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Running Eclipse

Yuhiro edited this page Dec 11, 2017 · 11 revisions

Open Eclipse

1. When you run the Eclipse program, it shows this window to choose the workspace.

First Step

2. Once chosen, the Eclipse windows will open.

SecondStep Third Step

How to use

Go to menu Window -> Preference -> Java -> Compiler and select the most recent version

Fourth Step

Go to menu Window -> Preference -> Run/Debug -> Viw Management and select Java

Fiveth Step

Create Project

1. Let’s make a new Java project on “ File -> New -> Project”

First Step

2. Insert the project name

Second Step

3. Select ‘Yes’ to open the Java perspective

Third Step

We can create, delete, immport and export files and projects.

<-- Previous: Instalation Guide | Next: Debug -->

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