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This is a fork of Fernando Cejas's example of Aspect Oriented Programming in Android. A big shout out to him for providing a working example of AOP in Android.

Daniel Bernoulli was a Swiss mathematician and physicist who came up with his famous Bernoulli's Principle in 1738.

The principle concerns characterising the flow of a fluid and says that the velocity and pressure at any point are inversely related - more the pressure slower the velocity and vice versa.

This library is trying to characterise the flow of code execution in Android on similar lines.

It aims to provide a clear representation of the impediments in the flow of certain code sequences (for example, requirements of certain Android permissions or settings) to help you better plan how your application should proceed in the presence or absence of the same.

We can think of each class as a river and each method in the class like a stream in the river.

You just add @RequiresPermission or @RequiresSetting annotation(s) to the method(s) which need it and Mr. Bernoulli will take care of the processing at runtime. In addition, you can also choose an appropriate PermissionDisabledPolicy and SettingsStateMismatchPolicy.

Min Requirements

Android version - 21

Gradle version - 5.4.1

Android Gradle Plugin version - 3.5.1


In your module's build.gradle file, make the following changes -

  • Add the following before any plugins that you may be applying -

    buildscript {
         dependencies {
              classpath 'org.aspectj:aspectjtools:1.9.4'
  • Bernoulli requires Java 8 to function. So, in the android section, add the following -

    compileOptions {
            sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
            targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
  • Add the following in your dependencies section. Please check Bernoulli's latest version from the releases page -

    implementation 'com.yugankasharan.bernoulli:bernoulli:$latestVersion'
  • Finally, add these lines at the bottom of the file. Relevant imports should be possible at this point if you have synced the project after the previous changes -

    final def variants =
     variants.all { variant ->
           variant.javaCompile.doLast {
                String[] args = ["-showWeaveInfo",
                                 "-inpath", javaCompile.destinationDir.toString(),
                                 "-aspectpath", javaCompile.classpath.asPath,
                                 "-d", javaCompile.destinationDir.toString(),
                                 "-classpath", javaCompile.classpath.asPath,
                new Main().run(args, new MessageHandler(true));


  1. Initialise Bernoulli in your application class's onCreate -

  2. You can use @RequiresPermission and @RequiresSetting annotations only in a sub-class of BernoulliActivity.

    If you set PermissionDisabledPolicy.ASK_IF_MISSING as permission disabled policy for any method annotated with @RequiresPermission, the callback will come in the same activity's onRequestPermissionsResult. So, you must ensure that the method is called when the activity is within resumed state, i.e between its onResume and onPause lifecycle methods.

  3. Ensure that the permissions you are mentioning in @RequiresPermission annotation have also been, as usual, declared in your manifest.

  4. Documentation is available here.


Copyright 2021 Yuganka Sharan

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.