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Eve Jansen Art

This site has been created with Craft CMS by Helix Software.


The intention behind this site is to draw all attention and focus to the artwork, and then to get the user to somehow get into contact with the artist via a CTA. Therefore, the site must be clear and understated. Design elements must entice the user towards the artwork.


The front page scrolls immediately into the artist's work so that there is minimal resistance between the first page load and the artwork. Users are able to filter the artwork they see, which removes barriers for returning users looking for a specific piece.

Designing for mobile first, where screen space is tighter, forces me to prioritise and critically assess elements. Thus, when switching to designing for larger screens, the most important elements are obvious, and can be placed carefully. Of course, the layout will change - the burger menu is no longer necessary, and the artwork can span a larger horizontal area. Extra screen space allows less important UI elements, such as the search bar, to remain visible throughout scrolling the page.


The designs above will likely be iterated upon as the vision for the project becomes clearer, and more designs will be uploaded when they are ready.

Entry page

The entry page's main goal is to get the user to enquire about a specific piece. For this reason, the "Enquire" button is in gold. Attentive readers will recognise this as teh only splash of colour on the entire site. This makes it extra juicy and all-the-more temping for the user to press.


The page layout attempts to draw attention to the artwork and the enquire button. Product details are present yet typographically unimportant.



The front page used to look like this on mobile: FP-mobile

The burger menu placement was inconsistent as the user scrolled the page, and the background artwork destracted from the clarity of the site. It would be better for the user to see clear artwork upon opening the site, rather than a dimly-lit element-filler. The "About" link now lives soley in the burger menu, which is found when the user interacts with and explores the site. This will keep the main focus on either contacting the artist or scrolling through the artwork.


No description, website, or topics provided.






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