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ZBox Manager in REACT


The is a configuration file under config/config.json with the following structure

    "debug": true,
    "zimbraUrl": "",
    "zimbraProxy": "",
    "dnsApiUrl": "",
    "plans": {
        "basic": true,
        "premium": true,
        "professional": true,
        "default": false
    "companiesEndPoints": {
        "list": "",
        "detail": "{id}",
        "invoices": "{id}/invoices"
  • debug: Use in development environmet to recieve messages in the javascript console.
  • zimbraUrl: The URL where the zimbra admin services are running.
  • zimbraProxy: The URL of a proxy server to allow CORS between the webapp and the Zimbra admin service. (Only needed in development environment for the server)
  • dnsApiUrl: URL of the DNS api to get DNS information ( zDNS ).
  • plans: Object with the available mailboxes plans, set to true if enabled or false to disable it.
  • companiesEndPoints: This are the enpoints to get information about companies and invoices. (Checkout the companies endpoint specifications below).
    • list: The Endpoint to get a list of available companies
    • detail: The Endpoint to get information from a specific company. The {id} string paramenter is mandatory.
    • invoices: The Endpoint to get information for the invoices of a specific company. The {id} string paramenter is mandatory.

Companies endpoint specifications

The method of every endpoint should be GET (so far no security is being allowed).


REST Service that returns a list of available companies.

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Method: GET

Response should be a json array with the following structure:

    "id": "company-identifier",
    "name": "company name"


REST Service that returns the company specified by the {id} parameter.

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Method: GET

Response should be a json object with the following structure:

  "id": "company-identifier",
  "name": "company name"


REST Services that returns the invoices for the company specified by the {id} parameter.

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Method: GET

Response should be a json array with the following structure:

    "number": 123,
    "link": "optional url to view the invoice",
    "date": "2016-04-30T19:33:00Z",
    "total": "$ 12.000",
    "status": 0

Posible status are:

Status Meaning
0 Pendiente
1 Pagada
2 Vencida
3 Anulada


You'll need to build the sources ready for production by running

$ make build

This will generate a folder called dist which holds all the necessary files for deploying the website. This files have to be copied to your server running NGINX.

Copy the files to NGINX html folder and you're done.

A sample for the NGINX configuration can be found here.


  • Add security to the companies Endpoints
  • test


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