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Reverse Engineering the
(old) OVGU Student Card

Yomin @ Netz39

Presenter Notes

difference between Mifare Classic and zombies? no one, both run around despite beeing long dead


  • 27C3: Harald Welte: Reverse engineering a real-world RFID payment system
  • LeSpockys post in his blog at the time the system was freshly broken
  • curiosity, what else

Intercard Statement (link)

Die einfache Struktur der aufgedeckten Rechenregel, voraussagbare Zufallszahlen sowie Zusammenhänge zwischen Karten-ID und Schlüssel lassen einen erfolgreichen Angriff auf die Karte gewissermaßen recht einfach erscheinen.

Die Aussage "Verschlüsselungsalgorithmus Mifare Classic nachvollzogen" muss also im Grundsatz als korrekt bewertet werden!


Diese kriminelle Energie könnte zu einem Missbrauch verwendet werden, wodurch wirtschaftliche Schäden entstehen können.


  • Mikron Gesellschaft für Integrierte Mikroelektronik
  • 1990 Mikron Fare System
  • 1995 Phillips Semiconductors
  • 2006 NXP Semiconductors
  • ISO/IEC 14443 Type A 13.56 MHz (<= 10cm)
  • variants: Classic, Ultralight, DESFire, Plus, ...


  • 2003 launch of the OVGU (Mifare Classic) studentcard (News)
  • 2008 Plötz: Mifare Classic – Eine Analyse der Implementierung
  • 2008 Nicolas T. Courtois: Algebraic Attacks on the Crypto-1 Stream Cipher in MiFare Classic and Oyster Cards
  • 2008 Garcia: Dismantling MIFARE Classic
  • 2008 de Koning Gans: A Practical Attack on the MIFARE Classic
  • 2009 Garcia: Wirelessly Pickpocketing a Mifare Classic Card
  • 2010 launch of the OVGU (Mifare DESFire) studentcard
  • 2011 Oswald: Breaking mifare DESFire MF3ICD40: power analysis and templates in the real world

Reverse Engineering Crypto-1

  • dissolve card in aceton
  • use polishing device to expose gates
  • make photos
  • write image analyzing software to match silicon structures to gates
  • reproduce circuit


  • 16bit PRNG, short period length, initial value based on poweron time
  • LFSR, easy to put in mathematic equations

We can recover the full 48-bit key of Mifare Crypto-1 algorithm in 200 seconds on one 1.66 GHz Centrino CPU, given I known IV and 50 output bits (from one single encryption). With 4 chosen IVs we can recover the key in 12 seconds.

Karsten Nohl April 2008

Darkside Attack

  • PRNG nonce is known with precise timing
  • with probability of about 1/256 the card will nevertheless respond with 4 bits
  • these 4 bits are NACK (0x5) that will be encrypted with the next 4 bits of the keystream
  • the boolean functions are choosen that bad that assertions about the last 3 bits of the filter functions outcome for the 4th byte hold true with high probabilities
  • with high probability the 4th byte is not affecting the keystream
  • therefore the keystream is constant for 8 different encryptions
  • determine possible states, lfsr rollback, parity check

filter functions

Presenter Notes

black magic


  • OpenPCD
  • Proxmark3
  • SCM SCL3710

nfc reader


Presenter Notes

  • mfcuk - darkside attack
  • mfoc - nested authentication attack

Mifare Classic - Format


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  • green: UID = 715758051
  • red: checksum (XOR UID bytes)
  • yellow: manufacturer info
  • blue: date of manufacturing? = 2003-01-02 or 2003-02-01
  • white: (Inter)Card ID = 1337331
  • orange: checksum (XOR data bytes = 0xff)

Presenter Notes

intercard id != UID, ohoh

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value block

  • orange: cash amount (cents) = 42.42€
  • red: inverse cash amount

Presenter Notes

2 value blocks -> value stored 6 times

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  • orange1: readerID charging = Mensa 1st floor left
  • orange2: readerID buying = Cafeteria Physics
  • blue1/green1: date last charging = 2013-06-16T14:14
  • blue2/green2: date last buying = 2013-06-22T11:54
  • yellow1: charged value = 42.42
  • yellow2: ?
  • red: buycounter = 39
  • white: differs between different persons

Presenter Notes

buycounter resets sometimes, per semester?

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  • red: card validity end date = 2013-09-30
  • yellow: differs between german and foreign students
  • orange: differs between students and non students
  • blue: student matrikel number = 414243
  • green: end date - 1 year = 2012-10-01
  • white: differs between groups of persons

Presenter Notes

end date, matrikel in hex encoded dec wtf

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  • orange: differs between students and non students
  • red: library number = 31000600338

Presenter Notes

dechex yay

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  • green/blue: date of manufacturing? = 2003-02-01 or 2003-01-02

Presenter Notes

date same as in first block but first block dechex


  • show relevant data
  • randomize dump
./ card.mfd 
Card UID:              2AA999E3/F9 (715758051)
Manufacturer Info:     8804004659255265101608
Manufactured:          01.02.2003 13:37
Card ID:               1467F3 (1337331)
Student:               yes
Matrikel Number:       414243
Card Validity End:     30.09.2013
Library Number:        31000600338
Money Amount:          23.23
Last Charged:          16.06.2013 14:14
Where Last Charged:    Mensa 1st floor left
Charging Amount:       42.42
Last Bought:           22.06.2013 11:54
Where Last Bought:     Cafeteria Physics
Purchases:             39
Checkblocks:           ok

Show Me The Money

einmal mit Profis..

21390950.39 ?

  • 32bit signed integer
  • upper byte is not read
  • instead following byte is read twice
  • max value 0x7f7fffff

New OVGU Student Card

Die "alte" UniCard besitzt weiterhin ihre Gültigkeit und kann uneingeschränkt genutzt werden. Jeder Studierende, der eine "alte" UniCard besitzt, kann diese auf Wunsch gegen eine Gebühr von 10,30 € im Studiservice gegen eine neue umtauschen.

Die neuen Karten wurden aufgrund neuer Technik und dem angepassten Corporate Design der Universität eingeführt.

Presenter Notes

  • the hell I have to pay to replace this piece of ****
  • it needs a corporate design change to advance security

Studentenwerk Visit

Presenter Notes

  • old card will not be removed, new one just introduced
  • check of my testcard -> card invalid
  • change of Intercard ID recovers card facepalm

Stuff ToDo

  • play with validation automat
  • discover library locker mechanism
  • check the new card for flaws like "DESFire used but encryption not turned on"


Presenter Notes

empty error is empty