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The Auth plugin to the Adobe I/O CLI supports managing tokens for Adobe Identity Management Services (IMS) such as login, logout, and retrieving and using tokens.

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@adobe/aio-lib-core-ims-oauth Version Downloads/week Build Status Codecov Coverage Github Issues Github Pull Requests


This plugin provides Adobe IMS support for authentication.

This plugin supports:

  • multiple configurations for credentials
  • support for multiple authentication types (JWT, OAuth2 (three-legged via the browser))
  • support for authentication plugins (i.e. service token support)

The JavaScript Packages

The collection of Adobe IMS supporting plugins:

  • The Adobe I/O Lib Core IMS Support Library is the reusable base library providing JavaScript level API to the Adobe IMS APIs as well as getting access to tokens. All the functionality of this library is available by simply requiring this library.
  • This Adobe I/O CLI Auth Plugin is the main auth plugin to the Adobe IO CLI.
  • Two extensions to the Adobe I/O IMS Support Library supporting creation of IMS tokens for different use cases. They all come as node packages. They are used by the Adobe I/O IMS Support Library to implement the access token creation. The plugins are:

How it works

This Adobe IO CLI Auth Plugin offers three commands:

  • login to create and return Adobe IMS access tokens. Since tokens are cached in the Adobe IO CLI configuration, an actual token is only created if the currently cached token has already expired (or is about to expire within 10 minutes).
  • logout invalidate cached tokens and remove them from the cache. Besides the access token, this can also be used to invalidate any refresh token that may be cached.
  • ctx to manage configuration contexts.


$ npm install -g @adobe/aio-cli-plugin-auth
running command...
$ aio (-v|--version|version)
@adobe/aio-cli-plugin-auth/1.0.6 darwin-x64 node-v10.18.0
$ aio --help [COMMAND]
  $ aio COMMAND


aio auth

Adobe IMS commands to login and logout.

  $ aio auth

  The main commands are auth:login to get or create an access token and
  auth:logout to invalidate an access token and thus log out from Adobe IMS.

  Logging in and out is based on configuration of which there may be
  multiple. Each set of configuration properties, called an Adobe IMS context,
  can be individually addressed by a label.

  Configuration for the Adobe IMS commands is stored in the "$ims"
  configuration property. The special property "$current" contains the
  label of the current configuration which can be set using the
  "aio auth ctx -s <label>" command.

  Each set of properties in a labeled Adobe IMS context configurations has
  configuration properties depending on the kind of access that is
  supported. The below example shows the configuration for OAuth2
  based (graphical SUSI) login.

  The "env" property is mandatory and designates the Adobe IMS environment
  used for authentication. Possible values are "stage" and "prod".
  If the property is missing or any other value, it defaults to "stage".

  All commands allow their normal output to be formatted in either
  HJSON (default), JSON, or YAML.

       $ims: {
         postman: {
           env: "stage",
           callback_url: "",
           client_id: "",
           client_secret: "XXXXXXXX",
           scope: "openid AdobeID additional_info.projectedProductContext read_organizations",
           state: ""
         $current: "postman"

See code: src/commands/auth/index.js

aio auth:ctx

Manage Adobe IMS contexts.

  $ aio auth:ctx

  -c, --ctx=ctx  Name of the Adobe IMS context to use. Default is the current Adobe IMS context
  -g, --global   global config
  -l, --local    local config
  -s, --set=set  Sets the name of the current Adobe IMS context
  -v, --verbose  Verbose output
  --debug=debug  Debug level output
  --list         Names of the Adobe IMS contexts as an array
  --value        Prints named or current Adobe IMS context data

  The following options exist for this command:

  * List the names of the configured Adobe IMS contexts
  * Print the name of the current Adobe IMS context
  * Set the name of the current Adobe IMS context
  * Print the configuration of the current or a named Adobe IMS context

  Currently it is not possible to update the Adobe Adobe IMS context configuration
  using this command. Use the "aio config" commands for this.
        e.g. aio config:set \$ims.your_context.your_context_key "your_context_value"

  Please note, that the Adobe Adobe IMS context labels starting with "$" are reserved
  and cannot be used as an Adobe IMS context name.

  $ aio ctx
  $ aio context

See code: src/commands/auth/ctx.js

aio auth:login

Log in with a certain Adobe IMS context and returns the access token.

  $ aio auth:login

  -c, --ctx=ctx  Name of the Adobe IMS context to use. Default is the current Adobe IMS context
  -d, --decode   Decode and display access token data

  -f, --force    Force logging in. This causes a forced logout on the context first and makes sure to not use any cached
                 data when calling the plugin.

  -g, --global   global config

  -l, --local    local config

  -v, --verbose  Verbose output

  --debug=debug  Debug level output

  If the Adobe IMS context already has a valid access token set (valid meaning
  at least 10 minutes before expiry), that token is returned.

  Otherwise, if the Adobe IMS context has a valid refresh token set (valid
  meaning at least 10 minutes before expiry) that refresh token is
  exchanged for an access token before returning the access token.

  Lastly, if the Adobe IMS context properties are supported by one of the
  Adobe IMS login plugins, that login plugin is called to guide through
  the IMS login process.

  The currently supported Adobe IMS login plugins are:

  * aio-lib-core-ims-jwt for JWT token based login supporting
     Adobe I/O Console service integrations.
  * aio-lib-core-ims-oauth for browser based OAuth2 login. This
     plugin will launch a Chromium browser to guide the user through the
     login process. The plugin itself will *never* see the user's
     password but only receive the authorization token after the
     user authenticated with Adobe IMS.

  $ aio login

See code: src/commands/auth/login.js

aio auth:logout

Log out the current or a named Adobe IMS context.

  $ aio auth:logout

  -c, --ctx=ctx  Name of the Adobe IMS context to use. Default is the current Adobe IMS context

  -f, --force    Invalidate the refresh token as well as all access tokens.
                 Otherwise only the access token is invalidated. For Adobe IMS
                 contexts not supporting refresh tokens, this flag has no

  -g, --global   global config

  -l, --local    local config

  -v, --verbose  Verbose output

  --debug=debug  Debug level output

  This command can be called multiple times on the same Adobe IMS context with
  out causing any errors. The assumption is that after calling this command
  without an error, the Adobe IMS context's access and refresh tokens have been
  invalidated and removed from persistent storage. Repeatedly calling this
  command will just do nothing.

  $ aio logout

See code: src/commands/auth/logout.js


Contributions are welcomed! Read the Contributing Guide for more information.


This project is licensed under the Apache V2 License. See LICENSE for more information.


Auth plugin for the Adobe I/O CLI



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