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Yormus-Coin edited this page Apr 26, 2024 · 1 revision

Yormus Project Roadmap

Phase 1: Initiation (Months 1-3)

  • Establish project foundation: Define mission, vision, and core values.
  • Assemble core team: Recruit skilled professionals in blockchain development, marketing, and community management.
  • Conduct market research: Analyze market trends, competitor analysis, and user needs.
  • Define coinomics: Determine coin distribution, inflation model, and reward mechanisms.
  • Initial fundraising: Secure funding through private sales, seed funding, or strategic partnerships.
  • Set up GitHub repository: Create a GitHub repository for Yormus to manage code development and version control.

Phase 2: Development (Months 4-9)

  • Blockchain development: Design and develop the Yormus blockchain, consensus mechanism, and smart contract functionality.
  • Wallet development: Create user-friendly wallets for desktop, mobile, and web platforms.
  • Testing and optimization: Conduct comprehensive testing to ensure security, scalability, and efficiency.
  • Mainnet launch: Deploy the mainnet and execute the genesis block, marking the official launch of the Yormus blockchain.
  • Continuous code updates: Regularly update the GitHub repository with code improvements, bug fixes, and new features.

Phase 3: Community Building (Months 10-15)

  • Community outreach: Launch marketing campaigns to raise awareness and attract users to the Yormus ecosystem.
  • Community engagement: Foster a vibrant community through social media, forums, and online events.
  • Developer engagement: Organize hackathons, developer workshops, and grants to encourage contributions to the ecosystem.
  • Governance implementation: Introduce governance mechanisms for community voting and decision-making.
  • Open-source collaboration: Encourage collaboration with other blockchain projects by sharing code on GitHub and participating in open-source initiatives.

Phase 4: Expansion and Growth (Months 16-24)

  • Coin Listings: Secure listings for Yormus coin (YRMS) on major cryptocurrency exchanges such as CoinMarketCap, CoinGecko, and Binance. Expand listing to other exchanges including XEGGEX and more to increase accessibility and liquidity.
  • Partnerships and collaborations: Establish strategic partnerships with businesses, organizations, and institutions to expand the use cases of Yormus.
  • Ecosystem expansion: Explore opportunities to integrate Yormus into other platforms and applications.
  • Scalability improvements: Enhance the scalability and efficiency of the Yormus blockchain to accommodate increased transaction volume.
  • Continuous improvement: Gather feedback from the community and iterate on the Yormus platform to address user needs and market trends.
  • Code audit and optimization: Conduct regular code audits and optimizations to ensure the security and reliability of the Yormus codebase on GitHub.

Phase 5: Long-Term Sustainability (Beyond Month 24)

  • Ecosystem resilience: Ensure the long-term sustainability of the Yormus ecosystem through resilience to market fluctuations and regulatory changes.
  • Community empowerment: Empower the community to take ownership of the Yormus ecosystem through decentralized governance and participation.
  • Impact and legacy: Measure the impact of Yormus on environmental sustainability and social impact, leaving a positive legacy for future generations.
  • Continued GitHub maintenance: Maintain the GitHub repository with regular updates, security patches, and documentation improvements to support the long-term viability of the Yormus project.