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Guidelines on playing the Hangman Game

In this folder, it consist files as following: (Note that not all files are used)

- 3 html files "startpage.html", "gamepage.html", "endpage.html".
- 3 css files "startpage.css", "gamepage.css", "endpage.css".
- 3 js files "startpage.js", "gamepage.js", "endpage.js".
- Images => Folder that contain all the images.

Steps to play the game:

  1. Download zipped folder from github, or alternatively visit

  2. Extract the zipped file and open it.

  3. Open the "startgame.html" HTML file. Default for this project we uses "Google Chrome".

  4. Now you will see the first page, which allow you to choose "single" or "multiplayer". As well as choosing the topic.

"Note!!!" Gaming mode of "Multi-player" is not working yet at the current stage. We are looking for ways to implement it in the future.

  1. Choose the topic you want under categories session. Default would be "Animals". Five topics are provided.

  2. After selecting you preference category, click the "Start Game" button.

  3. Now you are brought to the "gamepage.html", which is where you will be playing the game.

  4. "Note!!!" You have only 6 lives!

"Note!!!" If you are in mobile size, you have to enter alphabet one by one into the input field.

  1. Any wrong letter chosen => -1 live! && the key selected before will not be able to select again, it color will be lighten.

  2. Only the correct selection will appear on the line.

  3. If (you got it correct){you will be prompt to the "endpage.html", and show that you have won!}; else {you lose!};

  4. Press the "New Game" button to bring you back to the "startpage.html". Repeat step 5-11 if you are playing again. :)

Enjoy you game and have fun!

Presented to TikTok Youth Camp