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== python-yubico
Python package for talking to YubiKeys.

=== Introduction
The YubiKey is a hardware token for authentication. The main mode of the
YubiKey is entering a one time password (or a strong static password) by acting
as a USB HID device, but there are things one can do with bi-directional

1. Configuration. The yubikey_config class should be a feature-wise complete
   implementation of everything that can be configured on YubiKeys version 1.3
   to 3.x (besides deprecated functions in YubiKey 1.x).
   See `examples/configure_nist_test_key` for an example.

2. Challenge-response. YubiKey 2.2 and later supports HMAC-SHA1 or Yubico
   challenge-response operations.
   See `examples/nist_challenge_response` for an example.
This library makes it easy to use these two features.

===  Example
Here is a trivial usage example :

[source, python]
#!/usr/bin/env python
""" Get version of connected YubiKey. """

import sys
import yubico

    yubikey = yubico.find_yubikey(debug=False)
    print "Version : %s " % yubikey.version()
except yubico.yubico_exception.YubicoError as e:
    print "ERROR: %s" % e.reason

=== Installation

==== Using the Ubuntu/Debian package manager
If you use a recent Ubuntu release, you should be able to install python-yubico
with these commands :

  $ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:yubico/stable
  $ sudo apt-get update
  $ sudo apt-get install python-yubico

The Launchpad PPA key generated for our packages is 32CBA1A9.

==== Using Pip
python-yubico is installable via pip:

  $ pip install python-yubico

Or, directly from the source package in the standard Python way:

  $ cd python-yubico-$ver
  $ python install

This requires the `python-setuptools` package. You will also need[PyUSB], called python-usb in Debian/Ubuntu.
`pyusb` is available on PyPI and may be installed with pip: `pip install --pre
pyusb`  The --pre command-line option indicates that pre-releases of `pyusb`
may also be searched (only pre-releases of `pyusb` are available on PyPI, and
pip skips pre-releases by default). Note that while both the 0.4 branch and the
1.0 branch are supported, the older 0.4 branch doesn't support re-attaching the
kernel device driver on close, which will leave the YubiKey in a state where it
is unable to output OTPs until it has been unplugged and plugged back in again.

==== On Windows
If you use Windows, you will require a PyUSB backend. Python-yubico has been
tested with[libusbx] and confirmed working, without the need
for replacing the device driver.

=== License
Copyright (c) Yubico AB.
Licensed under the BSD 2-clause license.
See the file COPYING for full licence statement.