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Functional Route Util for Android


This is a routing library for Android, use Kotlin coroutines and functional library Arrow as the core, and it is built based on the combinator-oriented idea of the functional paradigm.

The goal is to build a flexible, simple structure, static type routing library


  1. The core is simplified to only the composite type YRoute and the runner CoreEngine
  2. Static type
  3. Based on combinator-oriented programming, there is no complicated inheritance structure, hierarchical concept, only the combination of YRoute
  4. State and logic are separated, state protected by the core, so logic can be combined safely and flexibly
  5. Unlike Redux or Flux which separate side effects through the Middleware structure, YRoute uses the coroutine suspend to separate side effects, which is more flexible, composable, and contagious
  6. The core type YRoute is a monad and has no side effects, so it can be combined and created arbitrarily
  7. It does not restrict the use of CoreEngine in the global singleton mode, and you can also create a sub-Core or a completely independent Core

Basic features

  1. Activity lifecycle management
  2. Start Activity in Rx mode
  3. Activity of multi-stack Fragment
  4. The same startFragment and finishFragment operation methods as Activity
  5. startFragmentForResult (onFragmentResult callback method)
  6. startFragmentForRx and startActivityForRx
  7. Fragment and Activity start and exit animation control
  8. onShow and onHide callback methods
  9. StackActivity is divided into Single and Table, supporting different modes of single stack and multi stack
  10. Support global Activity life cycle management
  11. Support to start Route from Uri
  12. You can choose to construct two routes: ordinary YRoute without parameters and LazyYRoute with parameters
  13. Fragment and Activity do not need to inherit a certain basic class (but need to implement some basic interfaces)
  14. The new parameter transfer interface can support parameter transfer in ways other than Intent, and can transfer any type of object (including non-serializable types)
  15. You can get the result of Route running, failure or success, or even get the new Activity started after startActivity

Add to Project

Step1: Add in root build.gradle:

allprojects {
	repositories {
		maven { url "" }

Step2: Add dependencies in target module:

dependencies {
    implementation 'com.github.Yumenokanata:YRoute:x.y.z'


// Config at App
class App : Application() {
    lateinit var core: MainCoreEngine<ActivitiesState>

    override fun onCreate() {

        MainCoreEngine.apply {
            core = create(this@App, ActivitiesState(emptyList())).unsafeRunSync()

// Use
launch {

launch {
    val result = {
        createActivityIntent<BaseActivity, ActivitiesState>(ActivityBuilder(
            .flatMapR { startActivityForResult(it, 1) }

    Logger.d("MainActivity", result.toString())        

launch {
    try {
        val result = {
                    .withParam(OtherParam("This is param from FragmentPage1."))
            ) runAtF this@FragmentPage1

        withContext(Dispatchers.Main) {
                            "YResult from Other fragment: \nresultCode=${it.a}, data=${it.b?.getString("msg")}",
    } catch (e: Throwable) {

FragmentManagerAlternative use of this library

Sample code, the main alternative class is:

  1. BaseFragmentManagerActivity -> and BaseSingleActivity
  2. BaseManagerFragment ->


The library has two core types: YRoute<S, R> and CoreEngine. The steps to use are

  1. Build YRoute
  2. Put into CoreEngine to run

1. Build YRoute

The two paradigms of YRoute<S, R> are: the State data type corresponding to S, and the return value after running the R route

The YRoute<S, R> type can be regarded as a pure function:

suspend (S, Cxt) -> Pair<S, YResult<R>>

The meaning is: input the current state S and the context Cxt, and output a new state and the running result YResult<R>

There are currently some functional routes developed in the library:


The corresponding State is ActivitiesState, which saves the state of all Activities

The routes are:

object ActivitiesRoute {
    fun routeStartActivityByIntent(intent: Intent): YRoute<ActivitiesState, Activity>

    fun <A : Activity> routeStartActivity(builder: ActivityBuilder<A>): YRoute<ActivitiesState, A>

    fun routeStartActivityForResult(builder: ActivityBuilder<Activity>, requestCode: Int): YRoute<ActivitiesState, Activity>

    fun routeStartActivityForRx(builder: ActivityBuilder): YRoute<ActivitiesState, Maybe<Tuple2<Int, Bundle?>>>

    val routeFinishTop: YRoute<ActivitiesState, Unit>

    fun routeFinish(activity: Activity): YRoute<ActivitiesState, Unit>


This is a route similar to the FragmentManager library that manages the Fragment stack in the Activity, but compared to the FragmentManager library, it can choose a single stack or multi-stack switching, and it can be in the Activity without limitation, and it can also manage the Fragment nested in the ParentFragment mode; and Not limited to having to inherit the base class.

Activity or Fragment as a container needs to inherit StackHost<F, out Type: StackType<F>>:

abstract class FragmentTableActivity : FragmentActivity(), StackHost<BaseFragment, StackType.Table<BaseFragment> {
    override val fragmentId: Int =

    override var controller: StackController = StackController.defaultController()

    override val initStack: StackType.Table<BaseFragment> =
                defaultMap = mapOf(
                    "page1" to,
                    "page2" to,
                    "page3" to


As a managed sub-Fragment, you need to implement the StackFragment interface:

class FragmentPage1 : Fragment(), StackFragment {
    override var controller: FragController = FragController.defaultController()


The managed Fragment can choose to implement the FragmentParam<T> interface:

class FragmentPage1 : Fragment(), StackFragment, FragmentParam<ParamModel> {
    override val injector: Subject<OtherParam> = FragmentParam.defaultInjecter()

    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

            injector.subscribe {
                Toast.makeText(activity, it.toString(), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show()

This way, when building a FragmentBuilder that implements the FragmentParam<T> interface, a method withParam() will be added:

        .withParam(OtherParam("This is param.")

In this way, any type of parameter can be injected.

After the above work is completed, StackRoute can be used. The routing functions are:

object StackRoute {
    fun <F, T, A> routeStartStackActivity(builder: ActivityBuilder<A>)
            : YRoute<ActivitiesState, A>
            where F : Fragment, T : StackType<F>, A : FragmentActivity, A : StackHost<F, T>

    fun <F, T, A> routeGetStackFromActivity(activity: A)
            : YRoute<ActivitiesState, Lens<ActivitiesState, StackFragState<F, T>?>>
            where F : Fragment, T : StackType<F>, A : FragmentActivity, A : StackHost<F, T>

    fun <F, T> routeGetStackActivityFromFrag(frag: Fragment)
            : YRoute<ActivitiesState, Lens<ActivitiesState, StackFragState<F, T>?>>
            where F : Fragment, T : StackType<F>

    fun <F, R> routeRunAtFrag(frag: Fragment, route: YRoute<StackFragState<F, StackType<F>>, R>): YRoute<ActivitiesState, R>
            where F : Fragment

    infix fun <F, R> YRoute<StackFragState<F, StackType<F>>, R>.runAtF(frag: Fragment): YRoute<ActivitiesState, R>
            where F : Fragment

    fun <F, A, T, R> routeRunAtAct(act: A, route: YRoute<StackFragState<F, T>, R>): YRoute<ActivitiesState, R>
            where F : Fragment, T : StackType<F>, A : FragmentActivity, A : StackHost<F, T>

    infix fun <F, A, T, R> YRoute<StackFragState<F, T>, R>.runAtA(act: A): YRoute<ActivitiesState, R>
            where F : Fragment, T : StackType<F>, A : FragmentActivity, A : StackHost<F, T>

    fun <F> routeStartFragmentAtSingle(builder: FragmentBuilder<F>): YRoute<StackFragState<F, StackType.Single<F>>, F>
            where F : Fragment, F : StackFragment

    fun <F> routeStartFragmentAtTable(builder: FragmentBuilder<F>): YRoute<StackFragState<F, StackType.Table<F>>, F>
            where F : Fragment, F : StackFragment

    fun <F> routeStartFragment(builder: FragmentBuilder<F>): YRoute<StackFragState<F, StackType<F>>, F>
            where F : Fragment, F : StackFragment

    fun <F> routeStartFragmentForResultAtSingle(builder: FragmentBuilder<F>, requestCode: Int): YRoute<StackFragState<F, StackType.Single<F>>, F>
            where F : Fragment, F : StackFragment

    fun <F> routeStartFragmentForResultAtTable(builder: FragmentBuilder<F>, requestCode: Int): YRoute<StackFragState<F, StackType.Table<F>>, F>
            where F : Fragment, F : StackFragment

    fun <F> routeStartFragmentForResult(builder: FragmentBuilder<F>, requestCode: Int): YRoute<StackFragState<F, StackType<F>>, F>
            where F : Fragment, F : StackFragment

    fun <F> routeStartFragmentForRxAtSingle(builder: FragmentBuilder<F>): YRoute<StackFragState<F, StackType.Single<F>>, Maybe<Tuple2<Int, Bundle?>>>
            where F : Fragment, F : StackFragment, F : FragmentLifecycleOwner

    fun <F> routeStartFragmentForRxAtTable(builder: FragmentBuilder<F>): YRoute<StackFragState<F, StackType.Table<F>>, Maybe<Tuple2<Int, Bundle?>>>
            where F : Fragment, F : StackFragment, F : FragmentLifecycleOwner

    fun <F> routeStartFragmentForRx(builder: FragmentBuilder<F>): YRoute<StackFragState<F, StackType<F>>, Maybe<Tuple2<Int, Bundle?>>>
            where F : Fragment, F : StackFragment, F : FragmentLifecycleOwner

    fun <F> routeSwitchTag(tag: TableTag): YRoute<StackFragState<F, StackType.Table<F>>, F?> where F : Fragment

    fun <F : Fragment> routeFinishFragmentAtSingle(target: StackFragment?): YRoute<StackFragState<F, StackType.Single<F>>, Tuple2<SingleTarget<F>?, FinishResult>>

    fun <F : Fragment> routeFinishFragmentAtTable(target: StackFragment?): YRoute<StackFragState<F, StackType.Table<F>>, Tuple2<TableTarget<F>?, FinishResult>>

    fun <F : Fragment> routeFinishFragment(target: StackFragment?): YRoute<StackFragState<F, StackType<F>>, Tuple2<Either<SingleTarget<F>, TableTarget<F>>, FinishResult>>

    fun <F, A> routeStartFragAtNewSingleActivity(activityBuilder: ActivityBuilder<A>,
                                                 fragBuilder: FragmentBuilder<F>)
            : YRoute<ActivitiesState, Tuple2<A, F>>
            where F : Fragment, F : StackFragment, A : FragmentActivity, A : StackHost<F, StackType.Single<F>>

    fun <F, A> routeStartFragAtNewTableActivity(activityBuilder: ActivityBuilder<A>,
                                                fragBuilder: FragmentBuilder<F>)
            : YRoute<ActivitiesState, Tuple2<A, F>>
            where F : Fragment, F : StackFragment, A : FragmentActivity, A : StackHost<F, StackType.Table<F>>


Route to jump by Uri string:

val routeNavi ="main") {

                FragmentBuilder("Msg from MainActivity."))

routeNavi.withParam("route://main/test/other").start(core) // return IO<Result<Any?>>

2. Run YRoute

YRoute is an Action that transforms according to the current context and state. It needs to be actually executed in CoreEngine

CoreEngine is an interface that describes the usual method of running YRoute:

interface CoreEngine<S> {
    val routeCxt: RouteCxt

    fun runIO(io: IO<*>): IO<Unit>

    fun putStream(stream: Completable): IO<Unit>

    fun <R> runAsync(route: YRoute<S, R>, callback: (YResult<R>) -> Unit): IO<Unit>

    fun <R> run(route: YRoute<S, R>): IO<YResult<R>>

You can implement this interface yourself to provide different operating modes. By default, a MainCoreEngine is implemented, and the run queue is managed through Rx, running serially:

MainCoreEngine.apply {
    core = create(this@App, ActivitiesState(emptyList())).unsafeRunSync()

After the Core is created, you can run YRoute:

routeStartStackActivity(ActivityBuilder( // YRoute
    .start(core) //suspend Result<R>

    .withParams("param")// LazyYRoute
    .start(core) //suspend Result<R>

If you don't want to execute the route immediately, you can use the startLazy method:

routeStartStackActivity(ActivityBuilder( // YRoute
    .startLazy(core) //SuspendP<Result<R>>

    .withParams("param")// LazyYRoute
    .startLazy(core) //SuspendP<Result<R>>

SuspendP can be converted to Rx stream and then started with Rx:


After the actual executed, you can get a value of type YResult, which has two optional types, Success and Fail, representing whether the result is success or failure

sealed class YResult<out T> : YResultOf<T>

data class Success<T>(val t: T) : YResult<T>()
data class Fail(val message: String, val error: Throwable? = null) : YResult<Nothing>()

Routes can be freely combined to achieve more complex custom functions:

// Use Monad to combine: { YRoute.monadError<StackFragState<BaseFragment, StackType.Table<BaseFragment>>>().fx.monad {
    val currentStackTab = !routeFromState<StackFragState<BaseFragment, StackType.Table<BaseFragment>>, String?> { it.stack.current?.first }
    if (currentStackTab == tab) {
        // If the Tab to be switched is the current Tab
        val currentStackSize = !routeFromState<StackFragState<BaseFragment, StackType.Table<BaseFragment>>, Int> {
            it.stack.table[it.stack.current?.first]?.size ?: 0
        if (currentStackSize > 1)
            // If the current Tab is not at the top level, return to the top level Fragment
            // If you are currently at the top Fragment, restart the top Fragment
    } else {
        // Switch Tab directly
}.fix() runAtA this@MainBaseActivity }

// Use Route constructor to combine:
routeF<StackFragState<BaseFragment, StackType.Table<BaseFragment>>, Unit> { state, routeCxt ->
    val currentStackTab = state.stack.current?.first
    val (newState, _) = if (currentStackTab == tab) {
        // If the Tab to be switched is the current Tab
        val currentStackSize = state.stack.table[state.stack.current?.first]?.size ?: 0
        if (currentStackSize > 1)
            // If the current Tab is not at the top level, return to the top level Fragment
                    .runRoute(state, routeCxt)
            // If you are currently at the top Fragment, restart the top Fragment
                    .runRoute(state, routeCxt)
    } else {
        // Switch Tab directly
                .runRoute(state, routeCxt)
    newState toT YResult.success(Unit)


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