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Conditional Statements

This evaluates whether a statement true or false


For more than two conditionals:

if(conditional){ code to execute if true;

} else if(conditional 2){ block of code to execute if condition 2 is true;

} else{ block of code if condition is false; }

Logcal Operators

-Used to determine the logic between variables and values

--Three types:

AND which is "&&" OR which is "||" NOT which is "!"

Logical AND (&&)

(true && true) --> true (true && false) --> false (false && false) --> false

Logical OR (||)

(true || true) --> true (true || false) --> true (false || false) --> false

Logical NOT (!)

(!true) --> false (!false) --> true


==================Coding Task 1====================

[x] Create a variable to represent the scores of exams for Osama and Mohamed and set values as 90 and 46.

[x] Create a variable to set the lower limit for passing an exam and assign to it value as 55.

[x] Write the condition in if statement, which will check if both students have passed an exam and log the result in the console.

[x] Use else if statement in order to check if one of the students has passed an exam and log the result to the console.

[x] Use else statement in order to display in console that both students have failed.

[x] In case of passing the exam by one of the students, find out which one was that and display in console as additional information, the student name and his points.

[x] Test all possible cases (a. both students passed an exam; b. Osama has passed and Mohamed has failed; c. Mohamed has passed and Osama has failed. d. Both students have failed).


var scoreOsama = 90; var scoreMohammed = 46; var passScore = 55;

if(passScore >= scoreOsama && scoreMohammed){

console.log("Both students have passed");

} else if(passScore >= scoreOsama){ console.log("Osama has passed the exam"); }

else if(passScore >= scoreOsama){ console.log("Osama has failed"); }

else if(passScore >= scoreMohammed){ console.log("Mohamed has passed the exam"); }

else if(passScore <= scoreMohammed){ console.log("Mohamed has failed the exam"); }

if(passScore >= scoreOsama && scoreMohammed){ console.log("Both students have failed"); }

else{ console.log("Osama has passed the exam with " + scoreOsama+ " points."); }



function myFunction(parameter1, parameter2){

//Code block to run


myFunction(argument1, argument2);


'return' stops execution of function and returns the value of the function.

====================Expressions vs Statements=======================

-statements are instructions to be executed by the web browser. -expressions always give a value (e.g w = 60; 60 ===true;) and can be written whereever a value is expected.



These are collections of related variables and functions, which are represented as name/value pairs

-Almost everything in JavaScript is an object -To add properties to an object, use a '.' notation

Can be compared to a human:


human.firstName= "Not";
human.lastName = "Sure"; human.age = 40; human.profession = "Web Developer"; person.height = 190;


Actions of the human

human.speak();;; human.reproduce();; human.drinkAlcohol();

//Creating a new object

var person = new Object(); var occupation = 'job'; var name = 'firstname'; = "Zaam"; person['lastname'] = "Hamed"; person[occupation] = "Digital Designer";

//outputting to console console.log(person); console.log(person.firstname); console.log(person['lastname']);


//Creating objects with literal notation

format 'var myObj = {properties: value};'

var obj = {key:value, key_1: value_2, key_3: value_3,

 subObj: {
   subSubObj: valValue,
   subSubObj_1: valValue_1,
   subSubObj_2: valValue_2,
   subSubObj_3: valValue_3,





Looping is repeating a block of code once it is true in an array. When loop reaches 'false', it stops the loop.

'for' loop:

for(initialiser variable; condition; increment){

//block of code }

'continue' breaks one iteration in the loop.

===============Date Object===================

getDate() ====> gets the date as numbers (1 - 31)

getDay() ====> gets the weekday as a number (0 -6)

getFullYear() ===> gets the four digit year (yyyy)

getHours() ===> gets hours (0 - 23)

getMilliseconds() ===> gets milliseconds

getMinutes() ===> gets minutes (0 - 59)

getMonth() ====> gets month (0 - 11)

getSeconds() ====> gets seconds (0 - 59)

Set date object methods

setDate() ====> set the day as a number (1 -31)

setFullYear() ====> set four digit year (yyyy)

setHours() ====> set hours ( 0 -23)

setMilliseconds() ====> sets milliseconds ( 0 - 999)

setMinutes() =====> sets the minutes ( 0 - 59)

setMonths() =====> sets months ( 0 -11 )

setSeconds() ======> sets the seconds ( 0 - 59)


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