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과학적 병렬 계산


  1. lecture 01 : Introduction to Parallel Computing
  2. lecture 02 : OpenMP(Basic, Pragma block)
  3. lecture 03 : OpenMP(Do/For, Mat multiplication, hw : Jacobi method to solve Ax = b)
  4. lecture 04 : OpenMP(Integral, loop dependency)
  5. lecture 05 : MPI(Basic)
  6. lecture 06 : MPI(Blocking and Non blocking communicator)
  7. lecture 07 : MPI(Collective communicator)
  8. lecture 08 : MPI(Communicator, hw : Matrix transpose using collective communicator)
  9. lecture 09 : CUDA(Basic, kernel, Matrix transpose, add etc)
  10. lecture 10 : CUDA(Asynchoronous Transfer,Pinned memory, Pitch memory, Reduction, etc)
  11. lecture 11 : FDM
  12. quiz : codes for preparing quiz
  13. PFDM : final-project, 3D neutron transport equation solver using Bi-CGSTAB(S.J.Kwon)


  • codes(main.cpp, etc..) and lecture slide(.pdf) are included in each folder
  • Homework codes are included in lecture 03 and lecture 08 folder
  • Final Project code : PFDM (3D neutron transport euqation solver using Bi-CGSTAB, S.J.Kwon)