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El Decko Backend OBS Studio Websocket

OBS Studio websocket based backend for El Decko.

build result

First run

Upon running El Decko the first time with this backend installed it will create an empty default config to connect to your local OBS Studio instance at: $XDG_CONFIG/eldecko/backend/obsws.json.
Please update the generated default credentials with the actual port and password of what is shown inside your OBS Studio Websocket Settings.

Use this backend

In order to use this backend you need to supply the streamdeck.json generated by El Decko Core with the following key_config:

        "brightness": 30,
        "key_config": {
            "0": {
            "backend": "edb_obs_ws",
            "event": "SET_CURRENT_PROGRAM_SCENE",
            "event_parameters": {"name":"S: Desktop"},
            "image_idle": null,
            "image_pressed": null

This will configure the very first key (0) to use this plugin (edb_obs_ws) and bind the event SwitchScene to it.
The event will receive the parameter map defined by event_parameters, name defines the name of you scene within OBS Studio.
More supported websocket events will follow.

Implemented websocket protocols


Tells OBS Studio to change the currently visible Scene to any other available scene.

Parameters: name -> Name of your local OBS Studio Scene


Returns a list with all available Scenes within OBS Studio.

Event name: GET_SCENE_LIST
Parameters: None


Set the enabled state of an item inside a given scene

Event name: SET_SCENE_ITEM_ENABLED Parameters:
scene_name -> The name of the scene
item_id -> The internal ID of the required item.
You can find this inside your OBS Scene Settings JSON.
enabled -> True or False to show/hide the item.

Example JSON:
"key_config": {
    "<key_number>": {
        "backend": "edb_obs_ws",
        "event": "SET_SCENE_ITEM_ENABLED",
        "event_parameters": {"scene_name":"S: Confeti", "item_id": 42, "enabled": false},
        "image_idle": "<some_image_path>",
        "image_pressed": null,
        "label": "Hide Video"


Similar to SetSceneItemEnabled does this event show/hide an item in a given scene.
But additionally it queries the current item state and sets it to the opposite state.

Event name: ToggleSceneItemEnabled Parameters:
scene_name -> The name of the scene
item_id -> The internal ID of the required item.
You can find this inside your OBS Scene Settings JSON.

Example JSON:
"key_config": {
    "<key_number>": {
        "backend": "edb_obs_ws",
        "event": "TOGGLE_SCENE_ITEM_ENABLED",
        "event_parameters": {"scene_name":"S: Confeti", "item_id": 2},
        "image_idle": "<some_image_path>",
        "image_pressed": null,
        "label": "Confetti!"