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zsliu98 edited this page Dec 9, 2023 · 9 revisions

Welcome to the ZLInflator Wiki! If you have not downloaded ZLInflator, download it and try it!


  • To change the UI between the dark mode and the light mode, double-click the logo
  • IN Gain: the amount of gain applied to the input signal (before saturation)
  • OUT Gain: the amount of gain applied to the output signal (after saturation)
  • Effect In: whether the saturation effect is on
  • Band Split: whether splits the signal into three bands and saturates them independently
    • based on 4th-order Linkwitz-Riley filters, which introduce phase shifts
    • when Band Split is ON, the peak of the output signal may exceed OUT Gain
  • Low Split: the lower band-split frequency
  • High Split: the higher band-split frequency
  • 1st Style: the first saturation style
    • for details of saturation styles, please see Design
  • Wet: the percent of the signal which passes through the saturation effect
  • Curve: the parameter which controls the performance of the first saturation effect
    • when Curve increases, the loudness of the output signal increases but the dynamic of the output signal decreases
  • 2nd Style: the second saturation style
  • Weight: the weight of the second saturation style (1 - Weight is the weight of the first saturation style)
  • Curve: the parameter which controls the performance of the second saturation effect
  • Over Sampling: the over-sampling rate (OFF means no over-sampling)
    • based on FIR filters (linear phase), which introduce latency
    • when Over Sampling is OFF, the plugin has no latency
  • Auto Gain: whether applies auto-gain-compensation to the output
    • only as a reference (not based on real-time analysis of input/output signal)


flowchart LR
A(IN Gain) -->O1(Up Sampler)-->D(Band Splitter)-->|Wet| B(Wave Shaper) -->O2(Down Sampler) -->C(OUT Gain)
flowchart LR
D(Band Splitter) --> D1(Low Band)
D --> D2(Mid Band)
D --> D3(High Band)
flowchart LR
A(Wave Shaper IN) --> |1-Weight|S1(1st Style) -->C(Wave Shaper OUT)
A --> |Weight|S2(2nd Style) -->C

Denote the wave-shaper function of 1st Style or 2nd Style as $f(x;c)$ ($x$ is the input signal and $c$ is the Curve), we have:

  • Identity $$f(x;c)=x$$
  • Quadratic $$f(x;c)=2x-x^2$$
  • Cubic $$f(x;c)=-x^3+x^2+x$$
  • Quartic $$f(x;c)=(3c-1)x^4+(1-6c)x^3+3cx^2+x$$
  • SigMOD $$f(x;c)=\frac{1}{\text{sigmoid}(2.5c+0.5)-0.5}\left(\text{sigmoid}((2.5c+0.5)x)-0.5\right)$$
  • SinMOD $$f(x;c)=\frac{1}{\sin((0.999c+0.001)\dfrac{\pi}{2})}\sin((0.999c+0.001)\frac{\pi}{2}x)$$
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