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In order to build the firmware, you need to install the Arduino IDE (to get the libraries). Go to this page and download an Arduino IDE version 2+.

Open the IDE and go to Preferences > Additional board manager URLs. Paste the following link there:

Go to Boards manager and install the package Teensy, version 1.59.0.

Next, install FastLED (3.6.0), OctoWS2811 (1.5.0) and SD (1.2.4).

For the simulator, you need to install SFML. On Ubuntu:

sudo apt install libsfml-dev

In order to upload the code, you need teensy_loader_cli, one that supports Teensy 4.1. On Ubuntu:

sudo apt install teensy_loader_cli

To build and upload the firmware, use

make upload

To run the simulator, go to the simulator folder and run

make && ./simulator

To run the tests, use

make test


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