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Data Science and Big Data Portfolio

This portfolio contains different projects completed by me for academic, self learning and interest towards Data Science and Big Data. In this repositoy i have done several projects , using different concepts, technologies and libraries.

For the more pleasant experience ,please check my online portfolio



  • Created the Fake News Classifier uisng NLP techniques like BOW, Tf-Idf , Word2Vec, and then classfiy the news that are passing as a fake or a genuine news.

  • Libraries used : NLTK,Numpy,Pandas,Matplotlib,Sckit-Learn and Keras.Got an accuracy of 91%.

  • Created a house price prediction model. Perofrmed EDA on the data set, feature selection , feature engineering. Tried different algorithms like XGBRegressor, Linear_Regressor, OLS, and deep learning libraries.

  • Library used :Numpy,Pandas,Matplotlib,Sckit-Learn and Keras.

  • Done data analysis of Airbnb data of April Month for New York area, performed severals transformation and action. Done EDA using matplotlib and databricks in built plot functions. Used Spark Dataframe,Spark Sql,Spark UDF and many analytical function for analysis.
  • Built a question classifier, which will clasify whether the two questions are of same meaning or not. Used NLP techniques like BOW, Tf-Idf , Word2Vec. Done features creation and features selection. For model creation used SGD.

  • Libraries used : NLTK,Numpy,Pandas,Matplotlib,Sckit-Learn

  • Built an Neighbiurhood predictor in banglore area for New Italian Resturant in radius of 12 KM area. For the data extraction used geopy,folium. Used foursquare api for getting the details of existing retsurants. Used K-Means algorithm for segmentation.

  • Libraries used : Numpy,Pandas,Matplotlib,Sckit-Learn,folium,geopy.

For more projects , Please visit my github page


Post Graduation Programme in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

BITS Pilani(2020-Present)

Bachelor of Technology in Electronics and Electrical Engineering

KIIT University Bhubaneswar(2014-2018)
8.75 CGPA


List of Online Courses and Certification that I completed to acquire knowledge and build my understanding on the subjects related to big data and data science.

For checking more certificates and Courses done by me . Please Click here



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Data Science and Big Data Portfolio






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