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Repository files navigation


This is a library to handle Activity and Fragment navigation within android apps.

A STEP BACK I was excited when the Navigation Component Library was released, but was left disappointed when it failed at a very simple task - I DON'T WANT TO DESTROY THE FRAGMENTS I AM NAVIGATING AWAY FROM - I decided to create something using the existing FragmentManager apis. The second motivation was to have a central global component in my apps that handled Activity Navigation

I've used it in a few projects and decided to make it a library.

The entirety of the API methods are mostly static functions on Navigator.

There are extension functions for retrieving Intent extras.


  1. Navigating to an Activity in its most basic form.

where SomeActivity is the Activity you want to navigate to and this refers to the current Activity's Context.

  1. Navigating to a new Activity, finishing the old Activity.
  1. Navigating to a new Activity with certain Intent flags set (this example is showing all the Intent flags for explanation purposes).

Please note that a new Intent flag adds to the previously set Intent flag (might change this implementation in future releases).

  1. Navigating to a new Activity with SharedElementTransitions.
             .addSharedElementTransition(textView1, textView1TransitionName)
             .addSharedElementTransition(textView2, textView2TransitionName)

addSharedElementTransition() takes the View and transitionName of String as parameters.

  1. Navigating to a new Activity also has a similar function (for cases such as being called from Java)
Navigator.intentFor(this, clazz)

where clazz is the String className for the Actvity being navigated to.

  1. Navigating to activities using implicit intents, which is useful in multi-module projects where an activity may not "know" about another activity
Navigator.IntentFor(this, SOME_ACTIVITY_INTENT_FILTER)
  1. A utility extension function for getting all Intent extras from an Intent.
this.intent.getExtra<String>(key, defaultValue)

Navigator also provides functions for handling fragment transaction operations, which comes in 2 variants

a - fire and forget fragment transactions


b - Fragment transactions where state is required

b -

lateinit val fragmentNavigator:FragmentContinuationStateful

fragmentNavigator = Navigator.transactionWithStateFrom(supportFragmentManager)

please note: A ContainerAlreadySetException is thrown if you try to set the fragment container id more than once

subsequent usages would be


to replace an existing fragment


A common pain point of working with Fragments is handling the back navigation properly navigator handles this by

  val wasFragmentPopped:Boolean = fragmentNavigator.popBackstack()

practical usage of this could be seen below

            .addCallback(object : OnBackPressedCallback(true){
            override fun handleOnBackPressed() { 
                //means currently visible fragment is the last fragment in the activity 


repositories {

dependencies {
   implementation 'dev.joshuasylvanus.navigator:navigator:1.0.6'