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Welcome to the Message360 NodeJS Helper Library

This is home to the Official NodeJS Message360 Helper Library.

var m360 = require('m360');
var auth = require('../auth');

var m = m360.RestAPI({
  authId: auth.authId,
  authToken: auth.authToken

var params = {
  'body' : 'xx xx xx',
  'to': 'xxxxxxxxxx', //required // The phone numer to which the all has to be placed
  'from' : 'xxxxxxxxxx', //required // The phone number to be used as the caller id
  'method' : '', //optional //Allowed Value: POST or GET 
  'fromcountrycode' : 1, //required //Please enter FromCountryCode number with country code.(i.e 1) 
  'tocountrycode' : 1 //required //Please enter ToCountryCode number with country code.(i.e 1)

// Prints the complete response
m.send_message(params, function (status, response) {
    console.log('API Response:\n', JSON.stringify(response));

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About Message360

Empowering technology to meet modern day communication needs. Through a simple to use API, developers can build, connect, and manage all communications platforms in one system.

Communicating with prospects, leads and customers is the single most important thing when protecting and growing your business. Now, take it to the next level by imagining the possibilities and how your business can communicate with these people.

More information can be obtained about message360 at

Support or Contact

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Company Information

© 2015 Ytel, Inc. | Ytel™ All Rights Reserved. | 800.382.4913 |