjacencies.txt
│   ├── WGtopo+scaff
│   ├── Xtopo_pNJ
│   └── Xtopo_RAW
├── GENE_file
└── scaff_BESST_DeCoSTAR 

The data/data_DeCoSTAR directory contains input data files to execute DeCoSTAR on the 18 Anopheles dataset:

  • The CTG_file contains informations on all contigs/scaffolds considered as input of DeCoSTAR for the 18 Anopheles species.
  • The GENE_file contains informations on all genes considered as input of DeCoSTAR for the 18 Anopheles species.
  • The scaff_BESST_ALL_3_TRIMMOMATIC3 contains the scaffolding adjacencies between contigs/scaffolds of reference genome assemblies computed by BESST with 2 link scores for the 18 Anopheles species.
  • The scaff_BESST_ALL_DeCoSTAR contains the scaffolding adjacencies between contigs/scaffolds of computed by BESST with 2 link scores between contigs/scaffolds considered as input of DeCoSTAR.
  • The data/data_DeCoSTAR/decostar/ directory contains files use in the parameter files to execute DeCoSTAR: The adjacencies.txt file contains all adjacencies considered by DeCoSTAR obtained from the files data/data_DeCoSTAR/GENE_file and data/data_DeCoSTAR/scaff_BESST_DeCoSTAR. The 3 directories: WGtopo+scaff, Xtopo_pNJ and Xtopo_RAW contains parameters files and gene trees to apply DeCoSTAR for the 4 different experiments described in our paper.

"data/validation_ADseq" directory

├── BLASTn  
│   ├── Anopheles_albimanus/  
│   ├── Anopheles_arabiensis/  
│   └── Anopheles_dirus/  
├── DeCoSTAR/BLASTn/  
│   ├── Anopheles_albimanus/  
│   ├── Anopheles_arabiensis/  
│   └── Anopheles_dirus/  
│   ├── blastn/  
│   └── minia/  
└── kmergenie  
    ├── Anopheles_albimanus/  
    ├── Anopheles_arabiensis/  
    └── Anopheles_dirus/  

The data/validation_ADseq/ directory contains input data files to execute DeCoSTAR with the ADseq algorithm to validate the ability of our algorithm to scaffold genomes. The directory is composed of 4 directories:

  • The kmergenie/ directory contains results of the tool Kmergenie to define the best kmer size to assemble reads sampling with minia genome assembly tool.
  • The FASTA/SCAFF directory contains genome assemblies in the FASTA file format for the 3 species selected for the validation steps obtain with minia (minia/ directory) and after BLASTn gene annotation (blastn/ directory).
  • The BLASTn/ directory contains the alignments of contigs produced with minia and mapped on reference genome assemblies with BLASTn to map gene of reference genome on minia contigs for the 6 experiments (3 species and 2 reads sampling)
  • The DeCoSTAR/BLASTn/ directory contains the data to apply DeCoSTAR with the ADseq algorithm on the 6 genome fragmentation experiments.

"results" directory

├── decostar
│   ├── WGtopo+scaff
│   ├── Xtopo_RAW
│   ├── Xtopo-scaff
│   └── Xtopo+scaff
└── validation_ADseq
    └── spi_20

The results directory contains results produced after DeCoSTAR execution with the file explaining the format of the different results present in this directory.

The results/decostar directory contains the results of DeCoSTAR with the algorithm ADseq on the 18 Anopheles dataset for the 4 conditions described in the paper:

  • Xtopo+scaff: X species tree topology with scaffolding adjacencies and profileNJ trees
  • WGtopo+scaff: WG species tree topology with scaffolding adjacencies and profileNJ trees
  • Xtopo-scaff: X species tree topology without scaffolding adjacencies and profileNJ trees
  • Xtopo_RAW: X species tree topology with scaffolding adjacencies and original gene trees

The results/validation_ADseq directory contains the results of DeCoSTAR with the algorithm ADseq for the 6 experiments with a fragmented genome for the validation of the scaffolding ability of ADseq algorithm, where there is one directory by species with genome fragmentation simulation (each containing 2 directories ("50pourc" and "ALL") for the two reads sampling:

  • Aalb: A. albimanus
  • Aara: A. arabiensis
  • Adir: A. dirus

The spi_20/stats/blastn directory contains files on precision and recall statistics for the 6 fragmented genomes experiments for the 3 methods compared (ADseq, ADseq (-sequencing data) and BESST) and files to produce Venn diagrams to compare scaffolding results between the 3 methods with/without considering orientation of gene in the computation of the statistics.

It is important to note that results in this repository are very slightly different from the results in the paper due to the fact that to produce this repository, results have been reproduced but the sampling of solutions is not the same between two runs then results can slightly diverged. This is the case in this repository but conclusions are unchanged.

"figures" directory

├── besst_score  
├── distrib_gene_trees  
├── ETE_species_trees  
├── precision_recall  
├── R_plots  
├── scatterplot  
└── Venn_diagram  

The directory figures contains statistics graphs and figures present in the paper (svg or pdf) and produced from files of data directory and results directory. We allow re-use of these figures and ask re-user to cite our article.

Software used in this study

  • DeCoSTAR - Software including the ADseq algorithm. GitHub repository
  • BESST - Scaffolding genomic assemblies
  • profileNJ - Gene tree correction using species tree and NJ
  • Samtools - Reading/writing/editing/indexing/viewing SAM/BAM/CRAM format
  • Bowtie2 - Aligning sequencing reads to long reference sequences
  • minia - Short-read assembler based on a de Bruijn graph
  • BLASTn
  • GBlocks - Eliminating poorly aligned positions and divergent regions of a DNA or protein alignment
  • Kmergenie - Estimating the best k-mer length for genome de novo assembly
  • Muscle - Multiple sequence alignment
  • RAxML - Maximum-likelihood based phylogenetic inference
  • SRAtoolkit - Toolkit to download sequencing data from the NIH Sequence Read Archive (SRA)
  • Trimmomatic - Trimming tasks for illumina paired-end and single ended data


  • Wandrille DUCHEMIN
  • Éric TANNIER
  • Cedric CHAUVE
  • Sèverine BÉRARD


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