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Releases: Zax37/WapMap

v0.4.2 (b38)

01 Jun 06:37
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  1. Added general settings option to start with maximized window, on by default.
  2. Fixed Inventory window not working properly after the scrollbar fix. (thanks Boris)

v0.4.1 (b37)

31 May 13:40
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  1. Write ID tool now opens with its text field's content pre-selected. (thanks Teo)
  2. Tile picker slider position will now reset on window change to avoid landing in invalid position.
  3. All child windows will now be properly restricted to main window dimensions.
  4. General overhaul of min/max rect picking window, improving its UX.
  5. Minor fixes/improvements in Search Object window.
  6. Minor fixes/improvements for PunkRat rendering.
  7. Fix Write ID tool's text field loosing focus on TAB key press.
  8. Fix Inventory and Search Object scrollbars going in opposite direction. (thanks Pejti)
  9. Fix flickering tiles in tile picker if tiles are used as objects with flip.
  10. Fix object context menu closing on Z coord relative change. (thanks TSXD)
  11. Fix treasure preview of containers not rendering properly.
  12. Fix measure tool window not appearing. (thanks Pejti)
  13. Fix automatic update being extremely slow.

v0.4.0 (b36)

29 May 03:42
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  1. Interface redesigned to be more readable, user-friendly and somewhat keyboard-navigatable.
  2. Changed navigation method from dragging with right mouse button to dragging with middle button (or left button while holding space).
  3. Added possibility to quickly move objects just by dragging them, even when they're not selected.
  4. Implemented resizing and maximizing (instead of fullscreen) with multiple screens support.
  5. Full polish translation (thanks Pejti, SchwarzerHund).
  6. Brought back basic support of Gruntz and GetMedieval. Added them to "New map" window.
  7. Added mask type support in tile attributes.
  8. Added workspace margins, making sure even repeated layers are cropped correctly to main plane's size.
  9. New settings window, allowing configuring WapMap for different games.
  10. New easy editor for decoration elements.
  11. New easy editor for elevators.
  12. New easy editor for floor spikes / saw blade.
  13. Enhanced easy editor for checkpoints.
  14. Enhanced easy editor for crab nests.
  15. Enabled line thickness slider in pencil tool's line options.
  16. Allowed editing WaterRock logic with spring boards easy editor.
  17. Allowed creating empty crates in crate easy editor.
  18. Allowed closing current tool in tile mode / other open windows with escape key.
  19. Allowed opening MDI context menu at any position, not just on the tabs (so you can reopen closed tab even if you closed last one).
  20. Added hotkey for toggling invert flag (I). Allowed using M/I keys while easy editor is open.
  21. Added hotkeys for saving (CTRL + S), saving as (CTRL + SHIFT + S) and closing (CTRL + W) current document.
  22. Added hotkey for reopening last closed (CTRL + SHIFT + T) document and creating new one (CTRL + N).
  23. Added hotkey for duplicating selected objects once (CTRL + D) or multiple times (ALT + D).
  24. Added hotkey for moving camera to end of level (END).
  25. Added possibility to select multiple documents to open at once.
  26. Added tooltips to most of the interface elements.
  27. Added support of recently opened documents for Windows 8 and 10.
  28. Added "test from this position" button to spawn point context menu.
  29. Added overlay showing the effect of dragging files onto the application.
  30. Improved navigating through inputs with TAB / SHIFT-TAB and other keyboard interactions.
  31. Grouped enemies into one button. Added PunkRat to enemies list.
  32. Treasure easy editor will automatically update "Add glitter" option to selected treasure's default value.
  33. Easy editor window positions no longer reset when "Add next" button is used.
  34. The editor will no longer prompt question if it should recalculate rects when moving elevators.
  35. Minor visual tweaks ("New Map" menu, mode menu, easy editors, document tabs).
  36. Removed unused fields from map settings window.
  37. Rearranged object properties, removing additional flags section (not used by Claw engine).
  38. Rearranged tile properties, removed unused picker button.
  39. Changed minimum supported resolution height from 768 to 600. Added warning for resolutions below minimal supported size.
  40. Changed key for clipboard preview from TAB to ALT.
  41. Minor changes / fixes to object brush / duplicate window. Added option to recalculate rects when appliable.
  42. Fixes and improvements to tiles text edit(auto selecting next tile, F for filled tile...).
  43. Fixed bug with command menu "Z coordinate" option opening logic editor / crashing.
  44. Fixed "Show tile properties" option crashing when tile picker is open.
  45. Fixed object added with "Add next" button not getting destroyed upon cancel.
  46. Fixes and improvements to all elevators movement preview.
  47. Fixed crash happening when the corner of context menu is clicked.
  48. Fixed tile pipette leaving trail of tile ids.
  49. Fixed random powder keg / bush spawning in new levels based on The Battlements / Township.
  50. Fixed crash on clipboard preview for objects cut out of map.
  51. Fixed objects disappearing from clipboard after they are deleted from map.
  52. Fixed pencil / fill tool triggering together with tile pipette.
  53. Fixed crashes after adding / removing layers.
  54. Fixed tilesets list for new layer being empty until you select any other layer.
  55. Fixed treasure randomizer crashing on containers that can contain only one item.
  56. Fixed warp / gem destination preview for selected enemy.
  57. Fixed mirrored treasure flickering when preview / treaser picker is visible.
  58. Fixed some menu options staying enabled after switching from open document to home screen, causing crash when clicked.
  59. Fixed path elevators crashing when inverting unsaved path. Disabled x/y inverting unclosed paths, which doesn't work correctly right now.
  60. Fixed application / context menu not closing when it should be (and closing when it shouldn't).
  61. Fixed scripts creation not working when LOGICS folder does not exist.
  62. Fixed tile mode tools placing tiles even when you click outside of WapMap's window.
  63. Fixed fill tool crashing when used on big areas, like new blank document.
  64. Fixed values shown in map settings window not resetting after cancel.
  65. Fixed map being marked as changed even when placing new object was cancelled.
  66. Fixed map not being marked as changed when object is moved with keyboard input.
  67. Fixed multiple problems with recently used / closed documents (some of which were crashfixes).
  68. Fixed multiple problems with assets viewer windows (some of which were crashfixes).
  69. Fixed multiple problems with object properties rect picker selection.
  70. Fixed multiple problems with dropdowns / scrollable lists (they'll be scrolling instead of changing selection on mouse wheel now).
  71. Fixed tile selection staying after tool switch.
  72. Fixed multiple problems with tile / brush picker (scroll issues, brush options, brush reloading). Removed unused buttons from brush picker.
  73. Fixed multiple problems with layers resizing. Added recalculating rects with prompt when appliable.
  74. Fixed rendering order not changed after selecting options from Z-order context menu for multiple objects (thanks Thanos).
  75. Fixed scrolls in object imageset picker (thanks Pejti) and added limit to names length to improve readability.
  76. Fixed tile draw preview on repeated layers (thanks Pejti) and other minor tweaks to tile mode tools.
  77. Fixed settings staying changed even after closing the window without saving them.
  78. Fixed zoom slider not working when "smooth zooming" option is off.
  79. Fixed tile selection being shared by opened tabs.
  80. Fixed multiple rendering problems with zoom different than 100%.
  81. Fixed same document being openable multiple times, which was crashing the editor after both instances get closed.
  82. Fixed multiple problems with context menus, e.g. object being pasted / created in a wrong place when context is opened in screen corner.
  83. Fixed custom assets of levels with dot in filename not being loaded correctly.
  84. Fixed crash at start of application after turning off the automatic update check feature in settings.
  85. Fixed crash when PunkRat logic is used in a level without LEVEL_CANNON asset.
  86. Fixed multiple crashes caused by missing assets when Claw game location is not set in settings.

v0.3.3 (b32)

27 Jan 01:32
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  1. Fixed "WapMap is already running." message showing up instead of opening documents, when multiple opened simultaneously.
  2. Fixed opening documents through command-line(/open file with).
  3. Fixed Claw Level 12-based maps not loading properly because of unsupported PCX tile files.
  4. Temporarily disabled caching of small layers, until it's fixed.
  5. Fixed custom logics not being loaded into WapMap.
  6. Removed internal code editor for custom logics. Open default editor for lua extension instead.
  7. Allowed opening documents with drag & drop.
  8. Temporarily disabled mapshot and some other menu options, which needs to be reimplemented.
  9. Fixed MDI tab context menu (reload, close all others) actions being performed on active document instead of the one actually selected.
  10. Disabled reload option for newly created documents, until they are actually saved.
  11. Added button to first run welcome message, suggesting to set Claw install directory.
  12. Reimplemented the automatic update functionality.
  13. Set "Add back and front planes" option in "New map" window pre-selected by default.

v0.3.2 (b31)

22 Jan 23:33
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  1. Fixed welcome page buttons.
  2. Fixed the browse button in options, allowing to pick Claw install directory.
  3. Fixed crash when opening brush tool.
  4. Fixed crash when closing text easy editor without saving.
  5. Fixed crash when some settings are not set.
  6. Fixed crash when browsing empty tiles or images data bank.
  7. Fixed some other random bugs, which could impact the performance.