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--[ Intro ]----------------------------------------------

 Tur-PreCheck. A script to only allow certain types 
 of files to be uploaded. This has nothing to do with 
 directories. Only files.

 It can also be used ONLY to ban certain files from being
 uploaded, as well as enforce that nobody uploads a .sfv and/or
 into a dir where there already is one.

 Oh, and it can also block those nasty double nfos called blabla(18).nfo
 which have been dubbed ftprushnfos (rename instead of skip in 'if exists' rules).

 It also works as a replacement for zipscript-c's if you want it to.

--[ Install ]--------------------------------------------
 Copy to /glftpd/bin. Set 755 on it. 

 Required binaries that must be in your /glftpd/bin dir:
 echo, cut, tr, egrep, grep, ls & basename

 Change the options in the script: 

 Verify that each rar file uploaded exists in sfv.

 Verify that each mp3 file uploaded exists in sfv.

 Verify that all zip files match those previously uploaded in the same dir.
 Nice so people does not mix releases together.

 Dont allow uploading of .diz files. Normally, this is exctracted from the first
 zip file uploaded so you should probably leave it at TRUE.
 Actually, you can remove .diz from the ALLOWED setting below instead, but that
 will then produce an error. DONT_ALLOW_DIZ="TRUE" wont. It will just not allow it.


 ALLOWED = Which filetypes to allow. Its a standard egrep line, part from 
  using spaces to seperate instead of |. 
  ( You can use | here instead of spaces if it makes you feel better. )
  . = Any char, so if you want to specify a "real" . use \.
  Any non alpha chars (alpha: a-z 0-9) should be escaped with a \
  ^ forces start of word. $ forces end of word, 
  ie \.nfo would hit on rel.nfo.fix whereas \.nfo$ would ONLY hit if the rel 
  ends with .nfo 

  Likewise, ^file\.nfo$ would only hit if the exact filename is file.nfo 
  \.r[a|0-9][r|0-9]$ = Any file ending with .rar or .r01 to .r99
  It is NOT case sensitive, so dont need \.r[aA|0-9]$ 
  "" = Dont check allowed files. All is good and allowed.

  NOTE: If you do not understand this syntax, despite the info I gave above
  then you should probably not play with this script.

 BANNED = A reversed ALLOWED. While you allow .nfo above, you might want to NOT 
  allow, for example, aks.nfo, which is a site nfo. 
  Same rules apply here as for ALLOWED, but you really only need to add files with 
  extensions that is added in ALLOWED, or it wont be ok anyway (ie, dont need \.imdb$
  here since \.imdb$ isnt in the ALLOWED part anyway. 
  BANNED has higher prio then ALLOWED, so if you add \.nfo$ as banned, no
  nfos will be allowed.
  "" = Disable checking for banned files. 
  NOTE: I added LOTS of sitenfos here that I had in my skipl.. err got from a pal. 
  Keep them there if you like or do your own list. It does not get slower just
  cause you add more files here.

 NODOUBLESFV = TRUE/FALSE. If the user tries to upload a sfv, check that there isnt
  one in the dir already. If so, dont allow it.
  Check if you alraedy block this in your zipscript as some have the option to do
  that directly. Thats probably faster so set this to FALSE if enabled in zipscript.


  If you want to announce this in irc and embarras the user, there is support for
  this too, with dZSbot.tcl from dark0n3 and pzs-ng.
  If you use pzs-ng (build 1445 and over (1.0 is fine)), TURGEN support is already in it.
  Skip this if so.

  If you want this, set GLLOG to your glftpd.log file. If you do NOT want announce,
  set GLLOG=""

  Check first that TURGEN is not already added on your bot. Its used for a few other
  scripts as well. If it is, it should work from scratch.

  If you are using the old dark0n3s zipscript, the following goes to dZSbot.tcl
  If you are using pzs-ng, it goes into dZSconf.tcl

  Note: On newer versions of pzs-ng, set msgtypes(DEFAULT) might not
        exist in dZSconf.tcl. If so, find it in dZSbconf.defaults.tcl, copy 
        the whole 'set msgtypes(DEFAULT) into dZSconf.tcl and then add TURGEN 
        to set msgtypes(DEFAULT) in dZSconf.tcl.

* To 'set msgtypes(DEFAULT)', add TURGEN

  Add the following in the appropriate places:

* set chanlist(TURGEN) "#YourChan"
* set disable(TURGEN) 0
* set variables(TURGEN) "%msg"

  If you are using Dark0n3s dZSbot.tcl, this goes to dZSbot.tcl as well:
* set announce(TURGEN)  "%msg"

  If, however, you are using pzs-ng (beta3 -> build18111.0), then this goes to your
  current theme file:
* announce.TURGEN = "%msg"

  Some notes on this:
  In the TURGEN lines in the script, if you plan to change the output, you'll 
  see ^B and ^_
  Those are control codes for bold and underscore. You can NOT just type that
  and expect it to be bold. You need to use vi. ctrl-b is bold and ctrl-_ is 


 NOSAMENAME = TRUE/FALSE. If a user tries to upload, for example, test.rar when
  TEST.rar is already there, he will be denied. This is to prevent cataclysmic
  events which sometimes takes place when files are preed with different case
  structures on the files.

  Settings this to FALSE will skip this verification test.


 NODOUBLENFO = TRUE/FALSE. Same usage as NODOUBLESFV, but for .nfo files.


 NOFTPRUSHNFOS = TRUE/FALSE. Some ftp clients *ftprush*cough*cough* has a setting
                 called 'rename' in the 'if file exists' rules. When this is
                 enabled it will rename the nfo if it already exists.
                 This creates those multiple blabla(18).nfo files you've seen.
                 Setting this to true will disallow upload of a nfo file that
                 looks like that. Ie: (0-100).nfo.

                 Yes, you can use this as well as NODOUBLENFO to make sure you
                 get the correct nfo, without the (number).nfo


 DENY_SFV_IN_SAMPLE_DIRS= TRUE/FALSE. If this is set to TRUE, it will not allow
                          a user to upload a .sfv file into a Sample dir.
                          Uses ERROR7 below as output in glftpd.


 DENY_WHEN_NO_SFV       = Here you can set files which requires a sfv file first.
                          The default: "\.r[a0-9][r0-9]$ \.0[0-9][0-9]$ \.mp[2|3]"
                          enforces sfv first on all rar files and mp2/mp3.

                          Note that this is different from the same function in
                          pzs-ng (for example). This is a PRE check. pzs-ng does
                          it POST, meaning the user can upload the file and its
                          removed afterwards. With this script, the user can not
                          upload it at all, saving time and bandwidth.

                          See the ALLOWED settings above for the format usage.
                          Set to "" to disable this function.

                          Uses ERROR8 below as output in glftpd.


 EXCLUDEDDIRS = Which dirs not to care in. This can be any part of the full path. 
  If you add, for instance, just the word DIVX here, any release containing DIVX
  will be okey to upload any files into. Therefor, add /DIVX instead, or even
  NOTE: If the dir in question is added as a 'nodupecheck' dir in glftpd.conf, it 
  will NOT run there at all. Thats good but dont know if that is intentional by the gl 
  coders. Better add the PRE dirs here anyway incase that functionality changes.
  This was atleast true in 1.32. Not certain if its still like that in version 2+


 ERROR1 = What to say incase the file is not in the allowed list. 

 ERROR2 = What to say incase the file is banned. 

 ERROR3 = What to say in glftpd if there is already a .sfv in the dir.

 ERROR4 = What to say if there is already a file with a different case structure
          in this dir (Ie, test.rar is there. User tries to upload Test.rar).

 ERROR5 = What to say in glftpd if there is already a .nfo in the dir.

 ERROR6 = What to say in glftpd if the NOFTPRUSHNFOS are set to TRUE and it
          hits one of those annoying files.
 ERROR7 = What to say in glftpd if a user uploads a .sfv into a Sample dir.
          If DENY_SFV_IN_SAMPLE_DIRS="TRUE" only.

 ERROR8 = What to say incase a fileupload is blocked because of DENY_WHEN_NO_SFV


 Test if from shell: 
 chroot /glftpd 
 cd /bin 
 ./ "filename.nfo" /some/fake/path 
 If it just quits, it ok. If it gives error, it wouldnt have allowed that file to uploaded from glftpd. 
 If it gives a "no such command" error, you are missing the binary it complains about in /glftpd/bin.
 Now we need to load it as a pre_check script in glftpd.conf. Simply add:
 pre_check /bin/ 
 IMPORTANT: If you use zipscript-c, you probably already have a precheck in glftpd.conf. 
 If so, remove that precheck and add the one for this script instead!

--[ ALL DONE ]--------------------------------------------


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