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Discord Wakatime

This is an W.I.P (Work In Progress) voice script for FiveM.

The primary aim of this is to provide some more exclusive features as compared to the already existing voice systems. Aswell as writing it in Typescript instead of Lua.

WIP Notice

This script is until further notice a work in progress project. It is not recommend that you use this on your server as it may contain bugs, or in other ways be incomplete.

Support & Contribution

This project is completely free of charge to use and intended to stay fully open sourced, and therefore it is fully maintained by volunteers.

I found an issue!

If you found an issue with our voice system, please open an github issue and explain it to the best of your ability there.

I wish to contribute!

We are always open to contributions and improvements of our project. If you feel like you have an idea which might benefit the project, or such. Then follow the steps below.

  1. Fork the repository
  2. Commit the changes to your fork
  3. Lastly, open a pull request to contribute your changes


There are ofcourse people who have already made similar projects, which do deserve some credit for coming up with all their great ideas and such.

Project Structure

This monorepo includes the following packages/apps:


The apps directory contains standalone stuff, meaning that there is no other app/package which depends on it.


The packages directory contains stuff which is being used accross multiple different "Apps", pretty much misc/utility stuff

Installing dependencies

To install the dependencies of this project, simply run the following command in the root of the project:

pnpm install


To build all apps and packages, run the following command:

pnpm build

Dev Server

To develop all apps and packages, run the following command:

pnpm dev