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Some files to reproduce the experiments from my master dissertation and articles.

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Thesis file repository

1. Iterative Branch Exchange (v.2024)

The Matlab project uses 2 external programs/libraries.

Instructions: Download the "IterativeBranchExchange" .m files. Before starting, edit the file setPath.m adding the folder 'BranchExchange'. The following .m files run the Iterative Branch Exchange for each network described in item 1.

  • run_16buses.m
  • run_33buses.m
  • run_70buses.m
  • run_84buses.m
  • run_136buses.m

2. Suplementary material

folder "2023_LineConstants" Folder with OpenDSS script for calculating distribution line parameters of the doctoral thesis.

folder "DSS_reconfiguration_networks" Folder with the 33, 70, 84, 119, and 136-bus networks in Matpower and OpenDSS format.

folder "MST_InitalPopulationGA" Folder with files (Matlab struct) containing initial population for 33, 70, 84, 119, and 136-bus networks. The population was generated by the Minimum Spanning Tree algorithm and uses binary codification.

folder "Reconf_pptx" PowerPoint presentation files describing the 89 reconfigurations implemented in the CEMIG-D distribution system.

Ezequiel C. Pereira

Old files

Qualify Presentation

folder "2019_QualifyPresentation" In this directory, one can find my qualifying presentation in Microsoft Powerpoint format pptx.

Master degree files

Real distribution feeder files used in the experiments from my master dissertation(1) and articles(2). The files are Matlab variables (.mat) in the Matpower struct format.

1 folder "2014MasterDissertation" In this directory, there are 6 real Eletric Distribuction 13,8kV feeders, used to test (and validate) my dissertation algorithm. I decided to put the files here because the dissertation link is no longer available. Link for dissertation (Portuguese only version)

2 folder "2015CitenelArticle" In this directory, there are the same 6 feeders (maybe be with some minor differences, like temporal differences) plus 6 new feeders. Link for the article (Portuguese only version)


Some files to reproduce the experiments from my master dissertation and articles.






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