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A REDUX Store for the Matrix Protocol

What is Matrix?

No, is not the Movie, so go on and read this:

Table of Contents


For now it's better to use this as a Git Submodule. Maybe in the future we'll make a NPM Module.

React Native

The matrix-js-sdk use a lot of functions not currently available on React-Native, so you need to nodeify you React-Native App doing this:

1. Add a Post Install Script

Your package.json scripts section should look similar to:

"scripts": {
    "start": "node node_modules/react-native/local-cli/cli.js start",
    "postinstall": "node_modules/.bin/rn-nodeify --install --hack"

2. Install rn-nodeify and Nodeify your App

$ npm i --save-dev rn-nodeify
$ npm run postinstall

Modules And Dependencies

You have to install a couple of modules on your App for this to work ok:

$ npm i --save lodash matrix-js-sdk redux redux-thunk humps uuid

For Nodejs and Browsers

This library uses the new fetch API, so you will also need a module tha implements this, like isomorphic-fetch.


This repo includes the file which starts a docker container of a Matrix Server for development.

To use this you must had installed Docker Toolbox.

$ sh

Reducers And Schemas

This is only a Sync Store, this means that it's only Job is to process the responses from the Matrix Server, nothing more than that.

The Process operation is:

  1. Convert the Server JSON data to an Object with the reducers names as keys and every reducer with an Array of Events. This is done by following the rules defined in matrix_events.js.

  2. Process all the events from the step 1 and update the state also following the rules defined in matrix_events.js.

The final State look like this:

  "sync": "Object",
  "rooms": "Object",
  "users": "Object",
  "events":  "Object"

Every schema of this reducers is documented in the followings links:


1. Import and create the Store

import MatrixRedux from "__PATH_TO_Module/src/reducers";
import YourAppReducers from "../reducers/";

// You combine the reducers with MatrixRedux
const combineReducers = ....;

// Also you can apply any other middleware here, like offline store.
const store = createStore(combineReducers, applyMiddleware(thunk));

2. Login

import * as MatrixReduxActions from '__PATH_TO_Module/src/actions';

// callback(err, response);
store.dispatch(MatrixReduxActions.login(userId, password, opts, callback);

2.1. Restore Session

If you have saved the token after login, you don't need to login again. You just can restore the session like:

import * as MatrixReduxActions from '__PATH_TO_Module/src/actions';

const matrixClientData = {
  "baseUrl": "",
  "credentials": { "userId": "" },
  "deviceId": "FFKDBPLROE",
  "_http": {
    "opts": {
      "userId": "",
      "refreshToken": "MDAxOWxvY2F0aW9uIHp...",
      "accessToken": "MDAxOWxvY2F0aW9uIHpib3hhcHAuZGV2CjAwMTNpZGVudGlmaWVy....",
      "deviceId": "FFKDBPLROE",
      "homeServer": ""


3. Start the Sync Client

Once the Client has started, the reducers will start to mutate the state as the events from the server arrives.

import * as MatrixReduxActions from '__PATH_TO_Module/src/actions';


3.1 Start with syncToken

You can also start the client using a stored syncToken, this way only new events since the syncToken would be asked to the server for the InitialSync process. In other words: FASTER.

import * as MatrixReduxActions from '__PATH_TO_Module/src/actions';

const opts = {syncToken: 's85330_1452578_11378_81510_139_24_33'};


More information on what opts could contains in MatrixClien Class Doc.

4. Post messages and play

This library pass all the operations to the Matrix JS SDK Library. In particular you should check:

  • Messages and User Operations, like send messages and join rooms: MatrixClient Class,
  • Preferences and State Operations, like creating a room or request an user profile: MatrixBaseApis,

The operations are passed using the callApi() Action Creator. This function takes as the first param the name of the function you want to call from matrix-js-sdk, and the reste of the params are the params that the real function expect.


1. Create a Room

import * as MatrixReduxActions from '__PATH_TO_Module/src/actions';

const newRoomOpts = {
  "visibility": "public",
  "invite": ["", "", ""],
  "name": "Envy Room",
  "topic": "Your guess"

store.dispatch(MatrixReduxActions.callApi("createRoom", newRoomOpts, callback));

2. Post a Message

import * as MatrixReduxActions from '__PATH_TO_Module/src/actions';

const randomMessage = 'Test from MatrixRedux: ' + new Date().getTime();

store.dispatch(MatrixReduxActions.callApi("sendTextMessage", envyRoomId, randomMessage, callback);

5. Stop the Sync Client

import * as MatrixReduxActions from '__PATH_TO_Module/src/actions';


6. Logout

import * as MatrixReduxActions from '__PATH_TO_Module/src/actions';


Network Request Function

This is the function that will make all the network requests, you can implement your own but this library includes one: utils.fetchRequest().

When you initialize the client in the loginWithPassword() or restoreSession() methods you can pass the function as shown below:

import {fetchRequest} from '__PATH_TO_Module/src/utils/utils';
import * as MatrixReduxActions from '__PATH_TO_Module/src/actions';

const userId = '';
const password = 'YouSup3rP4ssw0rd';

const opts = {
  'request': fetchRequest,
  'baseUrl': ''

const callback = function(){};

store.dispatch(MatrixReduxActions.login(userId, password, opts, callback);


A Matrix-ORG Redux Component






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