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Association of Human Mobility and Weather Conditions on Dengue Mosquito in Hong Kong during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Paper Authors

Yufan Zheng, Keqi Yue, Eric W. M. Wong, Hsiang-Yu Yuan

Research Aim

This study aimed to assess the influence of human mobility on the abundance and extensiveness of Aedes albopictus, taking account of the lagged and nonlinear effects of total rainfall and mean temperature based on distributed-lagged non-linear models (DLNM).

Data and Code sources

Data: a folder containing the processed data, including mosquito activity, weather data, and human mobility data.

Model: a folder containing all fitted models and sensitivity analysis models. In addition, summarizes the fitted model results and sensitivity analysis results.

Paper: a folder containing all figures in the paper.

results: a folder containing fitted, leave-one-out cross-validation (LOOCV), and projection results.

1_Load_packages_data.R: R script to load data, and prepare the input variables.

2_Model_Construction.R: R script to construct models and record results.

3_Model_Sensibility.R: R script to analyze the model parameter sensibility.

4_LOOCV.R: R script to validate the performance of models by the LOOCV.

5_Standardized.R: R script to standardize the fitted results (output).

6_Projection.R: R script to project the mosquito activity with different human mobility scenarios.

7_Figures_of_paper.R: R script to draw all figures in the paper.


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