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Change Data Capture in YugaByte DB

Change data capture (or CDC for short) enables capturing changes performed to the data stored in YugaByte DB. This document provides an overview of the approach YugaByte DB uses for providing change capture stream on tables that can be consumed by third party applications. This feature is useful in a number of scenarios such as:

Microservice-oriented architectures

There are some microservices that require a stream of changes to the data. For example, a search system powered by a service such as Elasticsearch may be used in conjunction with the database stores the transactions. The search system requires a stream of changes made to the data in YugaByte DB.

Asynchronous replication to remote systems

Remote systems such as caches and analytics pipelines may subscribe to the stream of changes, transform them and consume these changes.

Two data center deployments

Two datacenter deployments in YugaByte DB leverage change data capture at the core.

Note that in this design, the terms "data center", "cluster" and "universe" will be used interchangeably. We assume here that each YB universe is deployed in a single data-center.

Setting up a CDC

To create a CDC stream, run the following commands on YSQL (or YCQL) APIs:

       FOR <namespace>.<table>
       INTO <target>
       WITH <options>;

Run the following command to drop an existing CDC stream:

DROP CDC FOR <namespace>.<table>;

Initially, KAFKA and ELASTICSEARCH will be the supported targets. The usage for each of these is shown below.

Kafka as the CDC target

CREATE CDC FOR my_database.my_table
           INTO KAFKA
           WITH cluster_address = 'http://localhost:9092',
                topic = 'my_table_topic',
                record = AFTER;

The CDC options for Kafka include:

Option name Default Description
cluster_address - The host:port of the Kafka target cluster
topic Table name The Kafka topic to which the stream is published
record AFTER The type of records in the stream. Valid values are CHANGE (changed values only), AFTER (the entire row after the change is applied), ALL (the before and after value of the row).

Elasticsearch as the CDC target

CREATE CDC FOR my_database.my_table
           WITH cluster_address = 'http://localhost:9200',
                index = 'my_table_index';

The CDC options for Elasticsearch include:

Option name Default Description
cluster_address - The host:port of the Elasticsearch target cluster
index Table name The Elasticsearch index into which the search index is built


Process Architecture

                          ║  Node #1                                  ║
                          ║  ╔════════════════╗ ╔══════════════════╗  ║
                          ║  ║    YB-Master   ║ ║    YB-TServer    ║  ║  CDC Service is stateless
    CDC Streams metadata  ║  ║  (Stores CDC   ║ ║  ╔═════════════╗ ║  ║           |
    replicated with Raft  ║  ║   metadata)    ║ ║  ║ CDC Service ║ ║  ║<----------'
             .----------->║  ║                ║ ║  ╚═════════════╝ ║  ║
             |            ║  ╚════════════════╝ ╚══════════════════╝  ║
             |            ╚═══════════════════════════════════════════╝
             |                                               |
             V                                               V
  ╔═══════════════════════════════════════════╗    ╔═══════════════════════════════════════════╗
  ║  Node #2                                  ║    ║  Node #3                                  ║
  ║  ╔════════════════╗ ╔══════════════════╗  ║    ║  ╔════════════════╗ ╔══════════════════╗  ║
  ║  ║    YB-Master   ║ ║    YB-TServer    ║  ║    ║  ║    YB-Master   ║ ║    YB-TServer    ║  ║
  ║  ║  (Stores CDC   ║ ║  ╔═════════════╗ ║  ║    ║  ║  (Stores CDC   ║ ║  ╔═════════════╗ ║  ║
  ║  ║   metadata)    ║ ║  ║ CDC Service ║ ║  ║    ║  ║   metadata)    ║ ║  ║ CDC Service ║ ║  ║
  ║  ║                ║ ║  ╚═════════════╝ ║  ║    ║  ║                ║ ║  ╚═════════════╝ ║  ║
  ║  ╚════════════════╝ ╚══════════════════╝  ║    ║  ╚════════════════╝ ╚══════════════════╝  ║
  ╚═══════════════════════════════════════════╝    ╚═══════════════════════════════════════════╝

Creating a new CDC stream on a table returns a stream UUID. The CDC Service stores information about all streams in the system table cdc_streams. The schema for this table looks as follows:

cdc_streams {
stream_id	text,
params	map<text, text>,
primary key (stream_id)

Along with creating a CDC stream, a CDC subscriber is also created for all existing tablets of the stream. A new subscriber entry is created in the cdc_subscribers table. The schema for this table is:

cdc_subscribers {
stream_id		text,
subscriber_id	text,
tablet_id		text,
data			map<text, text>,
primary key (stream_id, subscriber_id, tablet_id)

Every YB-TServer has a CDC service that is stateless. The main APIs provided by CDC Service are:

  • SetupCDC API for setting up CDC stream on a table.
  • RegisterSubscriber API for registering a subscriber that will read changes from some or all tablets for that CDC stream.
  • GetChanges API that will be used by subscriber to get latest set of changes.
  • GetSnapshot API that will be used to bootstrap subscribers and get current snapshot of the database (typically will be invoked prior to GetChanges)

Pushing changes to external systems

Each tserver has cdc_subscribers that are responsible for getting changes for all tablets for which the tserver is a leader. When a new stream and subscriber are created, the tserver cdc_subscribers detect this and start invoking the cdc_service.GetChanges API periodically to get the latest set of changes.

While invoking GetChanges, the cdc subscriber needs to pass in a from_checkpoint which is the last OP ID that it successfully consumed. When CDC service receives a request of GetChanges for a tablet, it reads the changes from WAL (log cache) starting from from_checkpoint, deserializes them and returns those to CDC subscriber. It also records the from_checkpoint in cdc_subscribers table in the data column. This will be used for bootstrapping fallen subscribers who don’t know the last checkpoint or in case of tablet leader changes.

When cdc_subscribers receive the set of changes, they then push these changes out to Kafka or Elastic Search.

CDC Guarantees

Per-tablet ordered delivery guarantee

All changes for a row (or rows in the same tablet) will be received in the order in which they happened. However, due to the distributed nature of the problem, there is no guarantee the order across tablets.

For example, let us imagine the following scenario:

  • Two rows are being updated concurrently.
  • These two rows belong to different tablets.
  • The first row row #1 was updated at time t1 and the second row row #2 was updated at time t2.

In this case, it is entirely possible for the CDC feature to push the later update corresponding to row #2 change to Kafka before pushing the update corresponding to row #1.

At-least once delivery

Updates for rows will be pushed at least once. This can happen in case of tablet leader change where the old leader already pushed changes to Kafka/Elastic Search but the latest pushed op id was not updated in cdc_subscribers table.

For example, let us imagine a CDC client has received changes for a row at times t1 and t3. It is possible for the client to receive those updates again.

No gaps in change stream

Note that once you have received a change for a row for some timestamp t, you will not receive a previously unseen change for that row at a lower timestamp. Therefore, there is a guarantee at all times that receiving any change implies all older changes have been received for a row.
